Leading member of Hizb ut Tahrir working in Home Office processing asylum applications - calls to ban group unheeded until now

 Abid Javaid is working at the Home Office


Leading member of Muslim extremist group working at the Home OfficeA leading member of an extremist Islamic group is working as a senior official at the Home Office, it has emerged.

UK terrorists who planned Oregon Jihad camp to be extradicted to U.S.- Barbar Ahmad and Haroon Aswat lose legal fight 

 Two UK men held on Afghanistan-related terror charges have lost their legal fight to avoid extradition to the US. Babar Ahmad, 32, from Tooting, south-west London is accused of running websites inciting murder, urging holy war and raising money for the Taleban.

Sharia law is spreading as authority wanes in UK 

 Daily Telegraph 

Islamic sharia law is gaining an increasing foothold in parts of Britain, a report claims. Sharia, derived from several sources including the Koran, is applied to varying degrees in predominantly Muslim countries but it has no binding status in Britain.   

Not too bad, Muslim Brothers reels under fresh state crackdown 


The two forces lined up facing each other inside Ain Shams university campus, the space between them shrinking until the moment of engagement.  

Multifaith room permanently booked for Muslim Student Asso. The Eye opener  As the largest student group on campus, the Muslim Students’ Association has made its presence known in student politics. Former MSA vice-president Muhammad Ali Jabbar is heading up the RSU, thanks to support from the MSA. The group has monopolized use of the multifaith room, putting the true meaning of the room’s name in jeopardy. 

Egyptian society divided over Islamic veil  

Mail Guardian 

The Islamic female veil has again become a bone of contention in this country after Egypt's long-time Culture Minister, Farouq Hosni, joined an international chorus decrying the practice, despite the growing number of Muslim women donning the attire.

Muslim prisoners pressurize inmates to become more militant in a UK prison.  



A "potentially explosive" dispute between Muslim factions inside Wandsworth prison has been revealed by an independent watchdog.

Fury over Halal Christmas dinner 

Daily Mail 

PARENTS expressed outrage last night over a school’s plans to serve pupils a Muslim Christmas dinner.

It Was True, US Embassy staff demanded conversion to Islam Cert. from Nonie Darwish husband.


 The Beak Speck Blog. 

Small Details that one might miss in the Darwash Book One of the great things about this book is that we see minor details that we bandy about. The Duck relies on outsiders and tends to dismiss anything not produced by Vomwads like Fanon, Chimpanzee or other Marxist stooges.  

Homegrown Terrorists Recruited to Attack America  

First Coast News 

JACKSONVILLE, FL-- It's a video showing a room full of children sharing their dreams. They are not excited about being doctors, lawyers or teachers. Instead, the children shout, "We are the nation of Hezbollah. I shall sacrifice my life for Allah."

Fake relics sold on eBay 'funding terrorism'


Source Daily Mail 

Proceeds from relics sold on internet auction sites is being used to fund terrorism


Forged archaeological artefacts traded on internet auction sites such as eBay are helping to fund international terrorism, it was disclosed today.

Rainier Valley barber shop owner flees U.S.

Facing sentencing in plea deal, he phones FBI to say he's in Somalia 


Ruben Shumpert, who federal agents allege made his Rainier Valley barber shop a kind of "anti-American training ground for Muslims" where children were taught "how to shoot and fight the Americans," has telephoned the FBI to say he won't be going to prison anytime soon. 

Egyptian MPs Demand Resignation Of Minister Who Criticized Veil


In Egypt 130 parliament members demanded the resignation of the minister of culture after he criticized the Islamic veil and described wearing it as a regressive trend, the daily al-Masri al-Youm newspaper reported Tuesday.

Hamza probe leads to bomb manual


It started as a search for the answer to the riddle of how jailed Islamic cleric Abu Hamza lost his hands.  He has always claimed it was a landmine accident in Afghanistan.  




أول اتفاق بين الوطني والإخوان والمعارضة في مجلس الشعب ١٣٠ نائباً يطالبون بسحب الثقة من فاروق حسني

  المصرى اليوم

   وقع ١٣٠ نائبا في مجلس الشعب، بينهم ٥٠ نائبا ينتمون إلي الحزب الوطني، علي بيان لسحب الثقة من فاروق حسني وزير الثقافة، بسبب تصريحاته عن الحجاب لـ«المصري اليوم».  


Church smeared with excrement in Switzerland!

Source Blick Online:

SHEET MUTTENZ ? a bad prank or lies behind more? The Catholic church Muttenz was smeared by teenagers during the past two weeks over and over again with foeces.

Noni e Darwish “Radical Islam Plans to Take Over America 

The Conservative Voice 

By Sher Zieve – Appearing on Wednesday’s Laura Ingraham’s radio program, the author of “Now They Call Me Infidel” Nonie Darwish said the ultimate goal of radical Islam is to take over the US. Ms. Darwish, a Muslim, said that hundreds of Islamic mosques are being quickly built throughout the US, which currently have no attendees.  

Italy sends Spain Egyptian linked to Madrid bombs 

Source signonsandiego 

ROME – An Egyptian accused of being one of the masterminds of the 2004 Madrid train bombing and sentenced in Italy to 10 years for terrorism has been temporarily extradited to Spain, his lawyer and officials said on Friday.

Campus radicals 'serious threat’ in UK 


Union officials have warned of a 'Muslim McCarthyism' Universities and colleges in England are being urged by the government to take seriously the problem of Islamic extremism on their campuses.

Campus radicals 'growing problem' in UK   

 By Frank Gardner, BBC  

Jawad Syed was encouraged to isolate himself from other students Radicalisation of students by Islamist groups is a growing problem at some UK universities, the BBC has been told.

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