"اليوم السابع"ينشر نص تقرير لجنة تقصى الحقائق لبعثة المركز المصرى للسياسات حول أربعاء التعدى على الكنائس بعد فض اعتصامى ميدانى رابعة والنهضة..الخسائر بالملايين..والدولة تقاعست

 حرق الكنائس

كتب محمد عبد الرازق

فى صباح يوم الأربعاء الموافق 14 أغسطس الماضى، كان اليوم الذى انتظره أغلب المصريين سواء بخوف أو بأمنيات، لم يكن يعلم أحد بشكل قاطع كيف سيكون حال البلاد بعد فض اعتصامى ميدانى رابعة والنهضة، توجهت جل كاميرات الإعلام إلى هذين الميدانين وقاموا بتغطية وتحليل المشهد وتوصيف الحال والتنبؤ بالمستقبل.

وفى الوقت الذى كان أغلب المصريين يشاهدون شاشات التليفزيون لصور محيط ميدان رابعة والنهضة بمشاعر متخبطة، كانت ميكروفونات المساجد والجمعيات الشرعية فى صعيد مصر يعلو صوتها خارقًا صمت القرى بنداءات طائفية تدعو إلى الدفاع عن الإسلام والانتقام للمسلمين من مسيحيى مصر.

ونتيجة لهذه الدعوات كانت أكبر هجمة على مسيحى مصر فى التاريخ المصرى المعاصر، فدمرت وسرقت وحرقت الكنائس، والمنازل والسيارات والدراجات البخارية والمحال التجارية والأكشاك والجمعيات الأهلية والمراكب السياحية، بل وذاد على ذلك قتل وتنكيل بعدد من المواطنين المسيحيين فى صعيد مصر.


Egypt: Christians scapegoated after dispersal of pro-Morsi sit-ins

Coptic Christian communities have been targeted in Egypt.

Coptic Christian communities have been targeted in Egypt.

It is deeply disturbing that the Christian community across Egypt was singled out for revenge attacks over the events in Cairo by some supporters of the deposed president, Mohamed Morsi.

Source: Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, Amnesty International’s Deputy Director for the Middle East and North Africa.

A detailed report into the attacks targeting Coptic Christian communities in August reveals the extent of the failure of the security services to protect the minority group, said Amnesty International.

The new report published today examines events during the unprecedented wave of sectarian attacks in the wake of the dispersal of two pro-Morsi sit-ins in Cairo on 14 August.


Egypt rights group demands report on Maspero massacre

Human Rights group demands results of fact-finding committee under Morsi on anniversary of Maspero massacre

Ahram Online










Egyptian Christians clash with soldiers and riot police during a protest against an attack on a church in southern Egypt, in Cairo October 9, 2011. (Photo: Reuters)

Two years on, 'We are Following You with the Report' (WFYR) demands justice for the Maspero massacre’s slain on Wednesday, marking the anniversary of the bloody night when 25 civilians were killed in clashes with the army.

Coptic Bishop Escapes Assassination Attempt in Egypt

By Mary Abdelmassih

(AINA) -- Bishop Anba Makarios of Minya was the target of an unsuccessful assassination attempted this morning. The Bishop was driving into the town of el-Sario in Abou Qorqas, Minya province, when his car came under a hail of bullets from several unidentified persons. The Bishop's driver was able to drive away and he brought the Bishop to the home of a local Copt, where the Bishop took refuge. But the gunmen followed, surrounded the Copt's house and shot at it for over 90 minutes, causing extensive damage to its windows, doors and walls.

Minya security were contacted immediately but they arrived 90 minutes after the shooting stopped.


Muslims Expel 6 Christian Brothers From Village in Egypt

By Mary Abdelmassih 

(AINA) -- Violence against Egyptian Christians erupted yesterday in the village of Zakaria, located in the Upper Egyptian province of Minya. Zakaria has a population of 4000, split evenly between Christians and Muslims. The violence began after a Muslim family accused Kirollos Sabet, 22, of having an illicit relationship with a Muslim woman, also 22.

According to a statement by Anba Makarios, Bishop of Minya, Muslim villagers assembled where the family of Mr. Sabet lives, broke into their furniture and household appliances stores, looted its contents and then destroyed it, looted an adjacent electrical appliances warehouse and a family-owned taxi. Security forces arrived in the village to restore order, but loud speakers were inciting sedition, and hard-line Muslims prowled the streets of the village throwing stones at Coptic homes and calling for revenge.


بعد تحويلها للإسلام.. أم تخطف طفليها وتُجيرهم على تغيير ديانتهم بالقوة.. والأب يستغيث بالأزهر والكنيسة والداخلية لإستعادتهم

كشفت رابطة ضحايا الاختطاف والإختفاء القسري، قيام هناء عبده كامل بيشوي، بتغيير ديانتها من المسيحية إلى الإسلام، وأجبرت في ذلك طفليها «فيلوباتير مجدى عطية، وفادى مجدي عطية» أعمارهم خسمة سنوات وثمانية سنوات، على تغيير ديانتهم وأسمائهم إلى كريم وياسين، وإتهم والدهم في ذلك الأم، بأنها قامت بخطفهم وإجبارهم على ذلك العمل.

وقام والد الطفلين مجدي عطية تجره جاد الله، بإرسال إستغاثات إلى فضيلة الدكتور احمد الطيب شيخ الأزهر الشريف، وإلى قداسة البابا تواضروس الثاني، وإلى وزارة الداخلية المصرية لمساعدته في إستعادة أطفاله، متهماً والدتهم بخطفهم بالقوة وتغيير ديانتهم إجبارياً، متحدية في ذلك القانون، وهو ما يشير إلى أنهم قد تعرضوا للضرب او الاعتداء لإجبارهم على هذا الفعل الإجرامي الذي يعتبر وطبقا للقانون، تعدي على حقوق الأطفال.

The Guardian home 

Egyptian authorities recapture Islamist-held town

Morsi supporters had held Delga since his overthrow in July and unleashed a campaign of terror against Christian minority

Attacks on Christians in Egypt

Men inspect damage to the 1,600-year-old monastery of the Virgin Mary and St Abraam in Delga, one of many Christian properties that were attacked in the town. Photograph: Rex/Levine/Sipa

Egyptian authorities have finally recaptured a town in central Egypt that had been under the control of hardline supporters of ex-president Mohamed Morsi for more than two months, locals have told the Guardian.

Compilation of Footages Showing Infringements Committed by Muslim
Brotherhood Members (MBs) and Morsi Supporters

تجميع لبعض اللقطات التى توضح الانتهاكات التى يقوم بها الإخوان وأنصار
الرئيس المعزول محمد مرسى

1. MB Leader Walid Khattab: We will drown the streets in blood and,
for us, killing police officers is allowed.
القيادي الإخواني وليد خطاب: سنغرق الشوارع "بالدم".. وضباط الشرطة
والجيش ليس لهم عندنا دية

2. A Morsi Supporter threatens to set the country on fire
أحد أنصار مرسي يهدد "بحرق البلاد" بعد القبض عليه في "النهضة"


Egypt's Christians under attack

Copts bear the brunt of violent backlash against military crackdown

Egyptian churches attacked

The Amir Tadros coptic Church in Minya on Sunday. The building was set ablaze on Aug. 14.

The Amir Tadros coptic Church in Minya on Sunday. The building was set ablaze on Aug. 14.Virginie Nguyen Hoang/AFP/Getty Images

The scene inside the Evangelical church in Mallawi, Egypt, August Saturday, after it was looted and set on fire. David Degner/Getty Image


'Horrible': Christian churches across Egypt stormed, torched

By Sarah Sirgany and Laura Smith-Spark, CNN

Watch this video 

Egypt's churches looted and torched


  • A Christian church southwest of Cairo is attacked, state news says
  • Moderate Muslims put out fire at one church, halted other attacks, church staff say
  • A Coptic Orthodox Church leader says 52 churches have been attacked in 24 hours
  • Bishop: "It's about burning churches to initiate a response that spirals into greater violence"


Kafr Hakim, Egypt (CNN) -- For 67 years, the Virgin Mary Church has been a peaceful refuge for Shenouda El Sayeh, much like the Giza province village of Kafr Hakim where it rests and where he has lived all those years.

But, as he swept its floors on Thursday, it was painfully obvious things had changed.

Christians Targeted in Pro-Morsi Violence in Egypt

At least two Coptic Christians killed; 27 church buildings attacked.

St.-George-Church-in-Sohag-one-of-more-than-two-dozen-Egyptian-church-buildings-attacked-on-Wednesday-Aug.-14.-Watani-photo-300x197CAIRO, Egypt, August 14, 2013 (Morning Star News) – In the violence that exploded across Egypt today, supporters of ousted Islamist president Mohamed Morsi attacked scores of church buildings and Christian-owned homes and businesses in response to national security forces breaking up two protest camps in downtown Cairo.

St. George Church in Sohag, one of more than two dozen Egyptian church buildings attacked on Wednesday, Aug. 14. (Watani photo)

At least two Coptic Christians were killed in the reprisal attacks, which started mid-morning after the armed break-up of the camps the Muslim Brotherhood and others had occupied in downtown Cairo for six weeks. Pro-Morsi assailants attacked 27 church buildings, setting fires that gutted most of them, according to the Coptic Watani Weekly; the government reported attacks on only seven Coptic churches.

Daily News Egypt 

Christian man kidnapped and beheaded in Sinai

Locals find the body of a Christian shopkeeper in a graveyard in Sheikh Zuweid, North Sinai

Egypt’s Coptic Christian community, is currently reeling from an onslaught of religiously-motivated attacks across the country (DNE Photo)

Egypt’s Coptic Christian community, is currently reeling from an onslaught of religiously-motivated attacks across the country (DNE Photo)

The decapitated body of a Christian man who had been kidnapped by unknown assailants was found in Sheikh Zuweid on Thursday morning.

Security sources confirmed that the body was that of 59 year old Magdy Lamay Habib, who had been missing and presumed kidnapped for six days. The mutilated corpse was found in a graveyard in Sheikh Zuweid, whereby the body was transferred to the morgue at El-Arish General Hospital.

A security official told news agency AFP that “extremist groups” had captured the man on Saturday, the same day that a Coptic priest was killed.


البرلمان الاوروبى بخصوص نادية محمد على واولادها السبعة المسجونين بسبب تحولهم للمسيحية


Question for written answer E-000734/2013to the Commission (Vice-President / High Representative)

Rule 117Charles Tannock (ECR)Subject:       VP/HR -

The case of the Egyptian Coptic woman Nadia Mohamed Ali and her childrenIs the Vice-President / High Representative aware of the disturbing case of Mrs Nadia Mohamed Ali, an Egyptian woman who, along with her 7 children, has been sentenced to 15 years of imprisonment for converting back to Christianity?

Mrs Nadia Mohamed Ali was a Coptic Christian before marriage, converted to Islam when she married her husband, and then chose to return to Christianity after her husband’s death in 2004.


In Brotherhood's Egypt, blasphemy charges against Christians surge ahead

A wave of blasphemy cases against Egyptian Christians has the community complaining it's being hounded with flimsy evidence.


Luxor, Egypt

A blasphemy trial against a Christian teacher in this Egyptian city renowned for its Pharaonic monuments is among a wave of cases that have Egyptian Christians worried they can be jailed for insulting Islam on the flimsiest of evidence.

Dozens of lawyers crowded a small, hot courtroom yesterday, eager to participate in the case against Dimyana Abdel Nour, a primary school teacher from a village near Luxor. Three students accused her of insulting Islam while teaching a social studies class last month. Such blasphemy cases have become much more frequent since the 2011 uprising that brought Islamists to power in Egypt.


Copt given year hard labor on blasphemy rap

Lawyer Roman Murad Saad sentenced in absentia for defaming Koran in library, latest in series of similar cases since 2011 uprising

ASSIUT, Egypt (AP) — An Egyptian court has convicted a Coptic Christian lawyer in the southern province of Assiut on charges of blasphemy and sentenced him to one year in prison with hard labor.

The verdict against Roman Murad Saad was handed down on Saturday. It’s the latest in a surge of blasphemy cases following Egypt’s 2011 uprising.

Barnabas Fund: hope and aid for the persecuted church 

Christian killed in Egypt church attack; Christian businesses destroyed

Country/Region: Egypt, Middle East and North Africa

A Christian father of three was killed and a Christian teenager left in a coma in the second of two church attacks in Egypt last week.

One of the incidents took place in Alexandria

One of the incidents took place in Alexandria
CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 / Pietro Ferreira

Sedky Sherif (36) died in the violence that broke out in the Dakhela district of Alexandria on 17 May. Muslims launched an attack on a church after an accusation was made against a local Christian man.

Shouting “Allahu Akbar” (“Allah is great”), they threw Molotov cocktails and bricks at the building, burning the gate and breaking most of the windows. As Christians tried to defend the site, they also came under assault; the Muslims fired birdshot and threw bricks at them.


بعد قرار النائب العام إخلاء سبيلها.. نيابة الأقصر تأمر بإحالة المعلمة المتهمة بازدراء الإسلام لمحاكمة عاجلة

أمرت نيابة الأقصر اليوم الثلاثاء بإحالة المعلمة المتهمة بازدراء الدين الإسلامي لمحكمة الجنح وتقديمها لمحكمة عاجلة يوم الثلاثاء المقبل.

كان مدير إدارة الطود التعليمية، جنوب الأقصر، تلقى مذكرة من رئيس مجلس الآباء بالمدرسة بقيام مدرسة مادة الدراسات الاجتماعية بالمدرسة بازدراء الدين الإسلامى في حصة لطلاب الصف الرابع الابتدائى.


Egypt’s Coptic Christian teacher detained over blasphemy released on bail

LUXOR, Egypt — An Egyptian Christian teacher detained over charges of insulting Islam has been released on bail on Tuesday, her lawyer said.

A history and geography teacher in the southern city of Luxor, 24-year-old Dimiana Abdul-Nour paid L.E. 20,000 (almost $3,000 dollars) to be freed pending further investigation, the lawyer, Badawi Abu-Shanab said. The decision comes four days after a judge ordered her detained for 14 days during the investigation.

Parents of a student had accused the teacher of showing contempt to Islam while talking to fourth-graders about religion. Three pupils allegedly complained the teacher showed disgust when she talked about Islam, something the family and lawyer of Abdul-Nour denied.

Amnesty International Logo 

Egypt: authorities should release Coptic Christian teacher detained for 'blasphemy'

24-year-old Dimyana Obeid Abd Al Nour accused of touching her stomach or knee when speaking of Prophet Muhammad

A Coptic Christian teacher detained in Egypt on charges of “defamation of religion” must be immediately released and the criminal case against her dropped, Amnesty International has said.

Dimyana Obeid Abd Al Nour, 24, has been in custody since 8 May when she went to the public prosecution’s office in Luxor to respond to charges of “defamation of religion”. The case against her is based on a complaint lodged by the parents of three of her students alleging that she insulted Islam and the Prophet Muhammad during a class.

The alleged incident took place at the Sheikh Sultan primary school in Tout, Luxor Governorate on 8 April during a lesson on “religious life”. According to information available to Amnesty, some of the students alleged that Dimyana Obeid Abd Al Nour said that she “loved Father Shenouda”, the late Patriarch of the Egyptian Orthodox Church, and touched her knee or her stomach when she spoke about the Prophet Muhammad in class. She has denied the charges, and maintained that she stuck to the school curriculum.


Egyptian Christian Teacher Accused of 'Defaming Islam' Goes on Hunger Strike

(AINA) -- The latest victim in the series of defamation of Islam accusations against Christians is a Coptic school teacher, 24-year-old Ms Demiana Ebeid Abdelnour, who teaches social science at a primary school in Tout, Luxor. Demiana went on hunger strike two days after Luxor prosecution detained her on May 8 for "defamation of Islam." Parents of three school children accused her of defamation of Islam and insulting Mohammad.

Yesterday prosecution extended her detention for a further 15 days. It was reported that she was not allowed to be transferred to hospital from prison based on the report of the prison physician. The teacher's union in Luxor said that all investigations confirmed the innocence of Demiana, and that they have assembled a team of lawyers to defend her.

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