BA suspends a Christian for wearing a cross - but lets Muslims wear hijabs

nadia ewidaChristian BA employee to take legal action over suspension for wearing cross

Source Daily Mail 


Nadia Eweida: BA said she had failed to comply with their 'uniform regulations' 


Morocco moves to drop headscarf

Source BBC 

By Richard Hamilton

BBC News, Rabat

Morocco is making major changes to religious education, in particular regarding whether young girls should wear headscarves.

A picture of a mother and her daughter wearing headscarves is being removed from the latest editions of a text book.

Mostafa Bakry Egyptian editor of El-Osboea sentenced to 6 months imprisonment
al-baqari12/10/2006 14:04  - (SA)    Cairo -

An Egyptian editor known for inflammatory comment has been sentenced to six months imprisonment for libeling a journalist, says a court official. 

From News 24hrs

From Al-Jazeera (Arabic)


A Muslim woman has been suspended by a school in West Yorkshire after she insisted on wearing a veil in lessons.  

veilBilingual support worker Aishah Azmi, 24, was asked to remove the veil after pupils found it hard to understand her during English language lessons.  

Headfield Church of England Junior School, in Dewsbury, said she could wear the veil outside the classroom.  

 بيان بشأن الشبان المعتقلون

مركز الكلمة لحقوق الإنسان القاهرة

يدين مركز الكلمة لحقوق الإنسان - وبدون تحفظ - التصرف الامنى اللا مسئول وذلك للقبض على سبعة شبان أقباط من بينهم أربعة خدام بالكنيسة بحجة إثارة الشغب والفتنة الطائفية حيث تم اعتقالهم رغم قرار النيابة العامة بالإفراج عنهم بضمان محال إقامتهم   وذلك فى أعقاب مؤامرة بين شخص يدعى / محمد عبد الرحيم عبد العليم والجهات الأمنية والذي أوهم أسرة الفتاة المختفية /دميانة جرجس - من محافظة الفيوم - في شهر أغسطس الماضي وقيل إنها أشهرت إسلامها وتزوجت من شاب مسلم وطلب منهم مبلغ عشرون ألف جنية اخذ منهم خمسة آلاف مقدما نظير أن يعلم أسرتها بمكان اختفاء ابنتهم المذكورة ا   

United Copts of Great Britain


Press Release

For immediate release

11th October 2006 

The United Copts of Great Britain condemns the persecution and discrimination practiced by Muslim fundamentalist gangs which is being conducted under the nose of the Egyptian police with either the Egyptian police tacit approval or complacency. 

Race clashes hit Windsor

Souce Evening Standard 

windsor clashesExtra police are being drafted into the Windsor area today after three nights of violent clashes between white and Asian youths.

Gangs have fought battles in the streets using baseball bats and pitchforks. A Muslim-run dairy which wants to build a mosque was petrol bombed.

Dozens of officers have been deployed to stop and search youths and mounted police are being brought in.

Gallery scraps art, fearing Muslim rage -curator

PARIS (Reuters)

A London gallery has decided not to show some works of art because it fears they would upset Muslims, a curator said on Friday, a week after a German opera house canned a Mozart production for the same reason.

The director of the Whitechapel Art Gallery decided to remove works by surrealist artist Hans Bellmer from an exhibition the day before it was due to open, one of the museum's curators, Agnes de la Beaumelle, told Reuters

Brave heroes hounded out in UK


Source The Sun 
windowsMUSLIM yobs who wrecked a house to stop four brave soldiers moving in after returning from
Afghanistan sparked outrage last night. The house in a village near riot-torn Windsor had BRICKS thrown through windows and was DAUBED with messages of hate.

Three nights of violence at dairy in Windsor UK 

Source BBC

dairy wallPolice are appealing for calm after three nights of violence at a Berkshire dairy owned by a Muslim family. The Medina Dairy in Windsor was hit by a suspected petrol bomb on Wednesday evening, on the third night of unrest.

Police have stepped up patrols in the Dedworth area and said they would use "robustpolicing tactics" to bring the situation under control.

Jack Straw , Ex UK Foreign Secretary veil comments spark Muslim anger

Source BBC

strawJack Straw, the ex-foreign secretary, has angered Muslim groups by suggesting women who wear veils can make relations between communities more difficult.  

The Blackburn MP says the veil is a "visible statement of separation and of difference" and he asks women visiting his surgery to consider removing it.


The Islamic Human Rights Commission said the Commons leader's request was selective discrimination.

Ban Muslim ghettos, says Cameron


Source Daily Mail



David Cameron: Steering Tory immigration policy in a new direction

 David Cameron today vowed to break up Muslim ghettos in Britain's cities.

The Tory leader said Islamic schools should in future admit a quarter of their pupils from other faiths. And he said that housing estates should be planned to avoid creating isolated communities.


Egyptian professor under clerical fire for 'disparaging' Quran


By Ramadan Al Sherbini, Correspondent 

Gulf News 

Cairo: An Egyptian university professor has angered Muslim clerics for his slur against the Holy Quran.


Hassan Hanafi, a professor of philosophy, has reportedly likened the Muslims' holy scriptures to a "supermarket from which we can take what suits us and leave what does not suit us".

London Metropolitan Police backs off over Muslim protests
By John Steele,

Source: Daily Telegraph

Crime Correspondent(Filed: 29/09/2006) 

No criminal offences were committed in a Muslim protest over the Pope outside Westminster Cathedral, police have decided.The Metropolitan Police has also decided not to take action against the controversial Muslim figure, Anjem Choudary, who allegedly said in a television interview about the row over the Pope that anyone who insulted the Muslim faith would be "subject to capital punishment".

Unelected quango to decide on controversial mega-mosque for Olympic site

Daily Mail

 27th September 2006

 The final decision on a controversial £100 million 'Islamic village' in east London, accommodating up to 70,000 worshippers, will be made by an unelected quango.  

Hosni Mubarak should call Benedict XVI.
Source Opinion Journal


Friday, September 22, 2006 12:01 a.m. EDT


Who says the world lacks leaders? After again expressing his "respect" for Islam, Pope Benedict XVI at his weekly Vatican audience two days ago moved one of his knights forward on the global chessboard of Islamic politics

Blair rejects blame for terrorism 

tony blairThe war on terror will not be won unless people stop blaming UK foreign policy for causing it, Prime Minister Tony Blair told Labour delegates. In his last conference speech to the party, he argued that to retreat from Iraq and Afghanistan now would "put our future security in the deepest peril".

Religious police ban cats and dogs

Source The Independant

By Donna Abu-Nasr in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia's religious police, the Muttawa, are normally tasked with chiding women to cover themselves and ensuring men attend mosque. Now they are turning to a new target: cats and dogs. They have issued a decree banning the sale of the pets, seen as a sign of Western influence.

Convert who calls for Islamic state

The Times

THE scene was peculiarly British. In an old cricket pavilion adorned with photographs of long-forgotten Essex batsmen, the Home Secretary was making much of being descended from an oil-and-water mix of Irish Catholics and Scottish Presbyterians, and of his ability to think on the dual level of being Scottish and British at the same time.

The Pope must die, says Muslim


Last updated at 12:33pm on 18th September 2006  

A notorious Muslim extremist told a demonstration in London yesterday that the Pope should face execution. Anjem Choudary said those who insulted Islam would be "subject to capital punishment".

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