Washington Conference Examined State of Christian Minorities in Muslim Countires
By Mary Abdelmassih
(AINA) -- The second Annual Conference of Coptic Solidarity International, an NGO for the support of the Christian Copts in Egypt and the protection of their fundamental rights, was held in Washington, D.C. on July 8-9, under the main theme of "Will Religious and Ethnic Minorities Pay the Price of the 'Arab Spring?" The main objective of this conference was to understand the implications of the current upheaval in the middle East and to offer present and future support to the Copts, and other minorities, in this difficult period.

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Bill limiting sharia law is motivated by 'concern for Muslim women'

Lady Cox, the proposer, says aim is to prevent discrimination against Muslim women and 'jurisdiction creep' in Islamic tribunals

Bill limiting sharia law is motivated by 'concern for Muslim women'

Lady Cox, the proposer, says aim is to prevent discrimination against Muslim women and 'jurisdiction creep' in Islamic tribunals

Muslim community in Whitechapel




Whitechapel High Street in east London. The area is predominantly Muslim; just over half the population is of Bangladeshi descent. Photograph: Mike Kemp/Corbis



Islamic courts would be forced to acknowledge the primacy of English law under a bill being introduced in the House of Lords.

The bill, proposed by Lady Cox and backed by women's rights groups and the National Secular Society, was drawn up because of "deep concerns" that Muslim women are suffering discrimination within closed sharia law councils.

British tourist fined for insulting Islam in shop


DUBAI // A 40-year-old tourist who insulted Islam and called the Prophet Mohammed a terrorist was fined Dh3,000 yesterday.

AG, a Briton, was charged on May 18 in the Dubai Court of Misdemeanours.

In his court appearance last month he was sent away after appearing in shorts. He was ordered to be suitably dressed before being allowed to enter a plea and deny the charges.

European Court to rule on Christian discrimination cases

In a significant legal development, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has requested that the British Government state whether they believe that the rights of Christians have been infringed in recent cases where individuals have been penalised for expressing their faith in the workplace.


Shocking Figures Reveal 105,000 Christians Martyred Each Year

 By Daniel Blake
Christian Post Correspondent

An international interfaith conference has revealed that 105,000 Christians are being killed every year simply because of their faith.

Reuters/Juda Ngwenya


This file photo shows a sign pointing towards a church burned down by riots in northern Nigeria.

The shocking figures revealed at the “International Conference on Inter-religious dialogue between Christians, Jews and Muslims,” held in Hungary, show that a Christian is killed every five minutes somewhere in the world because of their faith.

 New Bill to stop Sharia law operating in the UK

On 7 June 2011 Baroness Cox introduced a new Bill in the House of Lords intended to outlaw the use of Sharia law where it conflicts with English law. In proposing the new Bill she said:

“Equality under the law is a core value of British justice. My Bill seeks to preserve that standard. My Bill seeks to stop parallel legal, or ‘quasi-legal’, systems taking root in our nation. Cases of criminal law and family law are matters reserved for our English courts alone.

“Equality under the law is a core value of British justice. My Bill seeks to preserve that standard. My Bill seeks to stop parallel legal, or ‘quasi-legal’, systems taking root in our nation. Cases of criminal law and family law are matters reserved for our English courts alone.

inter. cc  

ICC Petitions Egyptian Govt. on Coptic Christians

The International Christian Concern (ICC) (www.persecution.org) a Washington D.C based Christian advocacy organization is petitioning the interim government to take immediate steps to ensure the safety of Coptic Christians, and to repeal current laws that stifle religious freedom for all Egyptians.

FRANCE 24 latest world news report 

Ban concerned by Egypt religious violence

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has said that he was disturbed by clashes between Christian Copts and Muslims in Egypt, days after fresh violence in Cairo that left 12 people dead.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has said that he was disturbed by clashes between Christian Copts and Muslims in Egypt, days after fresh violence in Cairo that left 12 people dead.

AFP - UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said Wednesday that he was disturbed by clashes between Christian Copts and Muslims in Egypt, days after fresh violence in Cairo left 12 people dead.

Egyptian Coptic Youth Protect Cathedral During Pope's Sermon
(AINA) -- Egyptian police and armed forces were heavily deployed around St, Mark's Cathedral in Cairo yesterday as Coptic Pope Shenouda III delivered his weekly sermon to nearly 10,000 church members. The sermon was also attended by the media and Muslim journalists to show their opposition to the Salafis and the actions against the church. A large number of veiled Muslim women were also in attendance.

Religious freedom report criticizes Egypt and Obama

WASHINGTON — Egypt has been added to a list of the world's most severe violators of religious rights. The list was released today in the 12th Annual Report of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF)/, an independent and bipartisan group that advises the State Department on religious liberty worldwide.

The 380-page report also criticized the Obama administration for not taking action on previous recommendations to add offending countries to its list of "Countries of Particular Concern" or CPCs.

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

President Barack Obama gestures while speaking to reporters about the controversy over his birth certificate and true nationality, Wednesday, April 27, 2011, at the White House in Washington.

According to the commission, CPCs are governments that engage in or tolerate severe violations of religious freedom that are "systematic, ongoing, and egregious including acts such as torture, prolonged detention without charges, disappearances, or other flagrant denials of rights."

"CPCs are nations whose conduct marks them as the world's worst religious freedom violators and human rights abusers," said Leonard Leo, USCIRF chair, in an email. "In the case of Egypt, instances of severe religious freedom violations engaged in or tolerated by the government have increased dramatically since the release of last year's report, with violence, including murder, escalating against Coptic Christians and other religious minorities. Since President Mubarak's resignation from office in February, such violence continues unabated without the government's bringing the perpetrators to justice."


Coptic Christians in Egypt Rally for Secular Constitution, Civil Rights

(AINA) -- Nearly 100,000 Christian Copts staged a rally today in Egypt. The rally began with a 5 mile march from the Coptic Shubra district to Tahrir Square. Many Muslims joined the march, as well prominent Coptic activists and heads of Coptic human rights organizations.


Egyptian military warns troops not to join Friday protest

By Ivan Watson and Mohamed Fadel Fahmy, CNN

An Egyptian demonstrator shouts slogans during protests in Cairo's Tahrir Square on April 1.
An Egyptian demonstrator shouts slogans during protests in Cairo's Tahrir Square on April 1.
  • Egyptian military apparently issues warning in response to internet videos
  • A video was posted by a man who says he was an air force officer
  • He calls on fellow soldiers and officers to join a demonstration on Friday
  • Cairo, Egypt (CNN) -- Egypt's ruling military council issued a stern warning Thursday, threatening immediate prosecution before a military tribunal for any troops seen participating in a planned protest in Cairo on Friday.


    Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi

    Commander-in-Chief and Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces the Arab Republic of Egypt

    The Ministry of Defense


    Via Facsimile

    Dear Field Marshal Tantawi:


    Anger over court’s decision to acquit suspects in Coptic killing case

    by Brian Hutt:

    Anger over court’s decision to acquit suspects in Coptic killing case
    Egyptian Coptic Christians light candles during morning mass inside the Saints Church in Alexandria, Egypt, Sunday, January 2, 2011. The church suffered a deadly bomb attack on New Year's Day AP
    Six Christians were killed in January 2010 as they left their church in Nag Hammadi after celebrating Christmas Eve mass. The church’s Muslim security guard was also killed in the attack.


    الجمعية الوطنية للتغيير بالإسكندرية


    قامت الجمعية الوطنية للتغيير بالإسكندرية بربط علم مصر بين كنيسة القديسين و المسجد المقابل فى إحتفالية ضمت كل طوائف الشعب المصرى فى الإسكندرية. و ذلك رداً على الجريمة التى قام بها بلطجية الحزب الوطنى بقتل قس بصعيد مصر لضرب ما تم إنجازه بعد الثورة الشعبية المصرية. و أبلغ دليل على إن الحزب الوطنى المهزوم هو من قام بها, هى إنه و خلال الفترة من 26 يناير حتى 11 فبراير لم يكن هناك أمن فى الشارع المصرى و لم ترتكب جريمة واحدة تحت مسمى طائفية. و الدليل الآخر هو إن الفاعل لم يترك دليلاً من بصماته على الخزينة بل وجدت مادة مطهرة أزالت البصمات من على كل الأماكن بعد إرتكاب جريمته النكراء.

    Reuters Africa 

    EU denounces attacks against Christians, Muslims

    * Debate began after attack on Coptic Christians

    * Statement does not take into account recent upheaval


    BRUSSELS, Feb 21 (Reuters) - The European Union denounced attacks against Christians and Muslims on Monday, having previously failed to agree a statement that included Christianity among persecuted religious faiths.

    The EU began a debate about religious violence after an attack on a Coptic Christian church in northern Egypt at the end of December left 23 people dead and dozens wounded.


    Egypt protests swell despite govt steps on reform

    * Biggest gathering yet in movement that began on January 25

    * Egyptian president issues decree forming committee to oversee constitutional changes ahead of elections later this year

    CAIRO: Hundreds of thousands of demonstrators flooded Cairo’s iconic Tahrir Square and towns across Egypt on Tuesday as the nation’s embattled President Hosni Mubarak took a step towards democratic reform in another bid to appease opponents.

    In Cairo, the immense crowd hailed as a hero a charismatic cyberactivist and Google executive whose Facebook site helped kickstart the protest movement on January 25 and who has since been detained and held blindfolded for 12 days.

    From Wikileaks, Cases of adpotion involving preists in Alexandria 
     (SBU) Summary: For the past 16 months, the Fraud Prevention Unit (FPU) 
    has been investigating cases of illegal adoptions in Egypt (see ref). Coptic priests, 
    nuns and doctors remain key players in the illegal adoptions. Cases of illegal adoptions 
    continue with the most recent announcement
     by Egyptian prosecutors on February 16 of the trial of an 
    American couple and six Egyptians in Alexandria. In 2009, an Egyptian court in Cairo 
    sentenced eleven individuals, including four Americans and a Coptic nun to two to 
    five years in prison for baby trafficking. End Summary.

    Egypt: Internet down, police counterterror unit up

    General view showing Egyptians protestors clash with anti-riot policemen in Suez, Egypt, Thursday, Jan.27, 2011. Egyptian activists protested for a th 
    AP – General view showing Egyptians protestors clash with anti-riot policemen in Suez, Egypt, Thursday, Jan.27,  
    By HAMZA HENDAWI and SARAH EL DEEB, Associated Press – 29 mins ago

    CAIRO – Internet service in Egypt was disrupted and the government deployed an elite special operations force in Cairo on Friday, hours before an anticipated new wave of anti-government protests.

    The developments were a sign that President Hosni Mubarak's regime was toughening its crackdown following the biggest protests in years against his nearly 30-year rule.

    El Baradei: I am ready to lead protests in Egypt


    Pro-democracy advocate returns; Mubarak's party dismissive of protesters: "The minority does not force its will on the majority."

    Egyptian supporters surround ElBaradei as he arriv 

    CAIRO — Egypt's ruling party said Thursday it was ready for a dialogue with the public but offered no concessions to address demands for a solution to rampant poverty and political change heard in the country's largest anti-government protests in years.

    At the same time, the grass roots protest movement was getting a double boost likely to energize the largest anti-government demonstrations Egypt has seen in years.
    Mohammed ElBaradei, a Nobel peace laureate and the country's top pro-democracy advocate, was returning to the country Thursday night and declared he was ready to lead the protests. The country's largest opposition group — the fundamentalist Muslim Brotherhood — also threw its support behind the demonstrations.

    10,000's of Egyptians Revolt Against Mubarak Regime: 3 DEAD


    Assad Elepty 


    Tens of thousands of Protesters have taken to the streets of Egypt in an unprecedented act of defiance and people power.

    The protestors in Cairo have broke through police ranks and headed towards the Nile. Some protestors were beaten by police but the demonstrators remained defiant chanting at the police, most of whom are from very poor neighborhoods, to join them. One un-named police officer revealed, “we have been prepped and warned we will be charged with treason and taken before the security court if we join the protestors” he added, “I want to stand with my countrymen, but what will happen to me, my wife and five children, we will be killed”.


    The sole aim of the protest is to bring down the Mubarak regime. Official reports are 3 people have died including 1 policeman. Unconfirmed reports from sources state 9 people have died. One eyewitness, on video alleged 6000 people have been arrested. The demonstrations continued well into the night. Egypt’s Parliament, high Court and interior ministry were heavily fortified and barricaded to prevent the protestors reaching them.


    Thousands of demonstrators protest in central Cairo demanding the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak and calling for reforms, 25 Jan 2011

    The Media Line

    Egypt Weighs Easing Rules on Building New Churches

    Written by David E. Miller
    Published Wednesday, December 29, 2010

    Regulations make it almost impossible for Copts to erect or repair their houses of worship

    Egypt’s government is weighing changes to laws that make it virtually impossible for the country’s Christians to build or expand a church.

    No law regulates erecting houses of worship, but building a new church in Egypt requires a presidential permit, as well as security clearance from Egypt's State Security Intelligence. The procedure can take years winding its way through Egypt’s bureaucracy or may never get approval at all.


    Egypt Islamic authority freezes dialogue with Vatican

    The highest Islamic authority in Egypt, al-Azhar, is to suspend all dialogue with the Vatican.

    by Rachel Ford, Christian PostPosted: Friday, January 21, 2011, 7:06 (GMT)

    Egypt Islamic authority freezes dialogue with Vatican
    Pope Benedict has condemned the persecution of Christians around the world AP
    The move is in response to the Pope’s condemnation of widespread violence and discrimination against Christian minorities in predominately Muslim countries.

    Sheikh Ahmad el-Tayeb, the president of Al-Azhar University in Cairo, met with members of the Islamic Research Academy before making the announcement Thursday morning. The group accused Pope Benedict of “repeatedly addressing Islam negatively, more than once", reported Islamic news website Ahram Online.


    Hon. Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, and Hon. Vic Toews, Minister of Public Safety, issued the following statement condemning Al-Qaida’s naming of Coptic Christians in Canada on their website

    Ottawa, December 21, 2010 – The Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, and the Honourable Vic Toews, Minister of Public Safety, today issued the following statement condemning Al-Qaida’s naming of Coptic Christians in Canada on their website:  

    “Our government strongly condemns threats made on the internet by hateful fanatics against adherents to the Coptic Orthodox Christian faith in Canada and abroad.”


    European Parliament calls for more protection of Christians

    By Staff Reporter on Friday, 21 January 2011

    European Parliament calls for more protection of Christians

    Baroness Ashton, EU foreign policy chief (Photo: PA)

    The European Parliament has urged governments to do more to protect Christians from persecution.

    It said in a resolution addressed to EU institutions: “In some cases, the situation facing Christian communities is such as to endanger their future existence – if they were to disappear, this would entail the loss of a significant part of the religious heritage of the countries concerned.

    Verdict in Egyptian Copt killings trial expected mid-January

    Cairo - An Egyptian court is expected to hand down its verdict against three men charged with shooting Coptic Christians outside a church in the south of the country on January 16, a judicial source said Sunday.

    Gunmen opened fire on parishioners leaving a Coptic Christmas Eve mass in January this year in Nagaa Hamadi town, 650 kilometres south of Cairo. Coptic Christians celebrate Christmas on January 7.

    Egypt court adds new charge to Copt solidarity protesters' case
    <p>Egyptian demonstrators rallied outside the court house in Cairo demanding the acquittal of the Shubra protesters who demonstrated in solidarity with Copts. The sign reads: &ldquo;If solidarity with Copts is a charge, then I am a suspect.&rdquo;</p>
    Photographed by Heba Afify 
    Assault of a police officer will be added to the list of charges facing eight protesters who demonstrated earlier this month in solidarity with Christian Copts, a judicial source told Al-Masry Al-Youm on Thursday.

    American Copts Rally At UN
    By Mary Abdelmassih 

    United Nations (AINA) -- Thousands of Egyptian American Copts, led by Coptic bishops and clergymen representing other Christian denominations, protested on December 14 in front of the United Nations in New York against the on-going opersecution of their Coptic brethren in Egypt (video of rally).

    Anger at funeral of murdered Egyptian Copt
    • An Egyptian Coptic Christian priest prays over the coffin of Fathi Ghatas during his funeral at the Mar Yohan church in Cairo. Ghatas was shot by a 23-year-old off-duty policeman who boarded a train near the southern town of Samalut and opened fire on passengers, killing a 71-year-old Coptic man and wounding his wife and four other Copts on January 11.

     Angry mourners gathered on Wednesday for the funeral of an Egyptian Christian gunned down in an attack that threatened to exacerbate sectarian tensions, just days after a deadly church bombing in Alexandria.

    Angry mourners gathered on Wednesday for the funeral of an Egyptian Christian gunned down in an attack that threatened to exacerbate sectarian tensions, just days after a deadly church bombing in Alexandria.

    Coptic movement in Australia urges Kevin Rudd to express concern over Coptic persecution in Egypt

    Australian Coptic Movement Association

    The Hon. Kevin Rudd MP, the Australian Foreign Affairs Minister, has today attended a meeting with His Excellency, President Mohammad Hosni Mubarak of Egypt. The two are set to host Middle Eastern peace talks, in a rare visit by a senior Cabinet minister to Egypt.

    Given the nature of this meeting, the Australian Coptic Movement (ACM) have issued a statement, stating that it would have been only appropriate that the Hon. Kevin Rudd convey the concerns of the Australian Government and the people, over the state of affairs pertaining to Egypt’s Indigenous Coptic Population of over 10 million.


    Pope salutes Egypt's Copts 

    Pope Benedict XVI on Sunday voiced solidarity with Egypt's Coptic Christians two days after they marked a sombre Christmas following a deadly New Year's Day church bombing.

    "I salute the Coptic faithful present here to whom I renew my expression of closeness," he told thousands of people gathered on Saint Peter's Square during Sunday Mass.

    'Coptic Blood is Not Cheap' Says Egyptian Coptic Pope
    By Mary Abdelmassih
    (AINA) -- During his weekly sermon on Wednesday November 8 at St. Mark's Cathedral in Cairo, Coptic Pope Shenouda III said "Coptic Blood is not Cheap," referring to the Coptic young men killed after security forces opened fire on them on November 24. In response to a query from a Copt in the audience as to what was the church doing for the 157 Copts detained and charged in connection with the incident of St. Mary and St. Michel's Church in Talbiya, the Pope said "We are doing our best in this matter."

    The Daily Caller

    Obama condemns deadly attacks in Egypt, Nigeria

    HONOLULU (AP) — President Barack Obama has condemned deadly New Year’s Eve attacks in Egypt and Nigeria.

    In a statement, Obama says the perpetrators of an attack on an Egyptian church have no respect for human life or dignity. He says those responsible for the bomb that killed at least 21 people must be brought to justice for “this barbaric and heinous act.” The bombing enraged Christians in Egypt who often complain of discrimination at the hands of Egypt’s Muslim majority.

    In a statement, Obama says the perpetrators of an attack on an Egyptian church have no respect for human life or dignity. He says those responsible for the bomb that killed at least 21 people must be brought to justice for “this barbaric and heinous act.” The bombing enraged Christians in Egypt who often complain of discrimination at the hands of Egypt’s Muslim majority.

    Obama also says a separate attack near an army barracks in Abuja, Nigeria demonstrates the “bankrupt vision” of those who carry out the attacks. At least four people were killed and 21 wounded while celebrating the new year.

    Obama says the U.S. will offer any necessary assistance to Egypt and Nigeria.


    Pope Shenouda speaks out on behalf of the victims of the Omrania violence last month



    Egypt’s patriarch, Pope Shenouda III, has announced that the Coptic community will not forget the blood of those who died during the events at the Omrania church last month.



    During his weekly sermon on Wednesday evening, the pope insisted that the church will do its best to bring justice to the victims and punish all the perpetrators, adding that Coptic blood is not cheap.


    (Sarkozy) Attack in Egypt: "an indiscriminate and cowardly crime"

    By Abdel Fattah Hussein

    President Nicolas SarkozyNicolas Sarkozy on Saturday denounced a "blind and cowardly crime" and expressed "great emotion" in a letter to his Egyptian counterpart, Hosni MubarakHosni Mubarak, following the attack that killed 21 people at a Coptic church Alexandria (north).

    Copts Rally At Egyptian Supreme Court, Demand Release of Detainees

    Cairo (AINA)
    Dozens of Copts and a number of Muslims protested on December 4th in front of the Supreme Court in Cairo to call attention to the use of deadly force by State Security against Coptic protesters, which occurred on November 24 in Talbiya, Giza. The clashes between Copts and security forces resulted in 4 Coptic deaths as well as 120 injuries (AINA 12-3-2010).


    Pope leads condemnation of Egypt church attack

    VATICAN CITY -- Pope Benedict XVI on Saturday led condemnation of a New Year's Day bomb attack in a Coptic church in Egypt that claimed 21 lives, urging world leaders to defend Christians against abuse.

    The head of the Roman Catholic Church was the first religious leader to react to the bombing which targeted worshippers as they emerged from a midnight mass in Alexandria.

    Cairo police clash with Christian rioters, 1 dead


    The Associated Press
    CAIRO -- Hundreds of Christians smashed cars and windows and tried to assault a municipal building in Cairo Wednesday after police violently stopped the construction of a church, leaving one person dead and underscoring serious Egypt's sectarian tensions.

    Suicide bomber kills 21 at Egypt church

    by Mona Salem

    Suicide bomber kills 21 at Egypt churchALEXANDRIA, Egypt (AFP) – Egypt said a suicide bomber killed 21 people and wounded 79 outside a Coptic church on Saturday, in an attack President Hosni Mubarak said was the work of "foreign hands."

    Egypt's Pope denounces use of force against Coptic protesters
    Shenouda III, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of Archbishopric Saint Marcus
    Photographed by Fouad Elgarnousy
    Head of the Egyptian Coptic Church Pope Shenouda III on Wednesday denounced the use of force against Coptic Christian protesters.

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