تصاعد أعمال العنف الديني ضد الأقباط  فى مصر

بيان صحفي ودعوة للمشاركة فى مسيرة سلمية

مونتريال فى 12 يناير 2010:

إستقبل الأقباط فى مصر وحول العالم ليلة عيد الميلاد المجيد 6 من الشهر الجاري مشفوعة بحلقة من مسلسل العنف المتأسلم والمتواتر عبر ثلاثة عقود فسقط في هذا الحادث وأمام كنيسة بنجع حمادى سبعة من المصلين أعقبها أعمال تخريب ونهب وإرهاب فى قرى مجاورة.



Egypt received a downward trend arrow due to the security forces’ ruthless suppression of political dissent. 
Despite constitutional reforms that allowed for multiparty presidential elections in 2005, the Egyptian government in 2006 backtracked on its promises of greater political openness. President Hosni Mubarak postponed municipal elections, fearing a large showing by the Muslim Brotherhood, and extended the 25-year-old Emergency Law despite earlier pledges that it would be replaced with specific antiterrorism legislation. Security services ruthlessly suppressed dissent by political activists who protested the government’s reversals. Extremely limited reforms related to judicial independence and press freedom were enacted for the sole purpose of deflecting criticism and consolidating state control.


Press Release for immediate release

Al-Kalema Centre for Human Right Cairo

Prison administration of Algerbenyat Prison in Burg Al-Arab has refused to receive the delegation of the Al-Kalema Centre for Human Rights to meet with the prisoner Abdel-Karim Nabil Solimon Amer which has imprisoned for more than two months charged with contempt of religions inspite of Abdel-Karim declaration that he did not intended to slander Islam or Al-Azhar University and that he his writes on the Internet was an expression of the freedom of opinion and expression guaranteed by the Constitution the Egyptian which was misunderstood.

It is noteworthy that a delegation from the Center comprises from the President of the Center Mr. Mamdouh Nakhla, and two others, Mr. Gris Iskandar and Mr. Sayed Mahmoud Borkan visited the prison Algerbenyat last Tuesday January 2, 2007 However, the prison administration refused categorically the entry of delegation to prison or an interview with Abel-Karim on the grounds that the was on an official holiday ( Eid al-Adha celebrations) Although there are instructions from the Ministry of the Interior for several years allowing for the relatives of prisoners and their lawyers to visit them in the days of religious holidays

مركز الكلمة يستنكر استمرار حبس عبد الكريم 

استنكر مركز الكلمة لحقوق الانسان استمرار حبس الناشط الحقوقي عبد الكريم نبيل سليمان ورفض الافراج عنه منذ 6/11/2006 بدون اى مسوغ قانونى بالمخالفه للدستور المصرى ومواثيق حقوق الانسان

Press Release from H.G. Bishop Angaelos

General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in England

Having read several comments in Egyptian and Arabic newspapers, whether electronic or in print form, covering the return of His Holiness Pope Shenouda III to Cairo from London, via Heathrow International Airport, we would like to make the following points:

بيان صحفى من المركز المصرى للتنمية حول الإعتداء على الكنائس المصرية

بيان صحفى

25/11/2008 نعلن نحن المركز المصرى للتنمية وحقوق الإنسان بأنه قد قامت مجموعه من المحامين المتطوين بالمركز إيماناً منهم بحرية الرأى والتعبير والعقيدة ونشر ثقافة حقوق الإنسان داخل جمهورية مصر العربية - وذلك فور علمنا بالأحداث الجارية بمنطقة عين شمس ، والتعدى على كنيسة العذراء والأنبا إبرام وبالفعل توجهنا إلى مكان الحدث ورصدت الاحداث التى تمت بل وقمنا بالذهاب إلى النيابة العامة للدفاع عن المتهمين التى قدمها الأمن كبش فداء هذه الأحداث وقد ظهر جليا أمام النيابة العامة من أقوال شهود الواقعة وضباط الشرطة أنفسهم وأقوال المتهمين وما عرضه أعضاء هيئة الدفاع على النيابة العامة من لقطات حيه من واقع الحدث وقد بدت النيابة العامة تفهمها لما حدث بالفعل ،إلا أننا قد فوجئنا وإن كانت ليست مفاجأة وإنما تقريراً لواقع أليم يعيشه الإنسان المصرى داخل بلده بأن القرار الصادر من النيابة العامة وحبس المتهمين جميعاً(أقباط - مسلمين)أربعة أيام عى ذمة التحقيق وهو القرار الذى يتنافى تماماً مع مبادىء القانون وحقوق الإنسان.

هذا البيان صادر عن:هيئة الدفاع المتطوعة بالمركز المصرى للتنمية وحقوق الإنسانوهم:

أشرف أدوارد كيرلس - أسامه ميخائيل - سعيد عبدالمسيح - سعيد فايز - نبيل غبريال -

مدير المركز: جوزيف إبراهيم

Dear all,

Grace and peace to you from our Lord Jesus Christ during these days of the fast of our fathers the apostles.

As you will undoubtedly know, a government consultationon on same-sex marriage has been conducted, and the period for submission of comments and representations comes to an end today. Over the past months I have been contacted and approached by many within our own community who are very disturbed about this matter and its expected implications.

For this reason please find attached and below our statement submitted to the Government Equalities Office as well as the press release we issued earlier today. I thought that you would like to both see and potentially share this with others of our community and beyond to to reassure them of our involvement in the process and our position on this matter.

On a separate note, over these coming days we also pray for Egypt through the presidential elections, and for our own Church as we seek God’s hand to choose a good and faithful shepherd for us.

Asking your prayers for our common witness, I leave you in the love and care of our gracious Lord.

+Anba Angaelos 

+Anba Angaelos 


For immediate use and circulation

Date: 14th June 2012


The Coptic Orthodox Church Centre UK

Media and Public Relations Office

The Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom responds to the Government Equalities Office Consultation relating to same-sex civil marriage.

In response to the Government Equalities Office Consultation, The Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom has stated that it cannot support the proposal relating to same-sex civil marriage, listing the following items for careful consideration: 


بيان صحفي

صادر عن نيافة الانبا انجيلوس الاسقف العام بانجلترا


بعد الاطلاع على ما نشرته بعض الصحف المصرية والعربية، سواء الورقية أو الالكترونية، حول عودة قداسة البابا شنودة الثالث من لندن الى مصر عبر مطار هيثرو، ونشر بعض التفاصيل حول هذا الموضوع، نود أن نوضح النقاط التالية:

اولاً : قام قداسة البابا بتدشين كاتدرائية مار جرجس بالمركز القبطي باستيفنج، والقى كلمة شكر رد فيها على رسائل رؤوساء الطوائف المسيحية والرسميين بالمملكة المتحدة وعلى رأسهم مندوبة جلالة الملكة اليزابيث الثانية، ومندوب رئيس الوزراء البريطاني غوردون براون، ومندوب رئيس اساقفة كانتربري الدكتور روان وليم، وآخرون.


Press Release

For Immediate Release

14th August 2007

URL www.unitedcopts.org  

The United Copts of Great Britain condemns the arrest and imprisonment of Dr Adel Fawzi and Mr. Peter Ezzat the president of Egypt branch of and a member of the Middle Eastern Christian Association respectively.

Press Release 

 The Middle East Christian Association expresses it surprise and shock regarding the prosecution’s shameless attitude

The prosecution today in a surprising and shocking move, presented a downloaded copy by the Egyptian SSI (from the internet) of what is know as the “Rapso Quran” as an excuse for the ongoing imprisonment of the Middle East’s Christian Association’s two members Dr. Adel fawzy and Mr. Peter Izat.

Press Release

A Message to President Obama:

Reconciliation with the Islamic World

 is a Two-Way Street


     On June 4, 2009, Mr. Obama will be traveling to Cairo, the Egyptian Capital, to deliver a message to the Islamic world.  The speech is expected to address ways to mend the differences between the Islamic World and the United States.  The hope is for the speech to bring some kind of reconciliation between the two.

Press Release

For immediate release

19th April 2013   

Protest against the destruction of Egypt civil structuresAnd it’s replacement by Muslim brotherhood  

Ever since the Muslim Brotherhood came to power through their representative Mr Mursi on 30/06/13, they have done nothing but try to increase their power through undermining and destroying Egypt government and society civil structures.

They brutally oppressed the opposition infiltrated the police and tried to destroy the judiciary and the media to replace them with their symathisers. The constitution which was produced by a majority of them is a shameful document that didn’t address the aspirations of the Egyptian people. 

During the 5/12/2012 protests against President Mursi, police stood idly by as 49 protesters were illegally detained and tortured By Mursi’s supporters, as the MB’s leader called for more illegal arrests via Muslim Brotherhood’s media sources. 

During Mursi’s rule approximately 60 protesters have been killed and thousands injured by the police force during the breaking up of protests. Police have reportedly used rubber and iron shot shell pellets against protesters. No one was tried from either the police force or Morsi’s militias.

25 January 2013

Egypt: Renewed calls for justice, equality and human rights on second anniversary of uprising

On the second anniversary of the Egyptian uprising in Tahrir, Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) continues to call for the equality of citizenship for all Egyptians, regardless of their religion or beliefs.

Two years ago Egyptians of all creeds and backgrounds joined together to demand equality, justice and the rule of law. In the immediate aftermath of the fall of the Mubarak regime, there was hope for a new Egypt, where the rights of all Egyptians would be respected and upheld.

However repression has continued in the subsequent years, with brutal tactics being employed against pro-democracy protestors by the previous military and by the government of President Morsi in order to enforce the status quo, resulting in the loss of many lives. Most recently, seven people died and hundreds were injured during the widespread protests that took place late last year, following the negative reaction to the new constitution, which restricts freedom of expression and the rights of women and religious minorities.


Resolution unanimously adopted by the EPP Political Assembly

on Religious Intolerance


The European People’s Party,

Whereas it is our moral obligation and co-responsibility to stand up for Christians around the

world, considering our cultural heritage rooted in Judeo-Christian traditions;

Whereas the freedom of thought, conscience and religion is enshrined in the 1948

Declaration of Human Rights, whereas this freedom includes right to adopt, freely exerciseor change one

, whereas this freedom includes right to adopt, freely exerciseor change one's belief, and whereas this freedom is subject only to the conscience and is

independent from all outside control, be it governmental or any other natural authority;

Whereas it is estimated that roughly 70 % of the world's population belongs to one of four

world religions;


Voice of the Copts

Serious development in the case of the two children, Andrew and Mario.

The Education Directorate in Alexandria, is forcing young Mario and Andrew
to write their religion as Muslim in their secondary school exam application
forms 2008/2009

Their mother Camellia is furious and Dr.Gabriel decided to go immediately
tomorrow, Wednesday morning to meet with the Minister of Education to
implement his previous decision not to force the youngsters to sit for the
Islamic religion exams.


For Immediate Release

8 April 2013


At least two people were killed and over 90 injured yesterday during a siege on St Mark’s Coptic Cathedral in Abbasiya, Cairo, in the aftermath of a funeral for four Coptic men.Hundreds of mourners had attended the funeral of 25 year-old Morqos Kamel, 35 year-old Victor Saad, 45 year-old Mansour Attia and 25 year-old Essam Tawadros, who died of gunshot wounds during a mob attack on 5 April on the Christian community in Khorous, a suburb 10 miles north of Cairo, following unsubstantiated claims that Christians had daubed offensive imagery on the walls of an Islamic institution.

When the mourners attempted to leave the premises, they were pelted with stones, petrol bombs, and Molotov cocktails, forcing them to seek shelter in the grounds of the Cathedral. As stones and other missiles continued to be hurled from the roofs of surrounding buildings and by people who had climbed the walls of the Cathedral, young Coptic men took up sticks and rocks to retaliate.


For immediate use

10 September 2014

Coptic Orthodox Church UK

Media and Communications Office

Coptic Orthodox Church (Europe)

Media and Communications Office

Statement by His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom on 10 September 2014 regarding the need for collaboration to address violations of international religious freedom in Iraq, Syria and the Wider Middle East.

Bishop Angaelos is delivering a keynote address at the In Defence of Christians (IDC) Summit in Washington DC on 10 September 2014 between 1-2pm (BST) 8-9am (EDT).



بيان اتحاد المنظمات القبطية بأوروبا( إيكور)بشأن المبادىء التنظيمية للدستور

على أعتاب مرحلة جديدة فى تاريخ مصر الوطن الذى يعيش فينا ، و انطلاقا من وعى دستورى كامل بعدم وجود مبادئ فوق دستورية حاكمة و أنما مبادئ تنظيمية و موضوعية سابقة على اعداد الدستور الجديد و معبرة عن آمال الشعب المصرى بعد ثورة يناير ٢٠١١، أضحى من المحتم ان يصدر قانون تشكيل الجمعية التأسيسية لتنظيم إجراءات تكوينها و عملها من الناحية الإجرائية كما اصبح من اللازم أيضاً ان يكون امام هذه الجمعية الدستورية التأسيسية وثيقة تلخص ضمانات الحقوق و آمال ثورة يناير حتى تستلهم بها هذه الهيئة الموقرة.

و من اهم هذه المبادئ يجدر بالذكر التى: ان مصر دولة مدنية مستقلة ذات سيادة، لغتها العربية، و نظامها جمهوري ديمقراطي يقوم من الان فصاعد على مبادئ التعددية السياسية ، المواطنة، المساواة وعدم التمييز بين المواطنين فى الحقوق و الواجبات و كذلك مبدأ سيادة القانون و الدولة القانونية و ان الشعب، بكل طوائفه وفئاته و قواه السياسية بلا تمييز او تعيين أو حصر، هو المصدر الوحيد للسيادة. و تبعا فان كل سلطة أنشأها هذا الدستور تخضع لهذه السيادة و تعمل فى اطارالوحدة الوطنية و التكافل الاجتماعي، و تتوخى المساواة بين المواطنين فى الحقوق و الواجبات. و بهذه المثابة تلتزم الدولة بجميع سلطاتها باحترام مبدأ الكرامة الإنسانية و الحريات الدستورية المقررة فى الاتفاقيات الدولية التى صدقت مصر عليها و ذلك بلا انتقاص او انتهاك او تجر.


The current forming of the Human rights council in Egypt violates Paris principles for national entities for human rights.


Al Kalema Center For Human Rights (ACHR) expresses its deepest sorrow and disappointment over the way the Egyptian national council for human rights was formed, the merits used was not transparent, unacceptable and does not comply with Paris principles and merits of Paris for forming national human rights councils (PPFHRC).

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