World War III - Islamic Middle East Terrorism - Petroleum Business

The News Media Magazine

History and the laws of economics make it clear as to what we have been experiencing in the Middle East and worldwide. The ways in which the petroleum business contributes to the beginnings of World War III ( three ) is much the same as it contributed to the Second World War ( II ) and the Viet Nam conflict.

One of the reasons and needs that Adolph Hitler had for his various plans of aggression was based on control of energy by way of petroleum. Two quick references about this need for petroleum: 1) Hitler planned to push deep into Russia to secure the oil fields of Baku - to get petroleum supplies for conducting his wars 2) Dutch Shell’s support of Hitler’s early career and war in finance and political influence.

Viet Nam was a communist and an oil rich nation - now a member of OPEC. Although the war in Viet Nam was called a police action - we were satisfied to protect the southern half from communism and its control of the oil reserves until it became so unbelievably expensive - in money and loss of life - and politically damaging to petroleum minded US politicians.

Now we have let Russia sell oil to the West, essentially reviving their dead economy. This eases our dependance on OPEC and middle east petroleum suppliers as well as oil producers like Venezuela with Hugo Chavez calling for an anti-American stance as often as possible. He is now threatening terror and military opposition to several US interests.

It is not so bad to send money to the Middle East or to Russia in and of itself. The problem is where the money goes after that. The environmental degradation that the petroleum business causes is almost secondary to the ongoing and escalating damages of the Third World War.

Who are the players in World War III? It’s essentially a war between petroleum producing nations and petroleum consuming nations. Why? Money. How? The petroleum business makes huge profits by manipulating price to petroleum dependant nations. So OPEC, Shell, British Petroleum, Chevron and all the rest dictate world economics by political manipulations and payoffs to corrupt politicians wordwide. Why? To control all of the energy market, keep consumer nations dependant, maintain high profits, and outsource the costs of human life to various national armies, police, militias and terrorist organizations.

Bottom line: You must buy petroleum, you must pay whatever it costs, you must send your citizens to war, you must watch corrupt politicians and regimes take the money and send their citizens to war.

Fighting “Radical Islam” is an attempt at localizing the battlefield of this conflict. Except that this terrorism, usually from the Middle East, is spreading. It is not just in Iraq, Palestine, Syria, Iran, Israel, or New York City. It is also an insidious process in every country that allows entry of Islamic peoples who then become radicalized - with money from various sources - particularly petroleum rich nations.

There is another dimension to World War III - ideology. The Islamics, Jews, and Christians are involved ideologically in relation to the presence of a Jewish state, its boundaries, its influence. Quotations relating to the Crusades get resonance with some in every camp.

As Russia has begun to rebound from abject economic depression - based on its petroleum, gas and coal production - we see the reassertion of its Soviet ideology. This ideology includes a totalitarian regime running a socialistic bureaucracy. Certainly Russia is making progress, but they are just as certain to exploit their energy resources in the petroleum business as the other oil rich nations. Will Russia fan the fires of conflict? Will Russia fight terrorism, or will it sell military support to the terroristic oil producing nations of the Middle East, like Iran and Syria?

You will know how World War III is going by several indicators. To know when it has gotten worse you will see terrorism of greater magnitude and in more nations. You will notice that forms of energy production other than petroleum, gas, and coal is being hampered or forbidden, in part because all of our focus and resources are used to combat terrorism.

At its height World War III will involve weapons of mass destruction, decades of terrorism, the establishment of Radical Islam, corrupt and totalitarian petro-political regimes. You will see targets like Israel, USA, and Europe battered ceaselessly with economic and militaristic drains via terrorism.

At the highest point of the Third World War you will witness a conventional and then strategic confrontation of East and West - to predict damage is impossible. But since petroleum will be the key factor in the war, as well as the only viable and permitted energy source, and essentially the last or dominant business operating on a crippled planet the damages will be more than planned even by petroleum. Petroleum will disavow responsibility for suppression of other energies and blame the politicians (Hitler?).

The war will be nearing an end when you see these indicators: Widespread adoption of energy producing options like solar, wind and hydrogen. Fusion technology may be perfected but would be buried by petroleum, unless petroleum’s political clout is attenuated.

Other indicators that World War III is ending include the declaration that there are no profits left to gather from the decimated populations of nations with crushed infrastructures. It will then be down to the local warlords of the terrorist militias - as we have seen in Somalia. But without our technologic infrastructure the West loses, and so does Russia. The Third World War would be over whenever the terrorist gangs decide.

What can be done? Don’t let our petroleum dependancy continue. Push for alternative energy sources. Not bio-diesel or 41 mpg cars - real change - with solar, wind, and hydrogen. TIP: Did you know that an 8 year old can create hydrogen with an electric current through water - an electric current easily made by solar panels or windmills. And in the winter stored hydrogen can be burned directly or used to make electricity, and no carbon emissions at all.

While petroleum shows you how to make everything out of oil and how you can extract it with a soda straw from all over the Earth, just remember how much money the petroleum business spends on these redundant and idiotic ads just keep you addicted, polluting the Earth, and enslaved until the end and well after World War III.

Arthur Browning

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    Arthur Browning began his career teaching technical writing in a small midwestern university for 15 years. He later edited and published a national professional journal for some ten years. He is now an investor. His interests include art collecting, web marketing, writing.

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