I invite you to watch (on LogosTV/YouTube)


Fr Gawargious Kolta (St John Church, Covina) explaining the many articles of evidence of the authenticity and Coptic connection of the shroud of Turin.


LogosTV Coptic Civilization Program - Arabic 35

الحضارة القبطية (٣٥) - القيامة والأكفان و الحضارة القبطية

ضيوف الحلقة: القمص جورجيوس قلتة (الاكتشافات الحديثة عن كفن تورينو) و د. جودت جبره (الآلام والقيامة في الفن القبطي)
Title: Resurrection, Shroud of Turin, and Coptic Civilization. 


Guests: (1) Fr. Gawargious Kolta on the Shroud of Turin and its Coptic Connection. (2) Dr. Gawdat Gabra on the Passion Week in Coptic Art. 

First aired: 3 May 2016.

Watch also the previous four episodes:

LogosTV Coptic Civilization Program - Arabic 34

الحضارة القبطية (٣٤) - الحضارة القبطية في تكساس

ضيف الحلقة نيافة الأنبا يوسف اسقف جنوبي الولايات المتحدة
Title: Coptic Civilization in Texas


Guest: His Grace Bishop Youssef, Coptic Orthodox Bishop of Southern United States. First aired 5 April 2016.

LogosTV Coptic Civilization Program - Arabic 33

الحضارة القبطية (33) ايفا المصري وتحرير المرأة وبدء كنيسة المهجر
ضيوف الحلقة د. الهامى خليل و د. عصمت غبريال. وايضاً سلسلة أنشودة الخليقة مع د. ميشيل حنين.
Title: Eva Habib Elmasri, Feminist Movement in Egypt, and Start of the Diaspora Church.


Guests: Dr. Elhamy Khalil (LA) and Dr. Esmat Gabriel (Philadelphia).
Plus part 2 of The Creation Concert directed by Dr. Michael Henein (London).

First aired on 1 March 2016

LogosTV Coptic Civilization Program - Arabic 32

الحضارة القبطية -  الكرازه القبطية في كينيا


Title: The Coptic Mission in Kenya

Guests from LA: Fr. Cyril Gorgy, Dr. Nabil Soliman, Mr. Anthony Girges, and Mr. John Refila. First aired on 2 February 2016.

LogosTV Coptic Civilization Program - Arabic 31

الحضارة القبطية - الأسرة القبطية و عيد الميلاد و 25 ديسمبر


Title: The Coptic Family, Christmas, and 25 December.

Segment 1: Dialogue with Dr. Nabil Soliman (LA) and Dr. Esmat Gabriel (Philadelphia) on benefits to Coptic families if Christmas is celebrated on 25 December. Segment 2: E-Parthenos by St. Kyrel Choir from 1:35.

Segment 3: Artist Guirguis Boktor (LA) on the Nativity icon from 1:43.

First aired on 5 January 2016

All good wishes of the blessed Feast of the Holy Resurrection.
Saad Michael Saad

Host of the LogosTV Coptic Civilization Program

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