Christian Copts of California

P.O. Box 661336, Los Angeles, CA 90066

Date: April 29, 2009

For more information contact: Mounir Bishay

Phone: 310.641.3387 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Free Father Mattaos

Father Mattaos Wahba

Coptic (Egyptian Christian) priest is unjustly tried and imprisoned in Egypt.

Father Mattaos Wahba, is the priest of Archangel Michael Church at Kerdasa, Geza, Egypt.  He is a pious man of God who encourages his congregation with Jesus’ message of loving one’s enemy, blessing those who curse you; doing good to those who hate you; and praying for those who despitefully use and persecute you. (Mathew 5:44) Fr. Mattaos is a model Egyptian citizen that has not ever committed a crime or seen the inside of a prison other than in the context of ministering to inmates.






مؤتمر عالمى مع المنظمة الالمانية لحقوق الانسان


لفضح الفاشية الاخوانية



يشارك اتحاد المنظمات القبطية فى اوربا مع المنظمة الالمانية لحقوق الانسان " “ IGFM فى بون يوم 12 و 13 من شهر ابريل بحضور عددا من السياسيين فى المانيا من الحزب الحاكم والاحزاب الاخرى فى مؤتمرهم السنوى وسوف يقوم اتحاد المنظمات القبطية بنشر الاعمال الاجرامية من وزارة الداخلية المعضدة من ميلشيات الاخوان ضد الاقباط العزل وضرب الكاترائية المرقسية بالعباسية فى عمل همجى اجرامى لم يسبق حدوثه منذ دخول المسيحية .


وسوف نفضح النظام الارهابى الذى يحاول طمس جرائمة باصدار تعليماتة للمستشفيات المصرية التى يعالج فيها المصابين فى جريمتى الخصوص والكاتدرائية بعدم كتابة اى تقارير طبية او الاحتفاظ باسماء المصابين فيما عدا المستشفى القبطى .


كما اننا نحمل توثيق كامل لجرائم النظام فى الاتحادية وتصفية كل شرفاء الوطن الشهداء مثل جيكا الحسينى محمد الجندى ..... ليطمئن اخواننا المصريين اننا نقف صفا واحدا ضد خفافيش الظلام الفاشيين وتجار الدين عديمى الضمير .


ونتعهد باننا سناخذ الاجراءات القانونية ضد هذا النظام الارهابى .



اتحاد المنظمات القبطية فى اوربا


مدحت قلادة رئيس الاتحاد


دكتور ابراهيم حبيب نائب الرئيس


مجدى يوسف منسق عام الاتحاد

PR Newswire: news distribution, targeting and monitoring 

Press release

In the New Egypt, It's "Punish the Victim and Crush the Innocent"

WASHINGTON, Feb. 13, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Coptic Solidarity strongly urges that the international community, through the United Nations Human Rights Council, appoint a special rapporteur for the Copts in Egypt, particularly in light of the recent evictions, property confiscations and attacks against Copts.

The Copts are the Christians of Egypt who represent about 12% of Egypt's 84 million people.

Over the past two weeks, a new and ugly campaign has been waged against Copts. At least eight Coptic families have been evicted from their homes in the al-Nahda village, Amereyah, near Alexandria, following unconfirmed accusations against a Copt of having an affair with a Muslim woman. Even though the accused quickly surrendered himself to the police for investigation, some 5,000 village people, incited by Salafists and other Islamist groups, went on a violent rampage, collectively punishing the few Coptic families that live in the area, burning and ransacking their houses and their property. To make things worse, a "council" dominated by these Islamists was convened, in the presence of and approval of the area's chief of the police. This "council" decided to evict eight families from the village. The families' property will be liquidated by the "council." When the Coptic families objected to such a decision, they were told that were "free to stay at their own risk." They have since escaped, while the remaining families live in absolute horror.



For Immediate Release


european foundation




EFD Expert Warns of New Wave of Oppression of Iranian Civil Society and Human Rights Defenders -

yaqob mehranhad



Rev. Hon. Fred Nile ED., L.Th., M.L.C.


Parliamentary Leader, Christian Democratic Party
Parliament House, Macquarie Street, SYDNEY NSW 2000

Telephone: (02) 9230 2478 | Facsimile: (02) 9230 2098
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Media Release

Islamic Extremist Elected as Egyptian President

26th June 2012


The Rev Hon Fred Nile MLC, Leader of the Christian Democratic Party, along with his Parliamentary team and Management Committee, are extremely concerned with developments in Egypt overnight, where the Muslim Brotherhood's candidate, Mohamad Morsi, narrowly defeated his opponent in the run-off vote to the Egyptian Presidency.

The ascendency of the Muslim Brotherhood has even shocked some liberal Muslims who are concerned about the implementation of the repressive Islamic Sharia Law in a nation that up until recent times was known for its moderate culture.

Joint statement of condemnation and denunciation from the European Union for Coptic organizations for Human Rights and the Canadian Coptic activists federation.

The European Union for Coptic organizations for Human Rights and the Canadian Coptic activists federation denounce the ruling issued to acquit the three Muslim perpetrators who stripped the seventy-year-old woman, Suad Thabet, known as the lady of Karm, who was stripped naked and paraded in the streets of the village of Karm, despite of the overwhelming evidence, witnesses and videos handed over to the prosecution to convict the defendants.


Michael Meunier Testimony,

mike mounirCongressional Human Rights Caucus

May 23, 2007 

Thank you, Mr. Chairman and Members of Congress, and good afternoon. My name is Michael Meunier, and I am pleased to testify on behalf of the U.S. Copts Association regarding human rights and religious freedom abuses against Egypt’s Coptic and other minorities.


MRG urges Egypt to give Constitution drafting process more time

30 November 2012

Minority Rights Group International (MRG) expresses serious concern about Thursday's approval of the Draft Constitution by Egypt's Constituent Assembly.

Egypt's President Morsi has stated that he will now organise a popular referendum to ratify the draft. Roughly a third of the Assembly had resigned over the past months, protesting against the dominance of a political voting bloc promoting an Islamic conception of State and Society.

The members who resigned were predominantly from Liberal or Socialist parties, or belonging to the Coptic Christian Church, as well as representatives of ethnic minorities. Religious and ethnic minorities of Egypt were either never included in the Assembly, or have now withdrawn.

Official Press Release of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom

regarding the New Year's Eve at the Church of Saints Mark and Peter in Alexandria

We are deeply saddened and disturbed that once again, days of joy and celebration have been turned into a time of mourning and weeping. Our immediate thoughts and prayers are with all those who were affected by the bombing at the Church of Saints Mark and Peter in Alexandria: those who have lost their lives, their families, those who were injured, members of that parish, Christian communities in general, and Christians throughout the land of Egypt.

This was a time when Christians went as families to pray in the safety of the house of God. Men, women, children and the elderly gathered together in prayer for a happy and peaceful new year. Instead, they became the innocent victims of a most horrific, callus and cowardly act of terror and violence.


التاريخ22  يوليو 2007   

حضرة صاحب السمو الأمير محمد بن نواف                                      

سفير المملكة العربية السعودية بالمملكة المتحدة وايرلندا

United Copts of Great Britain

Press Release

For Immediate Release

30th January 2008 

The Administrative Court in Cairo refused to rule in a case filed by Mohammed Ahmed Hegazy, a convert to Christianity who is seeking official recognition of his conversion from Islam to Christianity, court officials said yesterday 29th January 2007.

United Copts of Great Britain  

Press Release  

For Immediate Release  4th June 2008  



Contact: info@unitedcopts.


On Wednesday 28th May 2008, 4 Christians, a jeweler and 3 of his workers were killed in cold blood at mid day by masked men in Zytoun district in Cairo. The masked men sped away on motorcycle. The Egyptian police seem not interested. No suspects being arrested so far.

On the 29th of May 2008, two masked men armed with machine guns stole 150,000 Egyptian pounds from a Christian jeweler in Alexandria. 2 suspects were arrested.

United Copts of Great Britain

Press Release

For Immediate Release

26th September 2008  


Contact:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Application of Islamic Sharia by court in Egypt forces Islam on Christian woman and separtes a mother from her 13 years old twin sons.


On the 23rd September 2008 The Shobra El-Khema criminal Court, Egypt sentenced Mrs. Bahia Nagy El-Sisi case number 14223 year 1996 to maximum sentence of 3 years imprisonment for “forgery of official document”. The fact is Bahia refused to follow her late father conversion to Islam which took place for a short period during her childhood before his return to Christianity ,and refused to become Muslim in her ID card.

United Copts of Great Britain

Press Release

For Immediate Release

14th January 2010


Contact: info@unitedcopts. Tel +447976710729

One the night of 6th of January 2010, while Christians in Egypt were celebrating the Eastern Christmas Eve, seven worshippers were gunned down right in front of Church by Muslim extremists.




uk ca lotus flower2.jpg2uafec

                 UK Copts


Coptic Organisations UK

Immediate Press Release

Two Coptic Children Accused of 'Insulting Islam' Released Pending Investigation  

The Coptic Organisations in the UK strongly condemn the irresponsible, threatening and intimidating action of the Egyptian Security forces and the judiciary in arresting and putting on trial 2 children under 10 who have been accused of defaming the Quoran.

The children who have been found to be illiterate have just been released pending a full trial.

This is just another clear example of terrorising Coptic families and their children, state collusion in persecuting Christians and abuse of the role of law and a clear miscarriage of justice on Coptic Christians in direct violation of “The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child” which Egypt is signatory country.

We ask the international community to take action and demand the immediate dismissal of this trial based on the illiteracy of the children and the malice nature of the accusation.

Coptic Organisations UK

UK Copts Assosiation

United Copts of GB

United Action for Egyptian Christians


بيان صحفى

ينطلق فى القاهرة يومى 30و 31 مارس 2013 مؤتمرا حاشدا عن المواطنة والأقليات تحت حكم الاخوان المسلمين.

وصرح السيد مجدى خليل ،مدير منتدى الشرق الأوسط للحريات الذى ينظم المؤتمر،أن هذا المؤتمر هو الاكبر من نوعه فى تاريخ مصر الحديث فى هذا الموضوع، حيث سيشارك فيه بالحضور أو بتقديم أوراق بحثية حوالى 70 سياسى وأكاديمى وباحث متخصص فى الموضوع، وسوف تصدر هذه الابحاث فى مجلدين بالعربية والانجليزية لأستشراف واقع ومستقبل الأقليات تحت الحكم الإسلامى.

Press Release



From all progressive Human Rights Egyptian organisations in UK


For Immediate release






On 03/07/2013 The Egyptian people’s will prevailed. They crossed the sea of hatred, ignorance, discrimination and terrorism to emerge at the shores of freedom. Egypt’s tyrant who admittedly started as an elected president; has demonstrated incomparable incompetence, and was also reckless with the national security of the country. He had to be defeated. The people were victorious in their demand to bring down a new dictator. As the Egyptians recommenced their glorious revolution from the Tahrir square, its noble birth place, the army stepped in to protect the country against Morsi’s anti-democratic thugs.

Press Release

For Immediate Release

2nd November 2006


The UCGB condemns the arrest and imprisonment of Sheikh Bahaa el-Din Ahmed Hussein el-Akkad, aged 57 at the hands of the Egyptian government.  Sheikh Akkad is currently imprisoned in Wadi el-Natroun Prison, Egypt for conversion from Islam to Christianity

Press release

Alkalema Organization for Human Rights, Egypt, condemns, without any conservation, the brutal criminal attack that targeted,” the lady savior”, in el-Karrada district, Baghdad, Iraq, causing the death of 58 and injured and wounded were more than 75 Christians. This attack was executed by al-Qaeida branch in Iraq that includes Egyptians members. The terrorist sinful group justified the attack as a response to what is so called the detention of the Muslim sisters in the churches and the monasteries of Egypt.

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