CAIRO: An Egyptian court Saturday condemned seven people to death for belonging to Daesh (ISIS) and beheading 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians in a Libyan beach, judicial officials said.
Daesh in Libya posted a video of the beheadings online in 2015, prompting international condemnation and leading Egypt to carry out airstrikes against the group in the neighboring Arab state.
Read more: Egypt condemns 7 to death over Daesh links, Copt beheading
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Egypt drops charges against men accused of stripping and beating a 70-year-old Christian woman… but prosecute her son for adultery with a Muslim neighbour's wife
Soad Thabet, a Coptic Christian, was attacked in May last year
Muslim villagers dragged her from her home along the dirt roads of Alkarm
Her son was rumoured to have had an affair with a married Muslim woman
Both he and the woman deny the affair but he will be prosecuted
Sectarian violence often erupts after rumours about inter-faith romances
By Sarah Dean For Mailonline and Reuters

Christian woman Soad Thabet, 70, was attacked after her son was rumoured to have had an affair with a married Muslim woman
Three Muslim men accused of stripping a 70-year-old Christian woman naked and beating her in the street in Egypt have had the charges against them dropped.
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الحقائق فى حرق منازل الاقباط بابوقرقاص :
نادر شكرى
الحقائق فى حرق منازل الاقباط بابوقرقاص :
شائعة علاقة بين قبطى ومسلمة تحولت لهجوم جماعى على اقباط قرية ” الكرم”
حرق 3منازل ونهب 2 واصابة قبطيين والشرطة لم تحرر محاضر للمتضررين
المتشددين تعدوا على والدة الشاب المسنة بشوارع القرية دون رحمة وتمزيق ملابسها
المتضررين: ما أثير شائعة لم تثبت صحتها وتم عقابنا رغم عدم صلتنا بالشاب
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Egyptian Court Sentences Three Christian Teens to Prison for ‘Insulting Islam’
by Mary Chastain27 Feb 2016">18
An Egyptian court has sentenced three teenage Coptic Christians to five years in jail for insulting Islam in a video posted online last year.
“They have been sentenced for contempt of Islam and inciting sectarian strife,” explained defense lawyer Maher Naguib. “The judge didn’t show any mercy. He handed down the maximum punishment.”
Read more: Egyptian Court Sentences Three Christian Teens to Prison for ‘Insulting Islam’
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الدوحة تضغط على لندن بسبب الإخوان..
التايمز: بريطانيا تخشى نشر تقرير الجماعة خوفا على علاقتها بالشرق الأوسط.. يكشف علاقة الإخوان بالجماعات المتصارعة بالمنطقة..
بلاد الضباب قاعدة لأنشطة الجماعة
قالت صحيفة التايمز البريطانية، إن تقرير الحكومة البريطانية المتعلق بأنشطة منظمة الإخوان قد يؤثر على علاقات المملكة المتحدة بدول الشرق الأوسط، مشيرة إلى وجود ضغوط لتخفيف حدة التقرير الذي وقف عند وصف الإخوان كجماعة إرهابية.
وأوضحت الصحيفة إن التقرير جاء بناءً على تكليف من رئيس الوزراء البريطاني، ديفيد كاميرون في العام الماضي، للسير جون جنكنز السفير البريطاني السابق في السعودية، للبحث في أنشطة الإخوان داخل وخارج المملكة المتحدة.
وأشارت الصحيفة إلى أن الإخوان أكبر حركة إسلامية في العالم ولها علاقات بحركة حماس الفلسطينية والجماعات المتصارعة على السلطة في ليبيا وسيطلب منها أن تكشف عن شبكتها الغامضة في بريطانيا والتابعين لها وسيشمل ذلك المؤسسات الخيرية والمساجد ووسائل الإعلام وجماعات تنظيم الحملات.
وكشف التقرير عن تشكيل لجنة حكومية بريطانية لفرض سياسة موحدة على الإخوان لتقليص حصول أتابعها على منح من القطاع العام للدولة وفحص مواردها المالية وسدادها للضرائب، وستطلب اللجنة من الجماعات التابعة للإخوان التعهد بشجب الإرهاب والعمل على تقديم دعم اجتماعي متكامل.
ولفتت الصحيفة إلى أن سبب تأخير نشر التقرير لمدة 5 شهور، يرجع إلى الحساسية السياسية والدبلوماسية ولم ينشر منه سوي صفحتين، وهذه الإجراءات تعد أسلوبا جديدا في التعامل مع الإخوان سواء بالنسبة لعقيدتها أو تنظيمها لأن فرض المراقبة على ضرائبها سيكون وسيلة لفرض الالتزام عليها ومراقبة أنشطتها عن كثب.
ونوهت الصحيفة إن كاميرون شعر بغضب شديد عندما التقي قادة الإخوان في العام الماضي في لندن دون علم المخابرات البريطانية، ولكن بريطانيا حريصة على بقاء علاقاتها مع أنظمة الشرق الأوسط وستعمل على خفض حدة التقرير لأن قطر داعم قوي منذ فترة طويلة للإخوان ولها استثمارات كبيرة في بريطانيا وتحاول ممارسة ضغوط لتخفيف حدة الانتقادات الموجهة للإخوان، فضلا عن الخوف من أن تتأثر العلاقات البريطانية التركية لأن تركيا تستضيف قادة الإخوان على أراضيها.
وأضافت الصحيفة أن مصر والمملكة العربية السعودية تطالب المملكة المتحدة بأخذ موقف ضد الإخوان ولكن بريطانيا كانت قاعدة لأنشطة الإخوان لسنوات طويلة، ولكن سعت لندن منذ العام الماضي أخذ بعض الإجراءات أدت إلى غلق حسابات الإخوان في بنك "أتس أس بي سي".
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The United Copts Quarterly
Eleventh Issue

The United Copts Quarterly
Tenth Issue
The United Copts Quarterly
Ninth Issue
The United Copts Quarterly
Eighth Issue
The United Copts Quarterly
Seventh Issue
Sixth Issue
Fifth Issue
Fourth Issue
Third Issue
Second Issue
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Full Name
Correspondence Address
House Name / Number
Town/City Post Code
Telephone Numbers
Work Address
GMC Specialist Register Number:
- Details
Media advocacy:
through writing to News Papers Opinion pages, also you can write articles to the Coptic Websites or News Papers who care about the Copts and their problems.
You can easily put your article in Arabic to no fuss.
You can advocate by contacting Radios which have programs dealing with political issues and current events.
In UK sharing your views with BBC web site may results in a phone call asking you if you like to take part in a program or a debate.
Programs such as Jonathan Dimbleby Any Question followed by Any Answers on Radio 4 is very hot on these issues, you can easily take part, you can contact the program and say your opinion by ringing 08700 100 444
- Details
Mr Willie Walsh
CEOBritish Airways plc,
PO Box 365,
UB7 0GB.1st November 2006
Dear Mr. Walsh
I am astonished and disappointed at your decision to suspend your employee Ms Nadia Eweida for “failing to comply with uniform regulations by wearing a crucifix “ While the British Airways does not object to wearing other religious symbols by Muslims and Hindu which is more obvious than the crucifix Ms Eweida was wearing.
I find the current situation reflects a shameless double standard as well as being insulting and offensive to Christians.
BA as an employer has responsibility to treat all its employees equally. It is difficult to imagine this unjust situation is coming from British Airways offices.
I strongly support former Tory Home Office Minister Ann Widdecombe who claimed the decision was "religious discrimination" and called for a boycott of BA if it wasn't reversed. Hope to see this decision reversed soon.
I am afraid stopping Ms Eweida from wearing the crucifix while other faiths employee enjoy displaying their religious outfit has caused a lot of resentment to many people in this country to the extent that, I for myself and my friends and members of the Coptic and Middle Eastern Christians, we are going to boycott the BA services.
Yours sincerely
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Coptic Organisations

Holland Coptic Association
Human Rights Organisations
Al-Kalema Centre for Human Rights Cairo
International Campaign Against Sharia
A Cry out for HELP !!
Arabic Newspapers
![]() | Algeria | ![]() | Bahrain |
![]() | Egypt | ![]() | Iraq |
![]() | Jordan | ![]() | Kuwait |
![]() | Lebanon | ![]() | Libya |
![]() | Morocco | ![]() | Oman |
![]() | Palestine | ![]() | Qatar |
![]() | Saudi Arabia | ![]() | Sudan |
![]() | Syria | ![]() | Tunisia |
![]() | United Arab Emirates | ![]() | United Kingdom |
![]() | United States | ![]() | Yemen |
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The lotus flower, the only plant to fruit and flower simultaneously, emerges from the depths of the muddy swamp of the Nile.
The seed grows toward the warmth and light of the sun.
The mature flower floats on the surface, bathing in the full light of the sun.
At night the flower closes and sinks underwater but still emitting it's fragrance, at dawn it rises and opens again.
Well 'anchored' but moving freely.
Untouched by the impurity, lotus symbolizes the purity of heart and mind.
The lotus flower represents long life, health, honor and good.
It is very much an Egyptian symbol.
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1-Spead the news about violation of Coptic politcal rights and attacks on Copts among the Coptic Community and all concerned.
2-Report the event to Human Rights organisations in Egypt to:
Mr Mamdouh Nakhla Al-Kalema Centre Cairo Tel +4420105382995.
or Mr Nagib Gobrael +44202 2030009
or abroad: The Christian Solidarity Worldwide 00440208 942 8810
Foreign and Common Wealth Middle East Office 0207 270 2461.
3-If you can, through a Human Rights Coptic organisation abroad or in Egypt, file a case or repor to UN.
4-Write to the UN High Commission for Human Rights Human Rights .
The statement / intervention presented to United Nations WGM 2005, Geneve under Freedom of Religion
How to direct complaints to the treaty bodies
For complaints to the Human Rights Committee, the Committee against Torture and the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, direct your correspondence and inquiries to:
œ | Petitions Team Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights United Nations Office at Geneva 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland | |
ž | Fax | + 41 22 9179022 (particularly for urgent matters) |
@ | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
For complaints to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, direct your correspondence and inquiries to:
œ | Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women c/o Division for the Advancement of Women, Department of Economic and Social Affairs United Nations Secretariat 2 United Nations Plaza DC-2/12th Floor New York, NY 10017 United States of America | |
ž | Fax | + 1-212-963-3463 |
- Details
من موقع شباب السلفيين المصريين
صوره للشيخ حازم صلاح ابو إسماعيل ايام الشباب
تـظهر في الصوره بوادر أسد كاسر ، و حارس مقدام
و فارس من فرسان الشريعه و دولة أهل السنه
اللهم احفظ شيخنا و أبعد عنه كارهيه و الحاقدين عليه و المتربصين به
فى السودان راحو اقتحموا سفاره على أساس انها سفارة امريكا .. فجأه اكتشفوا انها سفارة انجلترا .. بعد شويه طلعوا على سفاره تانيه واقتحموها على اساس امريكا برضو بس اكتشفوا انها سفارة المانيا :
البرلمان النهارده
البرلمان زمان
مرشد الاخوان قال لجمال عبد الناصر يقول الاخوان عايزين يلبسو المصريين طرح
ألف ليله وليله
بلغنى أيها المصرى المذهول ..... ذو العقل المشغول
أن الثورة الفتية .... قد سرقها البلطجية ....
بمساعدة القنوات الفضائية .... مع الأخوان و السلفية ..
وضاعت البورصة والسياحة..... والحرامية زادوا فى البجاحة..
وانتشرت الدسائس.. و أتحرقت الكنائس
و بقى بلطجى فى كل شارع .... والسلفية خطفوا الجوامع
وضاع الأمان وزاد القرف .... وسلملى على حكومة شرف
و بعد ما مشى الديكتاتور .... بقى لكل وزارة طرطور
والحكومة تاتا تاتا .... سايقة فى الفشل و التباتة

أشهر اقوال القذافي
1- للمرأة حق الترشح سواء كانت ذكر أو أنثى !!
2- ايها الشعب .. لولا الكهرباء لجلسنا نشاهد التلفاز في الظلام !!
3- أنا لست ديكتاتورا لأغلق الفيس بوك .. لكني سأعتقل من يدخل عليه !!
4- تظاهروا كما تشاؤن ولكن لا تخرجوا إلى الشوارع والميادين !!
...5- ساظل فى ليبيا الى ان اموت او يوافينى الاجل !!
6- بر الوالدين اهم من طاعة امك و ابوك
7- الديموقراطية تعني ديمو الكراسي
هذا إعلان حقيقي في مصر مش نكته
تفرغ للصيام و خلي الدعاء علينا ..
للحصول على دعوات خاصه ارسل على حساب رقم 020139698777
- 1000 جنيه. ندعي لك قبل آذان المغرب.
- 1500 جنيه ندعي لك قبل المغرب مع بكاء.
- 2000 جنيه ندعي لك آخر الليل وقبل الفجر مع بكاء أيضا وخشوع
- ولا يفوتك العرض الخاص فقط
4000 جنيه الباقه الكامله طيله شهر رمضان
مع تحيات
شركه دعاء الكروان..!

كل ما يرفع ايده يقوله
عليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
واحد بيشرح درس عن الحجاب وبعد ما خلص
قالت بنت: انا اقتنعت وهلبس العباية والنقاب
قالها: الله ينور عليكي ده مفتاح الجنة
بنت تانية قالت: بس انا بحب اطلع بالشورت والمايوه
قالها: الله ينور عليكي ده مفتاح شقتي
واحد و مراته بيكرهوا بعض
مسافرين بالعربية
عدوا على مزرعة بقر قالها:
يقربولك دول؟
قالتله : أيوة أهل جوزى
مدرسة روضة قالت لتلميذ عد لخمسة و أديك بوسة ... راح قالها طب أعد لعشرة و
نسهر سوا
واحده مصريه سافرت اسرائيل ورجعت حامل قالت لجوزها ابسط ياعم جبتلك اسير يهودى
اتنين مساطيل واحد بيقول للتانى هو لو خنتك مع مراتك نبقى نسايب قاله لا نبقى
صعيدى روح لقى مراته نايمة مع واحد .. راح ساحب سكينة و راح يقتله .. لقى
الراجل بيقوله استنى ... احنا الكاميرا الخفية
مات الصعيدى على روحه من الضحك و قال : مش ممكن يا جماعة , دى خامس مرة تعملوها
فيا و متذيعوهاش
ديك أخد فياجرا قعد يخبط ع الجيران قالهم و حياة أبوكم فرخة ولو من الفريزر
واحده قالت لجوزها بمناسبه 25سنه على جوازنا ادبح خروفين قالها وايه ذنب
الخروفين فى غلطه ارتكبها الحمار
سواق قتل 60 واحد في حادثة.... لما سأله الظابط ليه قتلتهم؟ قال له كنت ماشي
وبعدين فجاة العجلة ضربت منى ..ولقيت على يميني فرح وعلى شمالي راجلين ... ادخل
في مين ؟ قاله الظابط ادخل في الراجلين.. قاله م انا دخلت في واحد والتاني دخل
الفرح .... اسيبه
مرة جماعة راكبين عربية أجرة و مسافرين و السواق عمال يجري بسرعة قوي
واحد قاله ياعم هدي شوية
السواق قاله: بتفهم في البيجو
قاله: لأ
قاله: طب اخرس
سرعة العربية عمالة تزيد فواحد تاني
ياعم هدي شوية حتموتنا معاك الله يحرقك
السواق زعق: بتفهم في البيجو
قاله: لأ
قاله: طب اخرس
السواق عمال يجري فواحد تاني
ياعم انت حتموتنا
قاله بتفهم في البيجو
قاله أيوة بفهم في البيجو
قاله طب تعالى وقفها
واحد بخيل عنده اربع حيطان دهن واحده منهم باللون الاصفر والباقى كتب عليهم نفس
واحد دخل فندق 5 نجوم كان في فرح وهو كان عايز يروح دوره المياه فبيسأل واحده
في الفرح وهو مكسوف جداًً ... وبيوشوشها في ودنها لو سمحتي التلاوَت منين ؟؟
البنت ضحكت وقالت : قصدك التواليت ؟ .... من الناحيه التانيه
فراح لف وشوشها في ودنها التانيه : التلاوَت منين؟؟
الشرطة فى خدمة الشعب
1- لما تلاقى مذبحة .............للأقباط
2- في الكشح والزاوية الحمراوالعياط
3- وقتل ونهب .................باستعباط
يبقى أنت أكيد في مصر!!
4- لما تلاقى القبطي مالوش اى حقوق
5- ومن مرارة الذل والمهانة يذوق.....
6- وبيته وماله.....منهوب مسروق...
يبقى أنت أكيد فى مصر!!
7- لما تلاقى الظلم............زيادة..
8- وممنوع ترمم بيوت العبادة...
9- وإحباط .......كثير فوق العادة...
يبقى أنت أكيد فى مصر!
10-لما تلاقى دعوات ... للتكفير
11-وكلام عن رضاعة .. الكبير
12-والعلاج ............. ببول البعير
يبقى أنت أكيد فى مصر!!
13-لما تلاقى حاميها حراميها....!!!
14-عايش بس عشان ينهب فيها....!!
15-وناس مش لاقيه هدمة تداريها
يبقى أنت أكيد فى مصر
16-لما تلاقى الظلم فى البلد دستور!1
17-وورا كل جريمة...معتوه موتور
18-وشعب عايش.... ....عبد المأمور
يبقى أنت اكيدفى مصر
19-لما تلاقى المحسوبية ... قانون
20-والرشوة شطارة شغالة بجنون...
21-وان قلت كلمة حق تكون مجنون...
22-لما تلاقى الخوف ....حواليك...
23-شيطان عمال. ..يأكل فيك....
24-وغصب عنك تعمل اللى ما يرضيك
يبقى أنت أكيد في مصر
25-لما تلاقى الحق......... .....باعوه
26-والجبن بين الناس. ...............زرعوه
27-والصدق في كل مكان ....... قتلوه
يبقى أنت أكيد في مصر
28-لما تلاقى نفسك عايش.. ......قلة موت
29-عايش والفساد.......... خ يوط عنكبوت
30-وممنوع تقول رايك أو يخرج لك صوت
يبقى أنت أكيد في مصر
31-لما تلاقى اللى ...بيفصل في أمورك ظالم
32-والحق مشوه مالوش اى. ..........معالم
33-ومجالس عرفية .....تقام بدل . ...المحاكم
يبقى أنت أكيد في مصر
24-لما تلاقى بين النا س خصام وفتن
25-والشوارع فيها المجارى ضاربة ...وعفن
26-وبطالة وجهالة وتحرش... ..وقلة سكن
يبقى أنت أكيد في مصر
27-لما تلاقى شعب مطحون قليل الحيلة
28-وراقصة بتعلم الناس التقوى والفضيلة
29-وناس زى خيالات المقاتة نحيلة
يبقى أنت أكيد في مصر
30-لما تلاقى على مخابز العيش طوابير
31-ومن غير ذنب واقف ع باب بيتك غفير
32-وضابط يضربك ع قفاك ماعندوش ضمير
يبقى أنت أكيد في مصر
33-لما تلاقى شعب طيب عاطى . أمان
34-بي اكل من خير بلاده .... ...ومش دريان
35-يلاقى المية ملوثة والزرع جابله سرطان
يبقى انت اكيد في مصر
36-لما تلاقى في السجون ضرب وتعذيب!!!
37-وتحرش وحاجات تخلى شعر الوليد يشيب
38-وتحس وكأنك قاعد في سجن(ابوغريب)!!
يبقى انت اكيد في مصر
39-لما تلاقى..بين الشيوخ والقسوس نفاق!!
40-وشجرة محبة خالية من اى أوراق
41-وكلام مكرر.مالوش معنى بس براق !!!
يبقى انت أكبد في مصر
42-لما تلاقى ع التلفاز لحى بتتعانق!!!
43-وف كل واحد منهم احقاد بتتخانق!!
44-وعاوز كل واحد يعمل للتانى مشانق!!!
يبقى انت اكيد في مصر
45-لما تلاقى كلام كتير عن المواطنة..
46-وحقوق الغير والمحبة والموازنة...
47- وكلام كنير كدب ومالوش لازمة...
يبقى أنت أكيد في مصر
48-لما تلاقى كلام عن الوحدة الوطنية!!!
49-وانه إحنا أكثر البلاد ...ديمقراطية
50- وتلاقى الغليان مقتول ومالوش دية
يبقى أنت أكيد في مصر
51-لما تلاقى الموظف شعاره:كله تمام!!!!!
52- ولوعاوز تقضى مصلحة تدفع كام!!
53-والرشوة حلال بفتوى ا لشيخ إمام !!
يبقى أنت أكيد في مصر
54- لما تلاقى الأخلاق بجد في أزمة!!!
55- ومشاكلك حواليك حزمة ..حزمة
56- في بلد ...نهبوها ولاد الجزمة !!!!
يبقى أنت أكيد في مصر
57- لمل تلاقى..في بلدك..كلك مباح.........!!!
58- ارضك مالك عرضك..تحت تهديد السلاح
59- وعايش مستني الموت في كل....... صباح
يبقى انت اكيد في مصر
60- لما تلاقى الناس .في...بلد محكومة بالكرباج...
61- والبيه ساكن في قصر من الياقوت والعاج....
62- و90%من الشعب يشكى الذل والاحتياج....
يب قى أنت اكيد في مصر
63- لما تلاقى حقك قدام عينك ...راح لغيرك....
64- وان تكلمت ربنا وحده يعرف إيه مصيرك....
65- يمكن سجن ويمكن قتل..لحد ما يموت ضميرك...
يبقى أنت أكيد في مصر
66- لما تلاقى بلد كرهوها ولادها وباعوها
67- واللي هجروا منها حلفوا تانى مايرجعوها
68- وتقول له دي بلدك يقولك :يلعن أبوها
يبقى انت اكيد في مصر
69- لما تلاقى في الانتخابات..حزب وطني اواخوان
70- الأول حرامى ودامى والثانىكداب ومالوش امان
71- من هم الى هم ياقلب امانة كفاية............. احزان
يبقى انت اكيد فى مصر

نتاج التزاوج بين عرعور وناقته
عن مدونة حجاب نقاب وباقى الزبالة
هل يجوز للمسلم أن يصافح المرأة؟؟
الشيخ القرضاوى يقول نعم....إذا كانت موزة
ونجاد يقول كلا ... حتى لو كانت عجوزة
فالسواق نزل استراحة ورجع لقى الفتيس مش موجود قالوا الفتيس راح فين...قالوا لجيتك طول الطريق عمال تشد فيه مش عارف تخلعه جولت اشلهولك
وأهله عنده
ويقولون له: انطق الشهادة يا ابراهيم
قوول الشهادة يا ابراهيم
فتح عيونه وقال
دبلوم زراعة
"كهربائى ابنه سخن ركبله "ترنس
واحد راح "يوكل" محامى لقاه صايم
واحد ركب "حجرين" للراديو المزيع أتسطل
واحد مجنون عقل ..طلق مراته
بلدياتنا بيشرب القهوه .. الكراسى وقفت فى زوره
بتاع كاوتش شاف فرده "نايمه" .. صعب عليه يصحيها
واحد بلدياتنا دخل امتحان لوحده، طلع الثاني
واحد خش في موضوع ... كسره
واحد مسكين اتجوز مسكينه ..... خلفوا ولد يكسر الخاطر
واحد لبسوه قضيه.... طلعت كبيره عليه
واحد دمه تقيل .... اجرله واحد يشيله
واحد فقد توازنه ..... راح يدور عليه
واحد بلديتنا عايز يغرق ابنه خرملو المايوه
واحد بلديلتنا كتب على حيطة .. معرفش يطلقها
واحد فرّان راسة و الف سيف قبل ما يندفن ابوه يحط شوية دقيق
واحد اتهموه بالذكاء .... طلع براءه
واحد حب ينشر مقال في الجريده ... اشترى منشار
"مذيعة بتسأل واحد أصلع تحب تسمع أغنية ايه قالها: "فرق كبير
قهوجى أشترى عربية طلع الكراسى بره
واحد سأل أبوه :هوه الحب أعمى؟ قاله بص لـ أمك وأنت تعرف
واحد بلديتنا ماشي في الصحراء وقعت علي راسه بلكونه

............ . عشان واحد يضرب والتاني يحوش
واحد بلدياتنا ماشي تحت الكوبري و رافع ايده ليه ؟
......... عشان الكوربري مسلح
صاحبه : ليه ؟
حسنين : عشان كنت نايم في السرير الفوقاني
صاحبه: وماعرفتش تبدل
حسنين : لأ، ماكانش فيه حد في السرير التحتاني عشان ابدل معاه
تحطمت طائرة صغيرة تتسع لراكبين فقط فوق احد المقابر بالصعيد
اخوانا الصعايدة انتشلوا 500 جثة وما زال الحفر مستمراً

مرة واحد كان سايق عربية كارو.. وقفته نقطة مرور قالت له, معاك ايه؟ قال,
كتاكيت.. قالو, بتأكلهم ايه؟ قال, علف .قاله, يامغفل أكلهم جاتوه و تورته
قابلته نقطة مرور ثانية قالو, بتأكلهم ايه؟ قالو, جاتوه و تورته..
قاله, يامغفل أكلهم علف...
قابلته نقطة مرور ثالثة قاله بتأكلهم ايه قاله, اسمع ياباشا انا بدي كل
واحد مصروفه يشتري الي هو عايزه
بلديتنا شاف واحدة لابسه جزمة بيضة حب يعاكسها !!!! قاللها نهارك ابيض زى الدزمة
إفتى يامفتى
صعيدى عايز نضارة بيسالوه للشمس قالهم لا ليا
بيقولو لسكران انت شارب قالهم لا لحية
صعيدى دخل الجهادية طلع من الجهة التانية
واحد سافر المغرب رجع العشاء
الانسان زى البنى ادم لما بيموت بيتوفى
سكران وقع على باب العمارة البواب بيقوله جات سليمة قاله خليها تطلع
غبى بيقول لواحده اسمك ايه قالتله اسماء قالها يعنى مفيش اسم محدد
رزل بيقول للبقال عندك سكر قاله اه قاله ربنا يشفيك
واحد بيقول لسواق التاكس حسابك كام قاله 20 اداله 10 قاله بقول 20 قاله انت مش راكب معايا

عشان انت مصرى
عشان انت مصرى لازم تعانى وتفقد كرامتك بكل المعانى
وتحرق فى دمك سنين مش ثوانى واوعى تصدق كلام الاغانى
بتاع الحضاره وكانى ومانى ده كله هجايص مايدخل ودانى
عشان انت مصرى العذاب بيناديك بتبدا فى يومك حاجات بترازيك
فى نومك فى قومك تعكنن عليك تضايقك ولسه العماص فى عينيك
مافيش ميه تشطف صابونه فى ايديك وجسمك ملزق وريحتك عاديك
فتلبس وتنزل وفيك اللى فيك ورايح لشغلك حتحتاج مواصله
ادى المترو واقف وكهربته فاصله وفى الميكروباص خناقه وحاصله
اوتوبيس فرامله عايزالها وصله وتوك توك ده تايه ومحتاج لبوصله
بتوصل لشغلك بدم اتحرق فى زحمه وكتمه وحر وعرق
رئيسك سايبلك كومه ورق ده غير دمغه ضايعه وملف اتسرق
وفى كام مواطن عاملك قلق بيشكى تقول له روح اندعق
وعركه وهوجه وشاى اندلق ومخك خلاص من الصداع اتفلق
هترجع لبيتك ده لو كان فى بيت هتوصل هتندم ياريتك ماجيت
مراتك بتصرخ خلاص استويت عيالك بتطلب وهات كيت وكيت
تزعق تهاتى ياناس اتهريت ولاحد سامعك مهما هاتيت
عشان انت مصرى وده للاسف فلازم تآسى تعيش تتقرف
وكل الاساسى فى حياتك ترف فتنسى الكرامه وتنسى الشرف
وتسرق وتنصب او تنحرف ودمعك بيجرى وجرحك نزف
مش انت اللى مصرى؟؟؟ .......جتك القرف
واحد غبي راح يخطب الأب قاله البنت لسه فى المدرسة رد
عليه الغبي وقاله يعنى أجيلها بالليل
واحد بخيل راح يزور أمه فى المستشفى شاف على الباب مكتوب ادفع
قال: خلاص ابقي ازورها لما تروح البيت.
صعيدى بيكلم نفسه جمبرى فى الطبق؟! لا أرنب فى الجردل؟! لا
كابوريا فى البانيو؟! لا، إتصل بالدكتور سأله إنت قلت أنا عندى إيه؟ قاله
عندك سرطان فى الحوض.
الملك عطعوط يرُش النِقوط
بلغنى أيها الملك السعيد ، ذو الرأى الرشيد ، والعُمر المديد . إن الملك عطعوط ذو العقال الأحمر المنقوط والرداء الأبيض والعبايه والزعبوط ، ملك بلاد الجاز والسعوط ، كان محتاساً وفى أمور الخدم موروط ، ومهموماً وعلى عرشه محطوط ،
فأخذ الجهاز السحرى الدوار ، ذو الأرقام المربعه ذات الأنواروالذى صنعوه لنا الأمريكان الكُفار ، ليحادث السلطان شحبور الجار ، ليعاتبه لرفضه مشروع الجسر الجبار ، الذى يربط صحرائه القاحله والجفار ، ببلاد الهيصه والنسوان والإخضرار ،
وأخذ الجهاز المسحور ، وراحت أصابعه تطلب الأرقام وتدور ، ورد فى الحال عليه السلطان شحبور ، وأبلغه أنه زعلان ومقهور ، من رفضه مشروع جسر الجسور ،
فقال له شحبور سأعوضك يا صاحب السعاده والسرور بما يدخل عليك النشوه والحبور ، وقام شحبور مرتبكاً وقال ، يجب أن نجمع الديوان فى التو والحال ، ونستشير الوزراء وأولاد الحلال ، فقال له كبير الديوان بعرور ذو الأفكار والكياسه ، الحل فى يد شوشو بنت كعبور وزيرة النخاسه ، فهى تعرف كيف تخرج الطهاره من النجاسه ، وتغربل الذهب وتجمعه من كوم الكُناسه ،وتجمع للملك عطعوط الجوارى المياسه ، من شلال أسوان لشمال كرداسه ،
فوافق السلطان شحبور على الفكره المكيره ، وأذن لرئيس الديوان بعرور بطلب الوزيره ، وفى الحال حضرت بجُعبتها الكبيره ، وأخرجت منها أوراقها الكثيره ، وكتبت مطلوب خادمات مُستنيره ، فقال لها بعرور ذو العين البصيره ، كلا فأكتبى مطلوب كوافيره للمنازل ومُديره ، فنفذت أوامره وهى صاغية قريره ، ووزعتها على كل الجماهير الغفيره ،
فأجتمعت فى ثوانٍ معدودات ، من كل المراكز والمُدريات ، والقرى والبرارى والواحات ، أجمل الصبايا وأحلى البنات ، وراحت تفرزهُن الأطباء والدايات ، ليكُن للسفر لطويل العُمر( الملك عطعوط ) جاهزات ،
وتوجس رئيس الديوان بعرور وخاف ، وجرى على سريره وشد اللحاف ، ليغطى وجهه الذى غاص بين الأكتاف ، وفكر كيف يرسل الجوارى بالألاف ، ليرطبن الملك عطعوط ويخففن عنه الجفاف ،
فقام فى الحال وورمى بعيداً غطائه ، وخلع الشبشب ولبس شرابه وحذائه ، وهرول ليقابل أبو صابونه رئيس وزرائه ، وقص عليه حكاية السلطان شحبور وما جائه ، من طلب الملك عطعوط إرسال جوارى له ومَشَاطَات لنسائه ، وصارحه بطلبه لوزيرة النخاسه ورجائه ، ليكون الأمر رسمى فلا يشمت فيه أعدائه ، وحبكها وفعلها بمكره ودهائه ،
وصَفَقَ رئيس الوزراء ( أبو صابونه ) بيداه أيما تصفيق ، وهنئه على رجاحة عقله العتيق ، وعلى ذكائه وإستنارة فكره العميق ،
وجاءهم السلطان شحبور بالزعيق ، فطمئنوه وقالوا له أن الجوارى فى الطريق ، وأرتفعت قلوع المراكب والسوارى ، التى قد ملؤها بالخادمات والجوارى ، والمدلكات والممشطات وملكات اليمين والسرارى ، ليدخلن البهجه لطويل العُمر ويؤنسن قسوة الصحارى ، ليأخذ ما يكفيه منهُن لليالى الأنس وأحلى العصارى ، ويوزع ما بقى منهُن لشعبه فى القيافى والبرارى ،
وإنبسط الملك عطعوط وفرح بالنسوان ، وأغدق على شحبور الدنانير والذهب والمُرجان ، وهبر معه بعرور رئيس الديوان ، ولم ينسوا وزيرة النخاسه وتسخير الإنسان ،
ونقول يامصر يعينى على الزمان ، راح زمان الأطباء والمهندسين ومعلموا البيان ، بنات نفرتيتى وحتشبسوت يخدمن الحُفاه العربان ،
حسره عليكى يا مصر وشعبك فى الطين محطوط ، مش مهم مدام السلطان شحبور مبسوط ، وحاز رضى طويل العُمر الملك عطعوط ، بفلوسه يتهنى بصبايا مصر والجمال مظبوط ، والوزيره شوشو تلم بعد الفرح النقوط ....
وهنا يحزن شهريار ، على كرامة بلد راحت وشعبه إنهار ..
ولم يصيح الديك فلم يأتى بَعد النهار ............ مش كده ولا إيه
شفيق بطرس
"اهداء الى شعب مصر "حسنى مبارك"
ياشعبي حبيبي ياروحي يابيبي ياحاطك في جيبي يابن الحلال
ياشعبي ياشاطر ياجابر خواطر ياساكن مقابر وصابر وعال
ياواكل سمومك يابايع هدومك ياحامل همومك وشايل جبال
ياشعبي اللي نايم وسارح وهايم وفي الفقر عايم وحاله ده حال
احبك محشش مفرفش مطنش ودايخ مدروخ واخر انسطال
احبك مكبر دماغك مخدر ممشي امورك كده باتكال
واحب اللي ينصب واحب اللي يكدب واحب اللي ينهب ويسرق تلال
واحب اللي شايف وعارف وخايف وبالع لسانه وكاتم ماقال
واحب اللي قافل عيونه المغفل واحب البهايم واحب البغال
واحب اللي راضي واحب اللي فاضي واحب اللي عايز يربي العيال
واحب اللي يائس واحب اللي بائس واحب اللي محبط وشايف محال
واحبك تسافر وتبعد تهاجر وتبعت فلوسك دولار او ريال
واحبك تطبل تهلل تهبل عشان مطش كوره وفيلم ومقال
واحبك تأيد تعضض تمجد توافق تنافق وتلحس نعال
تحضر نشادر تجمع كوادر تلمع تقمع تظبط مجال
لكن لو تفكر تخطط تقرر تشغلي مخك وتفتح جدال
وتبدأ تشاكل وتعمل مشاكل وتنكش مسائل وتسأل سؤال
وعايز تنور وعايز تطور وتعمللي روحك مفرد رجال
ساعتها حجيبك لايمكن اسيبك وراح تبقى عبره وتصبح مثال
حبهدل جنابك وادل اللي جابك وحيكون عدابك ده فوق الاحتمال
وامرمط سعادتك واهزأ سيادتك واخلي كرامتك في حالة هزال
وتلبس قضيه وتصبح رزيه وباقي حياتك تعيش في انعزال
حتقبل ححبك حترفض حلبك حتطلع حتنزل حجيبلك جمااااال
تاكسي مكيف أفغانستان

وحده اشترت تلفون من ورا زوجها حبت تعمله
مفاجاة دخلت الحمام واتصلت بيه وقالتله
الو حياتي .. قالها اتصلي بعدين البقرة في الحمام .
قال لها : قد لا أكون غنياً .. ولا عندي سيارة ولا فيلا ولا مزرعة ولا شركه ولا
فلوس مثل صديقي محسن ولكني أعشقك واحبك .. فضمته ودمعت عيناها وقالت : إن كنت تحبني
حقاً فعرفني على محســـــــــــــــن .
صعيدي بيعد بالانجليزي ... وان - توو - ثري - فور - فايف -استغفر الله – سكس
صعيدي وامريكي الامريكى قال للصعيدي وصلتوفين بالتطور الصعيدي رد وقال ياعم تطور
ايه دا اححنا رجعنا لورا، ثم سأل الصعيدي الامريكي انتو وصلتو فين بالتطور الامريكي
قاله اححنا وصلنا بالتطور اذا القمر الصناعى عطل في السما نقدرنصلحه الصعيدي فكر
شويةوقل يااااااااااااااه هو المفك بتاعكم طوله أد ايه
واحد دمياطي راح يخطب قالوله المهر عشرة الاف قال ليه يعني انا لقيت بألفين بس و
كمان حامل.
مرة واحد ترزى مشى فى حتة مقطوعة خيطها
واحد بيسأل صاحبه انت بتعيط لية ؟؟ قاله حماتى عايزة تنط من البلكونة فقاله وانت زعلان اوى كدة علشانها؟؟ قاله لاطبعا بس الشباك مش عايز يتفتح
مأذون مش لاقى شغل ...طلقمراته
بياع جرايد ابوه مات مشى فى الجنازة يقول اقرا الفاتحة
مرة اتنين مساطيل قاعدين في الاستاد واحد بيقول للتانى.. تلف الاستاد دة فى قد اية رد عليه .. في سجارتين
محشش لقي كنز قال: كويس فاضل الخريطة !!
واحد تاكسجى نايم مراتة دخلت علية بالليل وقفلت الباب بشويش..صحى قال لها افتحية واقفلية تانى !!!!
ولد بيسأل أبوه: هي الحمير بتتجوز؟؟ قاله: يا بني مبيتجوزش أصلاً غير الحمير .
واحد دمياطى بيغرق ..... منوفى ماشى على الشط .. الدمياطى انقذنى ... المنوفى قاله هات جنيه ....الدمياطى بببببريززةااااا بيقولك
واحدة بتقول لجوزها اطرد السواق ده كان حيموتني مرتين في حادثة قال لها: خلينا نديه فرصة ثالثة ...
ولد صغير كل يوم يعدي على البقال يقوله عندك شيبسي يقوله البقال ايوه يقوله طيب اديني كيس لايز....اليوم اللي بعده يقوله عندك هوهوز يقوله ايوا عندي الولد يقوله طيب اديني اتنين توينكيز....و كل يوم بالشكل ده. البقال اشتكى لأبو الولد الصغير و حكاله فالاب انفعل جدا و قال للبقال: عند عصايه؟ قاله: ايوا الاب قاله : اديله بالألم
مرة ابو العربى ركب مركبه فقامت عليه موجه راح مطلع المطوه قال له بلآش انت يا بحرّّّّّّّّ
مرة إتنين حلاقين بيسمعوا ماتش فالمذيع بيقول شاط شوطة بمشط رجلة حلوة فى المقص راح الصبى قال إلحق ياسطى بيلعبوا فى العدة
سكران بيقول سبحان الله الانسان زي البني ادم لما بيتوفى بيموت
أبو العريى قابل واحد صاحبه متغاظ من امريكا فقال له شوف امريكا من غضب ربنا عليها خلاها هناك فى آخر الدنيا لكن مصر يادوب ساعتين بالبيجو
اتنين مساطيل واحد بيقول للتانى : تصدق ان بوش جاى مصر بكره قاله : و ايه يعنى علىِِ الطلاق الاهلى يغلبه
مره أبو العربى ماشى فى الشارع قابل أبو محمد بيقول له هوا أبوك بيتآلط علينا ليه قال له ليه ياعم... قال له من ساعة مامات محدش عاد بيشوفه
ابو العربى قاعد مع اصحابه و بيحكيلهم : انا مره طلعلى اسد و كان فى ايدى كباية ميه رميته بيها الاسد طلع يجرى رد عليه واحد من اللى قاعدين قاله صح يابو العربى انا قابلت نفس الاسد ضربته بالقلم ايدى اتبلت
سواق ميكروباص راح يحلق شعره......الحلاق بيساله عايز تحلق شعرك ايه؟؟؟؟؟ قاله!!اى حته على جنب
واحد فلاح أشترى تلفزيون جديد أول ما شغله طلعله عالم الحيوان قال لأبنه روح يا ولا شيل الأريال من الزريبة
سبع بلدياتنا عملوا عصابه.... سموها الشجعان الثلاثه
واحد ندل اوى راح عند مقبره وشغل الكاسيت على العالي على اغنيه الحياه حلوه
السعودية إ تبرعت للصومال بشحنة أدويه ، فرجعتلها تانى ليه؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ ؟ لانها كلها بعد الاكل
في واحد دلوووع اوي اتجوز وحده دلوعه اوي خلفو ولد سموه ياااااااااااااااااااااااااي
سواق ماشى ع الطريق ، واحد لابس احمر فى احمر شاورلة فوقف السواق و قالة انت مين و عايز اية قالة انا الفرفور الاحمر و عايز توصلنى فقالة لا مبوصلش فرافير و مشى و سابة شوية لقى واحد لابس اصفر فى اصفر و بيشاورلة فوقف و قالة انت مين و عايز اية قالة انا الفرفور الاصفر و عايزك توصلنى فقالة لا مبركبش فرافير و مشى و سابة شوية و قابلة واحد لابس اخضر فى اخضر عمل معاة نفس الحكاية ف السواق سابة و مشى شو ية كمان كدة و لقى واحد لابس ابيض فى ابيض بيشاورلة ف السواق وقف و قالة يا ترى انت بقى الفرفور الابيض فقالة الراجل فرفور اية رخصك يا روح امك
مرة واحد محشش اتصل على بيت قال محمد موجود قالوا الرقم غلط قالهم... طيب بتردوا ليه
في واحد مسطول سالوه ايه رايك في الزواج المبكر ؟ قال لهم .... يعنى حوالي الساعة كام ؟؟
اتنين مساطيل راكبين سيارة صدمواواحد..فالسائق بيقول للى جنبة:انزل شوفو..مات ولا لسة..؟؟ نزل المسطول التانى وقال:تعال يمين شوية..ايووه..شمال شوية..بس..اطلع قدام...اوكى..كده مات
واحد مسطووووووول أتصل على الإذاعة : أحب ان أهدي الأغنية الجاية للخطيبة الغالية بمناسبة المولود الجديد
واحد محشش صايم اتصل على ما يطلبة المستمعون حكولة شو بتحب تسمع قلهم مقطع من اذان المغرب
سوداني اتجوز سودانيه خلفه صبي اشقر وعيونه خضر سمه مستحيل
مره مهندس خارج من بيته مراته بتقوله على فين العزم قالها فى اتجاه القوه
فيه واحد غبي قاعد يصلي وسمع اثنين بيشكروا ف صلاته، قطع الصلاة والتفت وقالهم: وكمان صايم
تلاتة بيحششوا واحد قال لهم لو البوليس جه دلوقتى نعمل ايه واحد قال انا هاعمل نفسى سيجارة مرمية على الارض والتانى قال انا هاعمل نفسى سيجارة مرمية على الطفاية والتالت قال انا هاعمل نفسي سيجارة مرمية من الشباك لما جه البوليس واحد رمى نفسه على الارض والتانى رمى نفسه على الطفاية والتالت رمى نفسه من الشباك فوقع على واحد فى الشارع قال له احرقونا بقه احرقونا
اتنين سكرانين ماشيين...فواحد قال للتاني:لما أموت ابقى اشرب لي الكاس بتاعي ...فصاحبنا مات ، وبعد كام يوم التاني راح البار وطلب كاسين... قاله: ايوه بس انت لوحدك.... فحكى له على الموضوع .....وبقى كل يوم يشرب كاسين...لحد ما فى يوم طلب كاس واحد ........الراجل قالوه اشمعنى...قاله: اصل انا بطلت
واحد نام بالشقلوب صحى لقى رجليه معمصة
فى بلد كلها أغبية فى نهاية هذه البلد حفره كبيرة كل ما واحد يعدى يقع فى هذه الحفره فقالوا لازم نجيب حد ذكى يحل المشكلة دى ...... جابو أذكى ثلاثة فى البلد الأول قال: أحنا نقف هنا واللى يقع نطلعه ونوديه المستشفى الثانى قال له أنتى غبى مأحنا نجيب الإسعاف تقف هنا واللى يقع تخده هى وتوديه المستشفى .......فقال الثالث أما أنتو بلد أغبيه صحيح مأحنا نردم الحفره دى ونحفر وحده عند المستشفى
علطول محشش اتصل بخطوط الطيران يحجز تذكرة ، قاله الموظف: ذهاب واياب ؟؟؟؟ قال له : لا خروج المغلوب
واحد مسطول ماشى فى بيتهم خبط فى امه.. راحت قالت له:انت اعمى؟؟ مش شايفنى؟؟ بص لها بمنتهى الهدوء وقال:لأ ... انا شفتك طبعآ بس مش فاكر فين؟؟
فشار بيقول لواحد .. انا من شهر أخدت الفلوكه وطلعت على قبرص أشتري تلاجه.... وانا راجع نسيت أشيل الهلب ... رحت جايب قبرص معاي
احمد فوءاد نجم يرسل تحياته شعرأ
علماء وقضاة المحاكم الشرعية يتميزون بدقة التحريات

? الجيش العربى فين
طريقتين لأكل الإسباجتى..... من فوق ومن تحت
الساحر السعودى
Life Guard
مدرس حساب سأل طالب لو كان علي أبوك دين 1000جنيه و مطلوب انه يسدده علي 10 أقساط ها يدفع كام في كل قسط؟ رد الولد مش هايدفع ولا مليم ... فقال المدرس : اقعد يابني ده انت مش فاهم الدرس
كويس... فرد الولد : ده انت إللي مش فاهم بابا كويس يا أستاذ
مرة واحد غبى واقف في الشارع و بيتكلم في المحمول و عمال يزعق و يقول: بس دوري تاني ، دوري
كويس. ام واحد معدي في الشارع جه قال له: في ؤيه ؟؟؟؟ راح واخد المحمول منه وبيسمع ... لقى .... (الرقم الذي طلبته غير موجود في الخدمة
واحد بيقول لصاحبه تيجى نركب اتوبيس؟؟ قال له : يا عم لأ ، احنا نجرى جنب الاتوبيس
ونوفّر النص جنيه .... فرد وقال له طب منجرى جنب
تاكسى ونوفّر خمسة جنيه
مرة واحد صعيدى بيدهن الحيطة.... قالوله طب حط جرنال تحتك... قال لهم : لا مش مهم انا كدا طايل

مصطلحات مصريه بمفهوم واقعي
التنوير : عملية تتم في الشوارع عندما يسكنها وزير.
العولمة : عملية تحول اجتماعي وثقافي وفني تمارسها فيفي عبده.
الشفافية : سمة ضرورية للملابس المستخدمة في العولمة.
الجات : مصيبة و جات على دماغنا.
النظام الملكي : عند وفاة الملك ينتقل الحكم لابنه ليصبح هو الملك الجديد.
النظام الجمهوري : عند وفاة الرئيس ينتقل الحكم لابنه ليصبح هو الرئيس الجديد.
المبايعة : ورقة تكتبها لما تبيع سيارة قديمة.
الدستور : كلمة تقال للحماية من الاسياد لما الواحد يدخل بيت مسكون.
الديمقراطية : نوع من الفنون الزخرفية يستخدم لتزويق صورة الحكومة.
القانون : آلة تصدر أصوات جميلة لما تـلعـب عليه في حفله.
الحرية للجميع : للشعـب ان يقول ما يشاء ، وللحكومة ان تـفعـل ما تـشاء.
حرية النشر : تمارسها النساء عـلى السطوح في المناطق الشعـبـية.
الدبلوماسية : احسن هدية تصالح بها مراتك بس بشرط الألماس يكون حر.
الصراع الطبقي : خناقة كل بيت على مين اللي يغسل الاطباق النهار دة.
حرب الشوارع : قيادة سيارة في شوارع القاهرة.
العمل الثوري : مذكر العمل البقري.
الشريط الحدودي : الشريط الجاي لعمرو دياب.
الوحدة العربية : ان تعاني كل دولة عربية من الشعور بالوحدة!
حرب التحرير : معركة شهيرة يخوضها كل من يريد استخراج جواز سفر من مجمع التحرير

رخصة قيادة باكستانية

حفل تخرج كلية طب طهران
اوائل الخريجين
باقى الخريجين
واحدبيسال واحد امريكانى وواحد انجليزى وواحد صعيدى ايه اسرع حاجة فى الدنيا الامريكانى قال الضوء والانجليزى قال التفكير والصعيدى قال الإسهال. سألوا
الصعيدى ليه قلت الإسهال قالهم عشان لما جالى الإسهال لالحقت اولع النور ولا لحقت أفكر
الصعيدى ليه قلت الإسهال قالهم عشان لما جالى الإسهال لالحقت اولع النور ولا لحقت أفكر
الصعيدى ليه قلت الإسهال قالهم عشان لما جالى الإسهال لالحقت اولع النور ولا لحقت أفكر
جماعة خرمانين سجاير وممعامش فلوس قالوا ندور على جنازة وحد يدينا سجاير, فضلوا ماشيين لغاية مالقوا شادر, دخلوا وقعدوا جنب اهل الميت وقدامه علب السجاير, واحد منهم بص على علب السجايروقال: انفاس معدودة بص له اهل الميت وقال: ماحدش واخد
منها حاجة.
قرار جمهوري
صاحب شركة كادليز دخل فى قضيه خرجوه بكافوله
مرة فار سكران على الاخر شافة قط جعان قعد يجرى وراة فعدت عربية بسرعة
فرمت القط.. والفار اغمى علية ولما فاق وشاف القط مفروم قال (يووة هو انا كل
ما اسكر اعملى مصيبة)
حكم كوره أعد على قهوه ... طلب واحد صفر
واحد سباك نفسه اتسدت غرقت الشقة
واحد صعيدى راح لواحد بياع تيليفزيونات بيسأله عندك تيليفزيونات ملونة البياع قال له ايوه راح الصعيدى قايله ادينى واحد أخضر
نذل يبكي في جنازة سألوه تعرفه ؟ قال: لا بس سمعت ان البكاء يعذب الميت
تلاته خرجوا فرحلة سفاري..واحد مصري والتاني صومالي والتالت أمريكاني..دخلوا كهف وناموا..وصحيوا بعد 300سنة!..كل واحد فيهم قام رجع بلدة.. الصومالي شغل الراديو سمع: (الصومال لن تتنازل أبدا عن حقها الشرعي والتاريخي في ولاية نيوجيرسي) الأمريكي شغل الراديو سمع: (سيدافع الجيش الأمريكي عن البلاد لآخر جندي!) المصري شغل الراديو سمع: (إخترناه..وبايعناه...وعشان كده احنا اخترناااااااااااااااااااه!)
واحد بلدياتنا خلصت مدة رخصة عربيته قال لأبوه : رخصتى خلصت... قاله: من كتر لفك فى الشوارع!
مرة واحد دخل
على مراته البيت لقى معاها راجل..قالها : و الله عال..النهاردة راجل...بكرة سجاير !!!
بلديات فتح محل انابيب غاز .. فجّر اسطوانتين فى وسط البلد .دعاية
تلاتة ركبوا طيارة ...واحد صعيدي و واحد فرنساوي و واحد امريكاني جت المضيفة :"تشرب ايه يا فندم" رد الامريكاني قالها اشرب مانجة يا مانجا و رد الافرنساوي اشرب فراولة يا فراولة و رد الصعيدي اشرب لبن يا داموسة!!!!!!
مرة ممثل كبير جاله دور برد , رفضه !!
مرة مذيعة عملت عملية في ظهرها...شالولها فقرة ..و حطوا برنامج !!
مرة واحد حشاش بيعلب كورة اخد الكورة على صدرة طلعها من منخيرة
ما الفرق بين التليفزيون والغسالة.. ؟؟؟؟؟؟ مفيش فرق الاثنين بيستعملوا اريال ..
ما الفرق بين الزواج والكولونيا؟
الزواج .... قسمة ونصيب
الكولونيا .... قسمة والشبراويشي
ما الفرق بين المرسيدس والتعويرة؟
المرسيدس .... ألماني
والتعويرة ...... ألماني جداً
واحد حانوتي ربنا فتحها عليه و فتح محل فكهاني..كل يوم في المحل يقعد ينادي : المووووووز علينا حق !!!
اثنين بلديتنا قاعدين بيمصوا قصب لما حبو يقوموا ملقيوش الشوم بتاعهم
اسرائيلي حاول يغازل فلسطينية قالته روح بلاش أخليك خبر عاجل
واحد من الشام راح لبنان و دخل علي محل مستحضرات تجميل و سأل البائع الشامي: بدي ( لبنان بو) البائع: شو ؟؟؟؟!! الشامي : بدي لبنان بو البائع: شو ها اللبنان بو الشامي : مبتعرف شو اللبنان بو!!! البائع: لا خيي مبعرف الشامي : غريبة عندنا بالشام في ( شام بو)!!!!!
سالوا سائق: مين المطربين المفضلين عندك ؟؟؟ قال : مايكل داتسون ، مازدا الرومي ، اسكودا الشمالي.
مره اثنين بلدياتنا راحوا امريكا فلقوا أتوبيس بدورين فقال الاول للثانى .. نركب فوق يا ولد فقال له الثانى يا غبى فوق ما فيش سواق
طلب مدرس من تلميذغني جدا ان يكتب موضوع تعبير عن عيلة فقيرة فقال التلميذ : كان في عيلة فقيرة الأب فقير و الأم فقيرة و الأولاد فقراء و الشغال فقير و السواق فقير و البستاني فقير كلهم فقراء!!!!
مره واحد بلديات أخد 8986 قفا علي سهوه
اية اللى اصغر من الحشرة.................التسحة
مرة واحد حاتط راسة فى بلاعة , صاحبه بيقول له بتعمل اية , فرد عليه : بفكر بعمق
مرة واحد بلديات نام بالمقلوب صحى لقى رجلو معمصة
مره واحد بلديتنا اشتغل فى الكويت بعد سنه بعت لاهله فلوس ودسته جاتوه بعد اسبوع اهلوا بعتوله جواب بيقولولوا اهلك يبسلموا عليك نفر نفر وبيقلولك الصابون الى انت باعته بيوسخ الهدوم
صعيدى شاف أمه محروقه والنار طالعه منها قالها منوره يا حاجه
مسطول بيسأل مسطول الساعه كام؟ قاله معرفش، قاله غريبه أنا عندي معرفش إلا خمسه
بيقولك مره واحده حامل ابنها بيقول لها: ايه اللي في بطنك ده يا ماما ؟ قالتله: ده ابني وبحبه قوي قالها: لما هو ابنك وبتحبيه اكلتيه ليه ؟
اتنين بدوروا على زوجاتهم فى السوق, فاتفقوا كل واحد يدور على مرات التانى , فاللبنانى بيوصف زوجته للصعيدى وقاله: شعرها أصفر وعيونهازرق وقوامها سمبتيك , ها وشو أوصاف زوجتك؟ رد الصعيدى وقاله: سيبك من مراتى ويلا بينا ندور على مراتك
واحد راح يعزى رجع من العزا, مراته بتقوله عزيت؟؟ قالها لأ ع السمنة
واحد كمسري بيقول لابنه تذاااااااكـــــــــــــــــــــــر ............. تنجح
ايه أسرع ثلاث وسائل للاتصالات؟ Telephone Television Tell -a- Woman
مرة واحد بلديتنا خرج من محطة مصر لقا بتاع الانابيب بيخبط قلوة افتحلى وحدة بس تكون سقعة
واحد بيقول لخطيبته لما ازمرلك انزلى قالتله هو انت اشتريت عربيه قاللها لأ اشتريت زماره
واحد هو وابنة مش عارفين ايه هو الاسنسير , كل شوية يشوفوا الحيطة بتفتح و بتقفل ,المهم شافوا ست عجوزرة دخلت جواه وداست على الزر وطلعت بعد شوية نزل الاسنسير واتفتح خرجت منة شابة جميلة ..فقال لابنه :روح هات امك هنا
واحد بلدياتنا اتعزم فى حفلة تنكرية قام غسل وشه
ومرة مدرس بيسأل تلميذ المدرس: الثعلب يا حبيبى بيبض ولا بيولد التلميذ: أصل التعلب ده يا استاذ مكار وممكن يعمل أي حاجة
واحد بيسأل خطيبته : حد قبلى لمسك ؟ سكتت قالها : زعلتى قالت له : بأعدهم
صعيدي سألوه ماهو السيفون؟؟ قال:صندوق بحبل لما تشده يا تلحق تشرب يا متلحقش.
واحد بيسأل التاني هو اللي مات الحريري والا رفيقه
. مره اتنيين مساطيل مااشيين على شريط القطر فواحد بيقول للتاني يآخي السلم ده طويل بشكل.... رد التاني عليه الي مضايقني ان الدربزيين واطي أوي....
واحد صعيدى ماشى مع واحد لبنانى فسمع الاذان بيأذن فقاله تعالى نصلى قاله انا مسيحي مينفعش قاله وايه يعنى ما انا صعيدي
مره واحد صعيدى قابل واحده اجنبيه سالها : انتى منين قالتله: وات؟ what ?
قالها: اجدع ناس الوتاوته
مرة واحد صعيدى بيدهن الحيطة.... قالوله طب حط جرنال تحتك... قال لهم : لا مش مهم انا كدا طايل
بلدياتنا مراته ولدت بنت الساعه 3 بعد نص الليل ...دبحها وجال ماعنديش بنات تيجى آخر الليل
واحد صعيدى قال لابوه انا عاوز موبايل ابوه قاله موافق بس بشرط تركب اخواتك معاك
مره واحد سواق قلبه وقف نزل يزقه
مرةواحد صيعيدي راح محل جتوه قال للراجل عنداك جتوة قاله ايوه قاله طب اديني قفصين
واحد بتاع موبيلات نظره ضعف فراح لدكتور العيون ...كشف عليه وقاله :نظرك ضعف بقى ستة ستمية
صعايدة بيكتبوا محاضرة مع الدكتور كل ما يمسح السبورة يقطعوا الورقة
صعيدي اخد شهادة الدكتوراة قال لمراته والله ما خبرشي ليه الناس بيضحكوا عالصعايدة؟ اديني جبت الدكتوراة فقالت له مراته : دق عالخشب لا تصيبك عين قام دق عالخشب قالت : مين عالباب؟ قالها خليكي هنه حشوف مين
مره واحد بيقول لمراته اعملى حسابك هنتغدى بره جه من الشغل لقاها حطه الاكل فى الشارع
رئيس عربى فى مرض الموت قاله السكرتير الشعب جاى يودعك يا ريس قال الرئيس ليه هو الشعب مسافر ولا إيه
واحد محشش راح يخطب واحده .. ابوها قاله:" انا عليا الشقة.." رد عليه وقاله :" وانا عليا البنات والبيره !"
مسطول راح المحكمة القاضى بيسأله انت متجوز مين؟ قاله:متجوز واحدة ست القاضى قاله انت هتهرج؟ أمال فى حد بيتجوز راجل؟ قاله:اه اختى
واحد باشا دار عليه الزمن وافتقر حب يشتغل إشتغل بياع فجل وجرجير طول النهار واقف فى السوق ولابس طربوش وبينادي: فجل يا حوش .. جرجير يا كلاب
حشاش بيقول لصاحبه: انا حلمت امبارح أننا بقينا فنانين .. أنت فنان تشكيلي ..... وأنا فنان أشكيلك
- Details
This study was presented to the UN Minority Group Conference Geneva 2005. The Study was accepted and adopted by the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights, and is filed under Al-Kalema Centre in the UN web site:
Click here to read the complete study on the site in PDF Format
Introduction: Egypt is the most populous country in the Middle East and has over seventy million inhabitants. The COPTS, “The Christians of Egypt” are the largest Christian minority living in the Middle East; their numbers have never been accurately recorded. While the Egyptian government considers their numbers to be around 6 %, the COPTS, based on their estimation, consider their numbers to be around 14%, (42) COPTS claim that the government official figures are deliberately made smaller for political reasons. Egypt has a leadership position amongst the Arab World. Egypt is the centre of gravity in the Middle East politically, culturally and also religiously.
The Egyptian Constitution has two hundred and eleven articles directed at the legislators, some parts of the constitution has conflicting messages.
This short study endeavours to illustrate how the severe infringement on the Human Rights of the religious minorities in Egypt is shaped through the “muddle” created by integrating Constitution articles, civil law, religious text and their effect on real life court rulings.
The Study:
The Egyptian Constitution second article states “Islam is the religion of the state and Arabic its official language, Islamic jurisprudence is the principal source of legislation” (1). The position of the article and its order being the second amongst two hundred and eleven articles indicates its importance and hierarchal power to the legislator. This becomes apparent in courts when other articles of the Egyptian Law are made subordinate to the Islamic Sharia law, which severely curtails the principle of equality.
It is noteworthy that the Egyptian Constitution provides for Equality between all Egyptians:- Article 40 states “All citizens are equal before the law. They have equal public rights and duties without discrimination between them due to race, ethnic origin, language, religion or creed.” (1)
Article 46 also guarantees the Freedom of belief; “The State shall guarantee the freedom of belief and the freedom of practice of religious rites.”(1) The articles 40 and 46 are in agreement with article 18. Universal Declaration of Human Rights:- “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.” (2)
Furthermore; the Egyptian Constitution considers any International Law or Treaty ratified by the Egyptian government to be part of the Egyptian Law. Article 151 stipulates that "The President of the Republic shall conclude treaties and communicate them to the People's Assembly, ratified with suitable clarifications. They shall have the force of law after their conclusion, ratification and publication according to the established procedure." However, by attaching a qualification to the adoption of International Laws and Treaties which states “taking into consideration the provisions of the Islamic Sharia and the fact that they do not conflict with the text annexed to the instrument, we accept, support and ratify it.” This has rendered the adoption of the international law useless. A similar qualification was also made to the adoption of international law in Egypt on ratification of the “International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights” which was signed by Egypt in 1982.
The Rutherford Institute Handbook on Religious Liberty, Egypt witnesses to this fact and states “...complicated the issue of religious freedom in Egypt by making Islamic Shari'a law a main source of legislation . . . this is detrimental to the cause of religious freedom and tolerance. Muslim fundamentalists are now seeking the actual revision of existing legislation in order to provide for the immediate and total implementation of Shari'a.” (11)
As the Egyptian Constitution has identified itself with a religion, i.e. Islam, which has its own set of rules and laws, it has become mandatory to look, in an objective manner, into how basic human rights and specifically the freedom of other beliefs and religions under Islamic Sharia Law could be possibly adversely affected.
Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Conversion: Judaism and Christianity are considered under Islam to be “heavenly religions”. Other religions such as Bahaii’s, Hinduism, and Buddhism etc are considered non-heavenly religions and prohibited from practice in Egypt. Under Islam a Muslim cannot reject Islam or otherwise becomes an “apostate”. Islam looks down on other heavenly religions and prophecies itself to be the most superior.
Quran and Hadith are the main two pillars of Islam. For Muslims, Quran is the word of God and provides counsel for men in all areas of life; thus it is suitable for all ages. Hadith, based upon Prophet Mohammed’s sayings as recorded by his followers, is subject to questions of accuracy and interpretations. There are four schools of Sunni Islamic Jurisprudence in Egypt: the Hanafi, Shafie, Malikie, and Hanbali; all of them reject apostasy. Under Islamic Shari’a Law apostates should be given period to repent and return to Islam, if the apostate continues to reject Islam he /she must be killed.(26) Also refer to Fig. 6 (D) in Arabic. Judges refer to the Islamic jurisprudence opinion of one of the four schools to qualify their judgement to give it legal support to be seen as legal judgement based on accepted religious text in accordance with the Egyptian Constitution.
Examples from Hadith regarding Apostates - “Narrated Abu Huraira”:
Ali burnt some people and this news reached IBn 'Abbas, who said, "Had I been in his place I would not have burnt them, as the Prophet said, don’t punish anybody with Allah's Punishment.' No doubt, I would have killed them, for the Prophet said, "If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him." (5) (13)
Other source of Islamic jurisprudence is “Sirah”, which is the biography of Prophet Mohammed - that could be used as a yardstick and taken as an example. Islam and Shari'a have a vast array of values, principles, historical undercurrents, and interpretations that have influenced the culture and mind-set of the Muslim world.
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace refers to the difficulty created in incorporating Islamic Sharia Laws in Civil Laws by saying “Sharia is not an easily identifiable set of rules that can be mechanically applied but a long and quite varied intellectual tradition”. Proclaiming it “the principal source of legislation” places the burden on officials to draw on that tradition in drafting legislation” (25)
USA International Religious Freedom Report 2004 raises several points on the encroachment on freedom to worship in Egypt and based upon the Egyptian Constitution, the Egyptian Law and the legal practices such as; “The Constitution provides for freedom of belief and the practice of religion; however, the Government places restrictions on this right. According to the Constitution, Islam is the official state religion, and Shari'a is the primary source of legislation; religious practices that conflict with the official interpretation of Shari'a are prohibited “. (12) “Law 263 of 1960, which is stillin force, bans Baha'i institutions and community activities.” (12)
The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom report May 2005 refers to Egypt poor record on the issue of Freedom of belief “Egypt has a poor overall human rights record that includes repressive practices which seriously violate freedom of thought, conscience, and religion or belief.”(45) Also the report refers to “Known converts from Islam to Christianity generally receive attention from the state security services,
The Egyptian Penal Code, in Articles 160 and 161 protects against the violation of constitutional principles respecting freedom of religion, yet there are important limitations on Egyptian freedom of religion since Islam is the state religion. The U.S. Department of State explains: Islam accepts Christian and other converts but Muslims face legal problems if they convert to another faith. There is no clear legal prohibition against conversion or proselytising but the Penal Code prohibits any person from "degrading or disdaining any of the holy religions or any of its religious sects" with "the intention of harming national unity and social peace." This is interpreted as forbidding the conversion of Muslims and conviction is punishable by imprisonment. (12)
Although not forbidden by law, the State does not recognise conversions from Islam to Christianity or other religions. Authorities periodically charge converts with violating laws prohibiting the falsification of documents. In such instances, converts who have no legal means to register their change in religious status sometimes resort to soliciting illicit identity papers, often by submitting fraudulent supporting documents or bribing the Government Clerks who process the documents. The U.S. Department of State says (12)
An Example of such an event is here. (19) The Egyptian courts have one-way religious conversion documents, i.e. from other religions to Islam but not the reverse, copy at the end of document. Fig 1 and Fig. 5
Examples of Verses from Quran, which are quoted by Islamists and used to form a mindset of people who apply and device laws in Egypt:
“Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the Religion of Truth, from among the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued” (3)
“Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): "I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instil terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger tips off them” (9)
“And fight them on until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevails justice and faith in Allah altogether and everywhere; but if they cease, verily Allah doth see all that they do.” (8)
Examples from Hadith regarding Apostates - “Narrated Abu Huraira”:
“Allah's Messenger said: I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah, and that Muhammed is the Messenger of Allah, perform the Prayer, and pay Zakah. If they do that, their blood and property are guaranteed protection on my behalf except when justified by law, and their affairs rest with Allah.” (10)
Thus conversion from Islam is effectively prohibited. Under Islam the severity of punishment, largely carried out by the family and relatives, renders the Muslim converts unable to confess let alone preach his/ her newfound faith and live a life of fear if he/she survives this ordeal.
Restriction on building and repairing Christian places of worship:
Hamayouni Decree:
Church building is subjected to State control governed by the outdated Ottoman Hamayouni Decree of 1856, amplified by the Interior Ministry in 1934 as the Alezabi Decree. This decree sets out certain restrictive conditions which must be met before a church can be built. It additionally requires the signature of the President before construction can commence. No such signature is required in order to build a mosque.(20) The restrictions are modelled on the Umar Ibn alas Pact signed by Christians at the time of the Islamic invasion to Egypt. (41)
USA International Religious Freedom Report 2004 sites governmental discrimination in churches/buildings: “Presidential decrees are required only for the building of new churches, while repair permits are issued at the Govern orate level. In 1999, in response to strong criticism of the Ottoman decree, President Mubarak issued a decree making the repair of all places of worship subject to a 1976 civil construction code. The decree places repair of churches and mosques on equal footing before the law and facilitates church repairs. However, local permits for such repairs are still subject to approval by security authorities. Even though mosque and church repairs are now subject to the same laws, enforcement of the laws appears to be much stricter for churches than for mosques. (12)
There are numerous cases which illustrate very clearly the obstruction to building and repairing churches and in some cases an application to build a church has taken 28 years in villages with no churches with several thousands Christian population. As a result Christian funerals and weddings take place in the middle of the village streets (please refer to Mankateen village case) (43)
Appointing or Promoting non-Muslim to a position of leadership:
No leadership of a non-Muslim over Muslim in public life is a well established principle in all Islamic Jurisprudence schools, the USA International Religious Freedom Report 2004 sites this finding by saying “The Constitution provides for equal public rights and duties without discrimination based on religion or creed, and in general the Government upholds these constitutional protections; however, government discrimination against non-Muslims exists. There are no Christians serving as governors, presidents or deans of public universities.” (12) This is a direct application of the Islamic teaching that “A Muslim must not be subordinate to a non Muslim”.(24)
Example of the opinions of Islamic Jurisprudence, which is universally accepted that a non/Muslim must not be in a senior position (17). This judgement is well established and agreed by all jurisprudence schools; it applies to all senior position with authority attached. This clear position is referred to in a Fatwa by the famous Saudi Islamic authority Sheik Mohammed Ibn Saleh El-Othimeen. (23). These views are, unfortunately, prevailing in Egypt severely undermining the principle of equal opportunities.
Marriage of a non-Muslim to a Muslim:
Although there is no Quranic clear rule in this area, marriage of a Muslim man to a Christian woman is permitted under Islam, however marriage of a Muslim woman to a non-Muslim man is prohibited.
According to the Egyptian law based on Islamic Jurisprudence, the court of law would annul a marriage between Christian husband and wife upon one of them changing his/her religion to Islam with dire consequences to children as a result, with parents forced to split. A case in Arabic of the child Marcllino is shown in Figure 2 (B) where the father either has to convert to Islam to follow his wife’s conversion to Islam to keep the marriage to his converted wife or alternatively has to be separated by court.
In April 2005 Wafaa Rafaat Adly married a Muslim man while she is was still legally wife to her Christian husband. Despite complaints of the Christian husband to the Egyptian police, and the stark illegality of having two husbands at a time, the Police let Wafaa free with her Moslem new husband, while the court approved a divorce from her Christian husband against his will. (18) In Arabic. According to Islamic jurisprudence, if a Muslim woman marries a non-Muslim man, the court would annul the marriage if the Christian husband does not convert to Islam.
Divorcing an “apostate” from his Muslim wife took a new dimension in the famous case of Dr Nasr Hamed Abu Zeid, a professor of Islamic studies, when a traditional Islamist in Egypt sought and succeeded in divorcing him from his wife using an Islamic legal process called “Hesbah”; when he expressed views contrary to what the Islamist believed to be the correct Islamic belief.. Soon after that case the Egyptian government changed the law to allow only the Attorney General to initiate “Hesbah” cases. (44)
Apostates lose their possession:
Under Islamic Shari’a law, a convert from Islam would lose his/her worldly possessions as well as other rights. Please refer to Islamic jurisprudence opinion fig. 3 (C).
Inheritance from a Muslim to non-Muslim: No non-Muslims inherit from Muslims. Sahih Bukhari Volume 8, Book 80, Number 756 (36) also in Fiqh” Islamic Jurisprudence” books (35)
If a husband converts to Islam, which is permissible under Islam, his spouse and children cannot inherit him unless they also convert to Islam, (also his children become Muslims regardless of their wishes if they are under the age of 18, as mentioned later). Although the Hanafi Fiqh does allow a Muslim to inherit from an apostate but not the reverse”, also see Fig. 3 (C). Hanifi Fiqh is the one followed in Egypt.
Custody of Muslim children:
The minor children of converts to Islam, and in some cases adult children, automatically become classified as Muslims in the eyes of the state regardless of the status of the other spouse. This is in accordance with "established" Islamic Shari'a rule, which dictates "no jurisdiction of a non-Muslim over a Muslim."(38) (12)
Please refer to Marcllino Emad Hasaballah case Figure (3) as an example - this four year old, upon the conversion of his mother from Christianity to Islam, would automatically become a Muslim according to the jurisprudence concept that the minor would follow the better religion of either parents i.e. Islam . Also see Fig. 4 in Arabic, a standard Egyptian Law book Al-Dafo’o Al-Shareeiah (Jurisprudence Rebuttals)
Non-Muslim witness in court:
A “Just” witness has to be a “free Muslim, i.e. not a slave Muslim”; non-Muslims witness in court is not admissible according to Islamic Shari law.(34) The Arabic “Tafseer” of “Jalaleen, Ibn-Katheer, Al-Tabaree and Al-Kortobi, all agree that a witness must be a free Muslim.
Appointment of a non-Muslim as a judge:
Christian Judges in the Egyptian courts constitute approximately 1% of the total number of judges in Egypt. Quranic text -“but Allah will judge betwixt you on the Day of Judgement, and never would Allah grant to the Unbelievers a way (to triumph) over the Believers” (15) could have influenced such decision.
This judgement is shared by all Islamic jurisprudence schools, for example a well respected Islamic scholar Ibn Taimiah in his book Al-Fatawi Al-Kobra “The Great Fatwa’s”, the stipulation for a judge to be Muslim is stipulation number 4 (in Arabic). (33) Arabic.
Application of “Sharia” by the public if the government does not apply it:
This could be interpreted as “Mob justice”, famous for it is Sheikh Muhammad al-Ghazali, the Al-Azhar preacher and renowned Islamic scholar, witness statement in court following the murder of the famous writer Farag Fouda1996, a Moslem writer who was murdered by the Islamic Groups because he wrote books and articles against Islamists seizing power. He frequently exposed unfairness during early Islamic “Khilafa”. According to Sheikh Ghazali, "Any person or group of people who kill an apostate should not be liable for punishment since they would be fulfilling the legitimate punishments proscribed by Islam and should be treated with leniency." (41)
The killing of Non-Muslim does not lead to the same punishment as killing a Muslim:
This is clearly stated in Hadith books and in “Fiqh” books for example Volume 1, Book 3, Number 111: (29) Hadith in Arabic (31) (32) the topic is discussed in detail in the site answering Islam with reference to most scholars views on the subject and they all agree that the Muslim must not be punished as harshly as a non-Muslim in murdering a non-Muslim (39)
Example of Hadith which is used by Islamic Jurisprudence in justifying the differential treatment in punishment for murder “Qisas”: please look up hadith 111 (40). Narrated Ash-Sha'bi: Abu Juhaifa said, "I asked Ali, have you got any book (which has been revealed to the Prophet apart from the Qur'an)?' 'Ali replied, 'No, except …the law that no Muslim should be killed in Qisas (equality in punishment) for the killing of (a disbeliever).”
The effect in real life on Christian minorities is most unfair as they do not generally see their murderers punished by courts of law, but the majority escape punishment in individual cases of murder or the large scale one such as El-Kosheh case when 21 Christians were killed in 2000 and not a single murderer was found. (22)
Women in leadership or positions of authority: “The evidence from the Qur’an and Sunnah indicates that it is not permissible for a woman to assume positions of senior public authority”, please see 4th question number 20677 (27) (28) Needless to say that this position undermines the principle of equality between men and women.
Muslim Women as witness: Women witnesses are granted half the power of men witnesses in Islam regardless of the degree of education or any other factors. The Quran states “And get two witnesses, out of your own men, and if there are not two men, then a man and two women, such as ye choose, for witnesses, so that if one of them errs, the other can remind her.” (4)
The subordination of Egyptian legislation to the Islamic Sharia Law has diminished the ratification of international laws and treaties. Various Islamic jurisprudence schools vary in their judgements how to treat Dhimmies (Jews and Christians).
However all agree that they must have fewer rights than Muslims and generally agree that Muslims must have dominance over non-Muslims.(15)
The state duty is to defend people’s “right” rather than people’s “good”, for the State to assume any moral or religious stand based on the majority’s belief would immediately encroach on minority’s rights and casts great doubt on the state as neutral body.
- The second article of the Egyptian constitution must be removed to ensure the neutrality of the state and to safeguard the Rights of all Egyptian citizens. We strongly recommend the replacement of the paragraph of the second article of the Egyptian Constitution which states that “Islamic jurisprudence is the principal source of legislation” by an article that recognises Islam as one of several source of legislation.
- We strongly recommend the removal of religious affiliation from the national number and the Egyptian ID card.
- Removal of the amendments from the international treaties such as Universal Declaration of Human Rights which stipulates “taking into consideration the provisions of the Islamic Sharia and the fact that they do not conflict with the text annexed to the instrument, we accept, support and ratify it.”
- We strongly recommend devising heavy penalties and custodial sentences to punish encroaching upon the Rights of Minorities; this step would act as a deterrent.
1- The Egyptian Constitution.
2- Universal Declaration of Human Rights
3- Quran Sura 9:29 Quran
4- Quran Sura 2:282
5- Hadith
6- Hadith Bukhari
7- Hadith Bukhari
8- Quran, Sura 8:39
9- Quran Sure 8:12
10- Hadith33 Sahih Muslim
11- Rutherford Institute Handbook on Religious Liberty, Egypt
12- USA International Religious Freedom Report 2004
13- Book 4 Volume 52 Hadith 260
14- Pact of Umar
15- Quran 4:141
16- Bat Ye'or,
17- The fourth stipulation from the book”Al-Ahkam Al-Soltanih”
18- Elaph
20- CSW report on Egypt ,
21- Answering Islam book
23- Ibn Othimeen Fatwa about employing non-Muslims is prominent position “in Arabic”
24- Quran 3;28
25- Carnegie Endowment for International Peace” Debating Islam in Post-Baathist Iraq”
26- Hadith Bukhari look for number 260 please - Question20677
27- Question20677
28- Holy Quran 4:34
29- Sahih Bukhari Book. Please refer to Hadith number 111
30- The Hadith that a Muslim should not be killed in “QASAS” for the killing of non-Muslim
31- Hadith in Arabic that a Muslim should not be killed in “QASAS” for the killing of non-Muslim
32- Hadith in Arabic That Muslim should not be killed in “QASAS” for the killing of non-Muslim
33- Al-Fatawi Al-Kobra by Ibn Taimiah
34- Quran Sura 2:28, the Arabic explanation states the witness must be a Muslim
35- Inheritance to a non-Muslim from a Muslim
36- Sahih Bukhari Hadith 756
37- CSW report on Egypt
39- Answering Islam,” Discrimination Between a Muslim and a Non–Muslim”
40- Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Book 3: differential treatment in punishment for murder “Qisas” hadith 111
41- Umr Pact and status of “Dhimmies” in Egypt
Figure (1)
Egyptian government official statement of intention to change religion to Islam printed by the Egyptian Ministry of Justice
* The translation is (in God’s eyes, the true religion is Islam)
Figure (2) A
Part Translation
Stating that Mrs Hanan Gaber Melika who was Christian at the time of her marriage but after delivering her baby Emad on 14/10/2000 she converted to Islam and according to the Egyptian Personal status laws, third article of law number 1 year 2000 which regulates court cases in Personal status matters that Islamic Jurisprudence according to the Abu-Hanifa Fiqhi school of Islamic Jurisprudence should be applied in this case.
Figure (2) B
Part Translation
According to the Abu-Hanifa Fiqhi school of Islamic Jurisprudence the husband of the Christian convert should be asked to convert to Islam or divorce his wife “regardless of children”*The Child follows the parent who has the best religion, and Islam is the best religion.**Islam supersedes and not to be superseded “i.e. it supersedes Christianity”.***If the husband of a Christian convert to Islam refuses to accept Islam, the judge has to separate them, as a Muslim woman can not marry a non-Muslim
Figure (2) C
Figure (2) D Translation…..Personal Status and according to the most powerful opinion according to Abu Hanifa Alno’maan Jurisprudence in all cases consider the child Maseiliono Emad Hasaballah DOB 14/10/2000 A Muslim with all the resulting effect, a judgment which has to be executed urgently …the cost of the case and the solicitors fees have to be borne by the husband with full protection of all the rights of the wife.
Figure 3 (A)
Figure 3 (B)
Figure 3 (C)
The translation is
…..Personal Status and according to the most powerful opinion according to Abu Hanifa Alno’maan Jurisprudence in all cases consider the child Maseiliono Emad Hasaballah DOB 14/10/2000 A Muslim with all the resulting effect, a judgment which has to be executed urgently …the cost of the case and the solicitors fees have to be borne by the husband with full protection of all the rights of the wife.
Figure 3 (D)
الدفوع الشرعية لمصطفي هرجة
Figure 4(A)
Figure 4(B)
Figure 4(C)
Figure 4(D)
Figure 5 (A)
Figure 5 (B)
Figure 5 (C)
Figure 5 (D)
Figure 6 (A)
Figure 6 (B)
Figure 6 (C)
*Translation” Shafie Jurisprudence states, an apostate either return to Islam or get killed”
Figure 6 (D)Translations * “Whoever changes his religion (Islam), kill him.”**Ibn Masood said. “Prophet Mohammed said a person should be killed for three apostasy, adultery if he’s married and if he murders someone without justification.”***Jaber said.” A woman called Um Marwan converted from Islam and prophet Mohammed ordered to kill her unless she repents and returns to Islam.” She refused and was killed.****Abu Baker fought apostates in the Arab Peninsula until they came back to Islam. All Muslim scholars agreed that apostate must be killed.*****Muaz said that the prophet told him as he was going to Yemen whoever leaves Islam let him come back, otherwise smite his neck
Figure 6 (E)
Dr I H Ibrahim
United Copts GB
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الدكتور كمال أبو المجد
المجلس القومي لحقوق الانسان
1013 شارع كورنيش النيل
التحرير - القاهرة
United Copts GB letter to Prim Minster Nazif following the attacks on Udissat and Ezbet Wassef churches.
السيد الدكتور احمد نظيف
رئيس مجلس الوزراء المصري تحية طيبة
وبعد ,أود أن أنتهز فرصة زيارتكم القصيرة الى بريطانيا لأنقل لسيادتكم استياء الاقباط بسبب احداث الاعتداءات الدامية التي وقعت على اخوتهم في العديسات بالاقصر وعزبة واصف غالي باشا بالعياط، نتج عنها اعمال عنف وقتل وتخريب وحرق للكنائس وممتلكات الاقباط. كذلك ما لوحظ مؤخراً من تزايد احداث اختطاف الفتيات القبطيات، الأمر الذي لم يعد خافياً على القاصي والداني بسبب انتشار وسائل الاتصالات الحديثة التي جعلت من العالم قرية صغيرة. تلك الاحداث المؤلمة التي تُظهر بما لا يدع مجالا للشك تباطؤ رجال الشرطة واجهزة الامن المصرية في التصدي لمرتكبيها من المتطرفين المسلمين، بل تواطؤ رجال الامن مع اؤلئك المتعصبين، وهو ما عبر عنه اللواء نور مدير أمن الاقصر عندما اخبر كاهن كنيسة العديسات بأنه لم يحضر لحماية المسيحيين بل لمنعهم من الصلاة.
سيادة الدكتور نظيف : ان حرية العقيدة يجب ان تكون مكفولة للجميع حسب نص المادة 46 من الدستور المصري، كذلك المساواة في حقوق المواطنة كما نصت عليها المادة 40 من الدستور ايضاً، وكلاهما – أي حرية العقيدة وحقوق المواطنة- تكفلهما المواثيق العالمية كالاعلان العالمي لحقوق الانسان والميثاق الدولي للحقوق المدنية والسياسية التي قبلتها مصر ووقعت بالموافقة عليها. لكن ما يحدث على ارض الواقع بالنسبة للاقباط في مصرهو انتهاك صارخ لمواد الدستور المصري ولمواثيق حقوق الانسان العالمية، وهي جريمة ليس في حق الاقباط وحدهم بل في حق مصر والحكومة المصرية.
لقد تحول القبطي الى شخص غريب في بلده وموطنه الاصلي الذي يعيش فيه قبل دخول الاسلام مصر، واصبح يعاني من الاضطهاد المباشر وغير المباشر ولا يستطيع ان يمارس شعائره الدينية بحرية، ومازال كابوس الخط الهيمايوني والشروط العشرة للعزبي جاثمة على صدوره، تلك القوانين والقرارات التي تقف حائلاً وعائقاً امام القبطي لبناء كنيسة يعبد فيها خالقه، مما يضع الحكومة المصرية في موقف غير لائق امام دول العالم المتحضر. ففي المملكة المتحدة مثلا لا يحتاج بناء مسجد الى فرمان من الملكة، بعكس مصر التي يحتاج بناء كنيسة الى قرار جمهوري بينما لا ينطبق شرط الحصول على قرار جمهوري لبناء مسجد.
وفي المملكة المتحدة ايضاً حرية العقيدة والعبادة متاحة للجميع بمن فيهم المسلمون، بل أن بعض الأئمة يهاجمون احياناً سياسات الحكومة البريطانية بحرية دون أن يتعرضوا للمحاكمة ما داموا لا يحرضون على العنف.
هل يعقل أن تقام صلوات الجنازات على المتوفين الاقباط في شوارع بلدة منقطين بالمنيا لعدم الترخيص للاقباط هناك ببناء كنيسة؟ ألا يعد ما حدث في مذبحة الكشح اول يناير 2000 التي راح ضحيتها 21 قبطي على يد المتعصبين المسلمين انتهاكاً لحقوق وحرية الانسان القبطي الذي لم تنصفه المحاكم المصرية بل برأت ساحة القتلة ولم تنصف المظلوم؟
سيدي الفاضل: لقد اصبح غالبية الشعب المصري الطيب من انصار الاسلام السياسي والتعصب الوهابي ممن يرون في اخوتهم الاقباط اعداء لهم، يعتدون عليهم في كنائسهم ومنازلهم، ويخربون زراعاتهم ومتاجرهم، الشعب المصري الطيب تحول غالبيته بفعل الظلاميين المتعصبين الى وحوش بشرية تقتل وتخطف وتحرق، والحكومة للاسف تتفرج وفريق من رجال الامن يتواطأ ويتغاضى عن هذه السلوكيات الغير مقبولة شرعاً وديناً، واصبح الشعب القبطي في مصر هو ضحية تعصب المتطرفين، وتقاعس الحكومة، وتواطؤ رجال الشرطة.
لذلك نهيب بكم ياسيادة رئيس الوزراء أن تضرب الحكومة بيد من حديد على هؤلاء المتطرفين، وتطهر اجهزة الاعلام من المتعصبين، وتصلح نظام التعليم وترقى به الى مراتب الدول المتحضرة لارساء قواعد المواطنة والمساواة في الحقوق للجميع بغض النظر عن الدين او اللون او الجنس، فنحن كلنا مصريون وبلدنا مصر. ولكم جزيل الشكر ووافر التقدير والاحترام.
دكتور ابراهيم حبيب الاقباط متحدون – المملكة المتحدة
United Copts GB letter to the Egyptian ambassador to UK following the attack on Alexandria churchs, following the meeting with him on 22 April 2006.
Date 23rd May 2006
سعادة الفاضل الاستاذ / جهاد ماضي المحترم
سفير جمهورية مصر العربية لدى بريطانيا
تحية طيبة وبعد
، بالاشارة الى الاجتماع الذي انعقد في مقر سفارة جمهورية مصر العربية المتحدة بلندن يوم السبت الموافق 22 ابريل 2006، والذي حضره بالاضافة لسعادتكم مجموعة من ممثلي رابطة الاقباط المتحدون بالمملكة المتحدة، وذلك لبحث ما يتعرض له الاقباط بين الحين والآخر من اعتداءات نفر من المتطرفين المسلمين عليهم وعلى كنائسهم وممتلكاتهم، مثلما حدث مؤخرا فى ثلاث كنائس بمدينة الاسكندرية صباح الجمعة 14 ابريل 2006 (جمعة ختام الصوم الكبير) راح ضحيتها أحد الاقباط وجرح بعضهم، نفيد سعادتكم بالاتي:
اولاً- نود ان نعبر عن جزيل شكرنا على حفاوة استقبالكم لنا في مقر السفارة المصرية التي هي بيت كل المصريين اقباطاً ومسلمين، كما نشكركم على الوقت الذي امضيتموه معنا والذي امتد لحوالي الساعتين ونصف، وعلى مدى تفهمكم واستجابتكم لمشاعرنا تجاه ما يحدث من اعتداءات على اخوتنا الاقباط في مصر.
ثانيا- فيما يتعلق بالتحقيقات التي يجريها رجال الشرطة واجهزة الامن حول الاعتداءات على الاقباط وكنائسهم، فاننا مازلنا على اقتراحنا بوجوب قيام لجنة محايدة للبحث في اسباب وقوع تلك الاعتداءات ووضع التوصيات لعلاج الموقف برمته. وسنقوم من جانبا بعرض اقتراحاتنا ومطالبنا على هيئة حقوق الانسان المصرية باعتبارها هيئة مستقلة، حسب ما اشرتم اليه في لقائنا معكم. أما فيما يتعلق بما ذكرتموه عما نشرته جريدة "الاهرام" بأن هناك لجنة تم تشكيلها في مجلس الشعب المصري لبحث ومتابعة تفاصيل ما حدث، نود التنويه بأنه رغم مرور أكثر من شهر على وقوع تلك الاعتداءات الآثمة، لم تتخذ اللجنة اي خطوة ايجابية في عملها، بل نشرت بعض الصحف بأنها - أي اللجنة- اعترفت بتعرضها لمصاعب في سبيل اداء عملها المنوط بها، الأمر الذي قد يعرضها للتوقف عن اداء عملها الذي ربما لم تبدأه أصلاً، مما يعيد للذاكرة احداث الزاوية الحمراء أوائل السبعينات التي تعرض فيها عشرات الاقباط من كافة الاعمار بمن فيهم الاطفال للقتل والحرق على ايدي المتطرفين من المسلمين، وقيام لجنة من مجلس الشعب برئاسة الدكتور العطيفي برصد التفاصيل ووضع تقرير وتوصيات حولها، لكن المسئولين في ذلك الوقت لم يعيروا هذا التقرير أي اهتمام وظل حبيس الادراج حتى تاريخه .
ثالثا- لسنا ضد الاسلام كدين ولا ضد المسلمين كأصحاب ديانة، لكننا ضد ما يعرف "بالاسلام السياسي"، ا - نود ان نعبر عن تضامننا مع اقتراحكم بضرورة فصل الدين عن الدولة، ونؤكد بأننا وضد التطرف بجملته، وفي هذا الامر نتفق ونتعاون جميعنا للوقوف في وجه اصحاب الفكر المتطرف من "العرب الافغان" الذين اشرتم اليهم سعادتكم، والذين يكفرون كل من يخالف افكارهم المتطرفة من المسلمين أيضاً. ونحن كأقباط نعيش في سلام ومحبة مع الجميع، ونود ان يتعامل معنا الاخرون بنفس تلك المبادئ السامية، وليكن شعارنا الذي يجب ان نتمسك به والذي سبق أن اطلقه زعيم الامة سعد زغلول "الدين لله والوطن للجميع".
رابعاً - طلبتم نماذج مما يكتبه وينشره الداعية الاسلامي - المتعصب - الدكتور زغلول النجار في صحف مصر القومية، وبالتحديد في جريدة "الاهرام" ، والتي يركز فيها على توجيه الاهانة تلو الاخرى للمسيحيين ويطعن في معتقداتهم ومقدساتهم وكتابهم المقدس. واليكم نماذج من تلك المهانات على النحو التالي:أ- وصف الدكتور زغلول النجار الانجيل بأنه عبارة عن كشكول مليء بالاخطاء العلمية واللغوية، وانه قد تعرض للتحريف بصورة او باخرى، وانه – أي الانجيل - عجز عن هداية اتباعه نتيجة ذلك التحريف، على حد قوله، حسب ما نشرته الاهرام في اعدادها بتواريخ: 27 سبتمبر 2005 ، 9 يونيو 2003 ، 23 يونيو 2003 ، 21 فبراير 2005 ، 21 يوليو 2003 ، 31 يناير 2005.ب – وصف الدكتور زغلول المسيحيين بالمشركين، وانهم يؤمنون بوثنيات قديمة ومعتقدات باطلة (الاهرام 24 يناير 2005)، وانهم يصرون على البقاء في ضلالهم نتيجة عدم ايمانهم بالقرآن الكريم، (الاهرام 24 فبراير 2003).ج- وصف الدكتور زغلول النجار الديانة المسيحية بأنها خارجة عن اطارها الرباني (الاهرام 31 يناير 2005)، كما وصف اهل الكتاب بأنهم افتروا على الله بالكذب وكذبوا باياته واشركوا به وكفروا بنعمته وادعو نسبة الصاحبة والولد له (الاهرام 9 يونيو 2003).د – وصف الدكتور زغلول النجار القرآن بأنه الحق وما سواه باطل (الاهرام 21 فبراير 2005)
.سعادة السفير:هذا قليل من كثير مما ينشره المذكور زغلول النجار، بالاضافة الى نجم الشاشة الالمع الدكتور محمد عمارة ، ومن قبلهم المرحوم الشيخ الشعراوي، وكثيرون آخرون تتاح لهم الفرصة في وسائل الاعلام القومية دون ان يعطى للاقباط حق الرد. أهل هذا من العدل؟ ألا يحتاج الجهاز الاعلامي الحكومى الى اصلاح شامل حفاظاً على وحدة وسلامة الوطن الذي يعيش فينا وفي كل مواطن مصري في الداخل والخارج. ختاماً، نود ان نشكركم مرة اخرى ونذكركم بأننا مازلنا عند رأينا بضرورة اجراء اصلاحات وتغييرات شاملة في التعليم، واجهزة الاعلام، والامن، والمطالبة بحقوق المواطنة الكاملة للجميع مسلمين واقباط. وفقكم الله لما فيه خير بلادنا العزيزة مصر.
ابراهيم حبيبرئيس رابطة الاقباط المتحدون
United Copts GB letter to Dr Kamal Abu Elmagd, Egyptian Council for Human Rights following Alexandria churches attacks
. United Copts GB did not receive a reply or even an acknowledgments
8th July 2006
المجلس القومي لحقوق الانسان
1013 شارع كورنيش النيل
- القاهرة
السيد الفاضل الدكتور كمال أبو المجد
تحية طيبة وبعد...
طالعتنا الصحف الصادرة قبل أيام بفحوى التقرير الذي اعدته النيابة العامة بمحرم بك بالاسكندرية في الثالث من شهر يوليو الجاري وقدمته للمحكمة التي تنظر في القضية المرفوعة ضد المتهم محمود صلاح الدين عبدالرازق معتبرة اياه مصاباً باختلال عقلي مزمن وانه غير مسئول عن تصرفاته وافعاله، وبناء عليه قررت المحكمة عدم محاكمته وايداعه مستشفى الامراض النفسية.
ونحن كأقباط مصريين نعيش في المملكة المتحدة نبدي استياءنا من تقرير النيابة العامة ومن قرار المحكمة، حيث ان المتهم قتل رجل مسيحي وجرح خمسة اخرين أثناء تأدية الشعائر الدينية في كنائس مدينة الاسكندرية يوم جمعة ختام الصوم الموافق 14 أبريل 2006م ، وأدخل الرعب في قلوب الكثيرين بسبب تلك الهجمات البربرية، مما أدى الى تنامي مشاعر الكراهية وترتر العلاقة بين المسلمين والاقباط، وهي متوترة أصلاً، بسبب الانتهاكات التي تقع على الاقباط بين الحين والآخر وهدر حقوقهم وتخريب وحرق كنائسهم وممتلكاتهم وخطف بناتهم.كما نحيط علم سيادتكم بأننا أبدينا استياءنا من تصريحات المسئولين المصريين وقت وقوع الحادث في ابريل الماضي، سواء تصريحات السيد محافظ الاسكندرية أو تصريحات وزارة الداخلية التي أرجعت اسباب تلك الهجمات البربرية الى اختلال عقل المتهم، مما يوحي بأن تقرير النيابة العامة وقرار المحكمة مساند ومؤيد لتصريحات المسئولين المصريين، وهو ما يمكن اعتباره صب الزيت على النار لتأجيج مشاعر الاقباط.
وكنا قد التقينا في 22 أبريل الماضي بسعادة سفير جمهورية مصر العربية بمقر السفارة المصرية بلندن للتعبير عن شجبنا لتلك الهجمات وطلبنا من سعادته نقل مشاعر الاستياء السائدة بين اقباط المملكة المتحدة للمسئولين في مصر، فأبدى سعادته تفهماً تاماً وأشار علينا باللجوء الى المجلس القومي لحقوق الانسان لايجاد وسيلة لايقاف مثل هذه الانتهاكات والاعتداءات على الاقباط.لذلك نكتب اليكم لنؤكد استياءنا من تلك الاعتداءات الهمجية، ولنعبر عن عدم رضاءنا عن تقرير النيابة العامة وقرار المحكمة القاضي بعدم الحكم على المتهم وايداعه مستشفى الامراض النفسية، مما قد يعطي ذريعة لكل من يرغب في الاعتداء على الاقباط ان يتدارى تحت ستار الاختلال العقلي لتنفيذ هجمات واعتداءاته على الابرياء سواء كانوا مسلمين أم اقباط، وهو أمر مرفوض.
وبناء عليه نود أن يتفضل مجلس حقوق الانسان في مصر بما يلي:1
- تشكيل لجنة من أساتذة الطب النفسي المحايدين لتقصي حقيقة ادعاء الاختلال العقلي على أن يكون منها طبيب أخصائى نفسى قبطى من المملكة المتحدة. فلو ثبتت واقعة الاختلال العقلي - ان صح التشخيص- فلابد من معاقبة اؤلئك الذين تركوه يسرح ويمرح في شوارع المدينة حاملاً السكاكين لقتل وترويع الابرياء دون ضابط او رقيبوضبط من ساعده فى تنفيذ جريمته المروعة..
2- الطعن في تقرير النيابة وقرار المحكمة، والقيام باستئناف الحكم.ونظير ثقتنا الكاملة بكم، نود أن يقوم المجلس القومي لحقوق الانسان بما يكفل العدالة والانصاف للجميع حفاظاً على ارواح الابرياء والمساواة بين الجميع مسلمين ومسيحيين.
ولكم جزيل الشكر. وتفضلوا بقبول فائق الاحترام.
دكتور ابراهيم حبيب
منظمة اقباط متحدون بريطانيا
Further Letter to Dr Kamal Abu-Elmagd the Deputy President
of the Egyptian National Council for Human Rights
Following his failure to answer previous letter
المجلس القومي لحقوق الانسان
1013 شارع كورنيش النيل
- القاهرة
السيد الفاضل الدكتور كمال أبو المجد
تحية طيبة وبعد...
بالاشارة الى الخطاب الذي ارسلناه لسيادتكم بتاريخ 8 يوليو 2006 ، حول الاعتداءات على الاقباط بكنائس الاسكندرية في ابريل الماضي، نود افادة سيادتكم بأنه بالرغم من مرور ما يزيد عن ثلاثة شهور حتى الآن لم نتلق أي رد من جانبكم، في الوقت الذي كنا كأقباط نعيش في المهجر نأمل أن تلقى رسالتنا استجابة نشعر معها بأهمية الدور الكبير المنوط بكم كرئيس للمجلس القومي لحقوق الانسان في مصر.
ومما يؤسف له أن الانتهاكات التي تمارس في حق الاقباط في مصر اصبحت تتفاقم يوماً بعد يوم، حتى وصلت الى الحد الذي لا يجب السكوت عنه، فبالرغم من تفاقم الاوضاع لم نسمع للمجلس القومي لحقوق الانسان في مصر صوتاً، ولم نرى مسئولاً من هذا المجلس يتحرك ضميره للدفاع عن حقوق الاقباط رغم علم الجميع بما يقع على الاقباط من تعديات وانتهاكات ومضايقات في كنائسهم ومتاجرهم وبيوتهم واماكن عملهم، حتى وصلت الامور الى حالات خطف طالت القاصرات من بنات الاقباط واغتصابهن واجبارهن على الدخول في الاسلام عنوة.
سيادة الدكتور كمال ابو المجدنود أن نذكر سيادتكم بمضمون رسالتنا السابقة التي عبرنا فيها عن استيائنا الشديد للحكم الذي اصدرته المحكمة اعتبار المتهم محمود صلاح الدين عبد الرازق ليس مسئولاً عن تصرفاته وافعاله في حادث الاعتداء على كنائس الاسكندرية وقتل احد المصلين، وجرح اخرين، وتحويله الى مستشفى الامراض العقلية بناء على تقرير نيابة محرم بك بالاسكندرية. ومما زاد من استيائنا تلك التصريحات التي اطلقها المسئولون المصريون وقت وقوع الحادث ومنهم السيد محافظ الاسكندرية وتصريحات وزارة الداخلية. كما أننا عبرنا عن استيائنا وشجبنا لتلك التصرفات الهمجية خلال لقاء مع سعادة سفير جمهورية مصر العربية يوم 22 أبريل الماضي بمقر السفارة المصرية بلندن، حيث ابدى سعادته تفهماً للموقف واشار علينا باللجوء الى المجلس القومي لحقوق الانسان لايجاد وسيلة لايقاف مثل هذه الانتهاكات والاعتداءات على الاقباط.ولا يخفى على سيادتكم ما يعانيه الاقباط حالياً من خطف بناتهم واغتصابهن واجبارهن على الدخول في الاسلام، ومما يؤسف له أن اعمال الخطف وتهديد اسرة الفتيات المخطوفات واقاربهن يتم تحت سمع وبصر بل نقول بمباركة اجهزة الامن التي يفترض فيها حماية المواطنين، والامثلة على ذلك كثيرة لعل احدثها – ولا نقول اخرها – اختطاف فتاة المحلة الكبرى والقبض على سبعة من اقاربها وخدام الكنيسة، ومن قبلها اختطاف فتاتين في الفيوم وغيرها الكثير. فاين هو دور المجلس القومي لحقوق الانسان في مصر في المطالبة بايقاف تلك التصرفات الغوغائية والحفاظ على حق كل انسان في ممارسة عقيدته.
كذلك ايضا مطاردة المتنصرين والحكم عليهم بالسجن والتحريض على تطبيق حد الردة عليهم وتعرضهم للاضطهادات والمضايقات بشكل لا يتمشى اطلاقاً مع ابسط مظاهر الحضارة، وفي عالم يسير بخطوات واسعة نحو التقدم بينما نحن نسير بخطوات اسرع للخلف والتخلف. وابرز مثال على ذلك الحكم الصادر بالسجن على المواطن المصري بهاء الدين العقاد لكونه ترك الاسلام وتحول الى المسيحية، فاين هو حق الانسان في اختيار عقيدته بحرية وبدون مضايقات، أليس ذلك من عمل المجلس القومي لحقوق الانسان؟!!
لذلك نود أن تتفضل سيادتكم ومجلس حقوق الانسان في مصر بالاتي:
1- النظر في المطالبة بمعاقبة اؤلئك الذين كانوا وراء احداث الاسكندرية في ابريل الماضي سواء بالتحريض او بالتعتيم على حقوق الاقباط، والطعن في تقرير النيابة وقرار المحكمة، والقيام باستئناف الحكم (حسب ما ورد في رسالتنا السابقة).
2- مطالبة اجهزة الامن بارجاع كل الفتيات المخطوفات الى ذويهم والقبض على المجرمين الذين قاموا بخطفهم.
3- رفع دعوى أمام القضاء المصري للمطالبة بمحاكمة المختطفين وايداعهم السجون ليكونوا عبرة لغيرهم نتيجة التصرفات المشينة التي ارتكبوها في حق فتيات قاصرات وانتهاك عرضهن. 4-
المطالبة بالافراج الفوري عن المواطن بهاء الدين العقاد وعدم التعرض لحريته في اختيار العقيدة التي يؤمن بها، حيث لا اكراه في الدين.
ونحن اذ نرفع اليكم هذه الرسالة، فكلنا ثقة بأن تقوموا سيادتكم باتخاذ اللازم نحو الحفاظ على حقوق المواطنين اقباطاً ومسلمين، ونحن في انتظار ردكم الذي بلا شك سيكون له تأثير قوي في نفوسنا، ولكم جزيل الشكر.
وتفضلوا بقبول فائق الاحترام.
لندن في 31 اكتوبر 2006
دكتور ابراهيم حبيب
منظمة اقباط متحدون – بريطانيا
- Details
Violence resulting in murders Committed against
Copts since 1972- Now
This list is by no means comprehensive, but it shows most of the major attacks. We present this list to the Late Prof. Dr. Shawky Karas the father of the Coptic movement in the Diaspora and the founder of the American Coptic Association who departed from this world on 24th October 2003.
The Copts are always indebted to him.
Date | Location | Violence Act |
6/11/72 | El-Khanka Cairo | The Significance of this attack stems from it being the first attack on Copts after a relatively long period of peace since the attacks on Christians in Suez in 1951. Following El-Khanka attack a full report of the causes leading to persecution of Copts was done by MP Gamal El-Otifi, this important repot has never seen the light and was hidden by the government. In El-Khanka attack a Christian services building which used to host prayers and Mass was burnt down and local Christian shopts attacked by local mobs incited by local Muslim fanatics that Christians should not conduct prayers in unrecognized church building. "External Link in Arabic" |
1975 | Bitakh, village Sohag | Muslim fundamentalist attacked and burnt parts of the church after looting. |
Mar 78 | Province of Cairo Minya and Assiut | Several churches were burned. Abo-Za'abl - Cairo a Church was burned. in the city of Samalout a Priest was attacked in Samalout District. |
3/8/78 | Mansha Demlo, Qalubyia | The Murder of two Copts Emad Hanna and Boshra Barbari. Coptic History |
4/9/78 | El-Tawfiqiah Samalout | The Murder of Father Gobrial Abdel Motagali a woman and a woman and a child Coptic History |
24/11/78 | Abu-Teeg, Assiut | The Murder of Father Rewais Zakher Al-Kalema centre |
19/3/79 | Cairo | The burning of ancient church of Qasar El-Reyhan, Cairo US Copts |
6/1/80 | Alexandria | Several Churches were attacked. A bomb was thrown on worshipers during Christmas Mass at Mar Girgis church Sporting. |
17/6/81 | Cairo | Several days of attacks on the Copts in El-Zawia Elhamra resulted in the murder of 81 Copts as a result of the Copts refusal of building a mosque on an empty piece of land owned by a Christian. A Church was burned, several merchants stores owned by Copts were destroyed. It is worth noting that the police surrounded the area for three days before intervention. Attacks on Copts happened while the police was aware of what was happening. Christian shops and houses were shut and petrol was thrown inside and set on fire burning the owners alive. List of properties and owners:Pharmacies:Dr Zakhari Lowendi Pharmacy.Dr Magdy Kaldas PharmacyPort-Said Pharmacy, Dr Guirguis.Shope withowners burnt alive inside:Mamlok BoushraZaki GuirguisSobhi El-FilGeorge Aziz jeweler shop.Kamel El-Asioti shop.Houses with owners burnt alive inside:Riad GhaliMalak EryanMelek FaiezHabib Salib.Nashed Kerollos.Faiez AwadShinoda Guirguis.Ayad Awad for more details |
2/8/81 | Cairo | Attack on St Mary’s church, Masara, Shubra. During a wedding a bomb was thrown on the relatives and shots fired |
March 1987 | Sohag | Civil and sectarian unrest erupted after rumors an accusations by members of El-Gama'a Al-Islamia, that Christians burned Quotb masque in the city of Sohag. They enticed Moslems to burn St. Mary Church which adjacent to the masque in question. |
Sept. 1987 | City of El- Minya | Skirmishes between by members of El-Gama'a Al Islamia and Copts caused by the attack of by members of EI-Gama'a Al-Islamia on a musical gathering. |
Sept. 1988 | Rode El- Farrag | The Rode El-Farrag Church was completely burned and destroyed. |
Nov. 1988 | Shobra - Cairo | An explosive charge was thrown at St. Mary Church during a wedding ceremony. |
January, 1989 | El- Minya | Violence and random attack on Copts by members of Al-Gama'a AI-Islamia. |
Dec. 1989 | City of Assiut | Violent Riots and attacks by members of El-Gama' Al-Islamia against Copts. |
March 90 | Abu Qurqas | Several attacks on Christian properties in Minshat Deebis village (car), Berba Village (Tractor) Abo Qurqas (Work Shop) |
2/3/90 | Abu Qurqas | Several coordinated attacks on Christians and their properties resulting in the burning of a factory belonging to Ashraf SAAD, A Chemist belonging to Dr Hanna Kerolos, and another chemist owned by Mamdouh Faragalla, a hospital own by Dr Mourad Danial, shops belong to Christians malak Samy Maher Bahig also attacked and destroyed Khalas El-Nofos church, and Mari Guirguis Chruch. |
1/5/90 | Manfalout | The Murder of 6 Copts and50 injured following Al-Adha feast , |
12/5/90 | Ain Shams - | An explosive charge was thrown at St. Mary Church. |
12/5/90 | Abu-Elmatamir | Killing of 6 Copts, Father Shenoda Hanna Guirguis and his wife, Dr Alfons Rushdi, Mr Samy Abdu and Botrus Bashir among the murdered |
19/9/90 | Etledem, Minya | Killing of two Copts |
Feb 1991 | Bani-Swief | Three pharmacies owned by Copts were set on fire. |
04/05/91 | Dayrout Assiut | The murder of 13 Copts in their fields in Manshiet Nasser, a doctor “Sobhi Nagiub” a teacher Mansour Kedis in front of the primary school pupils. |
April, 1991 | Ain-Shams, Shobra, And Zaiton | Several jewelry stores owned by Copts, were broken into and looted |
20/9/91 | Embaba - | Several Copts were murdered and destroyed their homes. Apostolic Church Basrawi Street and Presbyterian church El-Ward street were burnet down. |
September 91 | El-Minya | Renewed violence by Gama'a Islamiah |
15/10/92 | Temma, Sohag | The killing of 4 Christians following the death of a Muslim who was involved in a brawl with a Christian 10 days earlier. Following the death of the Muslim man in hospital, the attack on Christians took place resulting in the killing of 4 hacked by machetes to death (Godsa Basta, Moheb Goda Basta, Sobhi Wahba and Adly Bastorous) |
Jan 1993 | Dayrout - | The murder of a Coptic man. |
January, 1993 | Dayrout | The murder of a Coptic shop owner and wounding others, on the hands of members of “Jihad” Islamic group |
June, 1993 | Sohag | A clash between a Moslem and a Christian families resulted in a killing of 2 Copts. |
22/07/93 | Assiut | The Murder Dr Fawzi Boshra Mikhaiel at the hand of Islamic radical militant (he was a Gynaecologist, was ordered to stop practising to avoid examining Muslim women) he was killed in cold blood in retribution for continuing to practice as a Gynaecologist. |
Aug 1993 | Dayrout | The murder of a Copt on the hand of Islamic |
Aug 1993 | Dayrout | The murder of a Coptic school vice-principle |
August, 1993 | Dayrout | The murder of the detention center hospital Coptic manager, on the hands of El-Gama’a Al-Islamia. |
Aug 1993 | Assiut | The murder of a Coptic jewelry stores owner |
September1993 | Dayrout | The attack on the Anglican Church by 3 Islamic radicals. |
Oct 1993 | Assiut | The murder of a Coptic liquor store owner and his son. |
Oct 1993 | Assiut | The murder of a Coptic secret service policeman |
Oct 1993 | Dayrout | he murder of a Coptic pharmacist and wounding others in an attack by Islamic radical militant. |
October, 1993 | Assiut | Wounding of a Coptic pharmacist in an attack by Islamic radical militant |
Oct 1993 | Assiut | The murder of a Coptic policeman. |
12/2/94 | Telwana, Menofia | The murder of Nema Malak Shafik by the son of the village head of local police Usam Talat El-Garf. |
12/3/94 | El-Dair El- Moharaq Assiut | An armed assault resulted in the death of 5 Copts. Monk Aghabious El-Moharaqi , Monk Noor Benyamin, Safwat Fayer, Labib Saeed, and Seif Shafik visitors , The assault as carried out by Gama'a Islamia radical militant group. |
Sept 94 | MahrasMalawi | Murder of Sami Nagib Mahroos following his failure to pay Jezya (Protection money to Muslim fundamentalist) |
4/10/94 | Mir, El-Qusia | Murder and burglary of two jewelers in their home next to Mir police station. |
Nov. 94 | MahrasMalawi | Murder of Osama Kamel Nagib, Nadi Nagib Shenoda, Mikhaeel Farag Hennes following there failure to pay Jezya (Protection money to Muslim fundamentalist) |
Dec 94 | Nawai,Malawi | Murder of Fahmy Farag Ibrahim following his failure to pay Jezya (Protection money to Muslim fundamentalist) |
Dec 94 | ElEdedara, Malawi | Murder of Azmi Mokhtar Aziz following his failure to pay Jezya (Protection money to Muslim fundamentalist) |
Dec 94 | Tanda Malawi | Murder of Sadek Ibrahim Khalil following his failure to pay Jezya (Protection money to Muslim fundamentalist) |
Jan 95 | Nawai,Malawi and Abu-Qorqas | Murder of Yossef Bisali Botros, Ishak Henin, Refaat Kamal Kamel following there failure to pay Jezya (Protection money to Muslim fundamentalist) |
Feb 95 | Malawi | Murder of Nabil Serwal Kostantin following his failure to pay Jezya (Protection money to Muslim fundamentalist) |
March 95 | AbuQorqas | Murder of Hanna Faris Mikhael following his failure to pay Jezya (Protection money to Muslim fundamentalist) |
April 95 | Malawi | Murder of Safwat Thabet Kiwan, Kamal Nagib Bolis, Reda Khalil Amin following there failure to pay Jezya (Protection money to Muslim fundamentalist) |
April 95 | Samalot | Murder Samir Zakhari Yonan following his failure to pay Jezya (Protection money to Muslim fundamentalist) |
May 95 | Malawi | Murder of Elia Nagib Metri following his failure to pay Jezya (Protection money to Muslim fundamentalist) |
May 95 | Hoor, Malawi | Murder of Dr Safwat Zakher Fana following his failure to pay Jezya (Protection money to Muslim fundamentalist) |
May 95 | Nazlet Garies, AbuQurka | Murder of Zakhlol Zarif following his failure to pay Jezya (Protection money to Muslim fundamentalist) |
June 96 | Tanda Abu Qurqas | Murder of Khairi Guirguis El-Dab’a (Pharmacist) following his failure to pay Jezya (Protection money to Muslim fundamentalist) |
June 95 | Samalout Minya | Murder of Zarif Mahfouz following his failure to pay Jezya (Protection money to Muslim fundamentalist) |
Sept 95 | Malawi | Murder of Emad Raouf and Sherif Shawki Nagiub (Jewelers) following his failure to pay Jezya (Protection money to Muslim fundamentalist) |
Sept 95 | Malawi and near-by villages | 3 separate Murders of Sami Shehata Kamel from Nazlet El-Badraman, Zarif Anwar Matta from Malawi, and Emad Danial Wassef from Kalandool following their failure to pay Jezya (Protection money to Muslim fundamentalist) |
12/2/96 | Kafr-Demiana El-Sharqeya | Following rumors spread by the Muslim guard of St Mary church “Shabaan El-Deeb” that the priest is building a room inside the church, this was followed by another rumor from the nearby mosques that the guard is being killed by electrocution by the Copts, an assault on homes and store shops of Copts, resulted n looting and destroying the whole Christian village 42 houses, shops, animals, crops and its Church. |
Feb 96 | Abu-Qurqas | Murder of Awad Sharobbem Tanas following his failure to pay Jezya (Protection money to Muslim fundamentalist) |
20/2/96 | Sahel SelimAssiut | Three gunmen, alleged members of al-Gama al-Islamiya, reportedly attacked a house in the village of Sahel Salim and killed two Coptic Christian brothers, Nabil Wasat Bashta, aged 29, and Girgis aged 13. |
Feb 96 | Abu-Qurqas | Murder of Habil Labib Abdel-Saied following his failure to pay Jezya (Protection money to Muslim fundamentalist) |
24/2/96 | El-Badary Assiut | The murder of 5 Copts in Ezbet Al-Akbat, El-Badary. |
July 96 | EtleedimAbu-Qurqas | Murder of Mohsen Wadi’ee Guiguis and Ehab Amin Ghobrial following their failure to pay Jezya (Protection money to Muslim fundamentalist) |
Aug 96 | Nazlet GarieesAbu-Qurqas | 3 Murders of William Fadel Guirguis, Taie’e Sam Asaad and Osama Fadel Asaad following their failure to pay Jezya (Protection money to Muslim fundamentalist) |
Sept 96 | MintootAbu-Qurqas | Murder of Samir Nassiffollowing his failure to pay Jezya (Protection money to Muslim fundamentalist) |
Oct 96 | Bani –EbeidAbu-Qurqas | Murder of Zakher Youssef Zakher and Saeed Zakher Youssef following their failure to pay Jezya (Protection money to Muslim fundamentalist) |
Oct 96 | Globa | Murder of Dr Michel Ayad Henes following his failure to pay Jezya (Protection money to Muslim fundamentalist) |
12/2/97 | El-Fekrya Abo Qurqas | An armed assault on a Coptic church during Sunday school service, resulted in murdering 10 parishioner inside the church. The following day 3 more Copts were killed near Kom El-Zohair Village. |
23/4/97 | El-Minya | The murder of 2 Copts, one of which is a policeman no one arrested by the police. |
13/3/97 | Ezbet Daood Nagaa Hamady | The murder of 8 Copts in Ezbet Daood, attack took place at random and on a tailors shop, 4 Muslims also were killed. |
14/8/98 | El-Kosheh I Sohag | The murder of 2 Coptic youths in a homicide case and the wounding of 2 other Copts, was dramatically evolved into a sectarian attack on Copts in the village It resulted in the arrest and torture of 1200 Coptic children, women, elders and men on the hand of the local police authorities, prevent charges on the Moslems perpetrators of the gruesome homicide of the Copts. |
11/10/98 | Sohag Arrest and Charge of Bishop Wessa | Because of their reporting of the “El- Kosheh Incident” to human rights NGO’s, Bishop Wessa of Balina and two Coptic priests have been arrested and accused of spreading matters damaging to nation unity and social peace (Article 86 penal code), using religion to incite strife and damaging to nation unity and social peace (Article 98 penal code), attempting to influence the outcome of a court case and investigation (Article 171, 187 penal code), delivering an insult or criticism while carrying out their duties as priests (Article201 penal code), and presenting false information in an investigation (Article 145 penal code). |
9/5/1999 | Sohag | After an investigation by the Egyptian government of the “El-Koshuha Incident,” charges of brutality and torture against the four police officers were dropped and the case was officially closed. This was despite the large volume of evidence to the contrary that is said to exist. In addition, each of the four officers were given cash rewards of 1000 Egyptian pounds for their cooperation in the case. |
10/12/99 | Awlad Toq Sharq, Sohag | A group of Muslim men attacked the Church of Mare-Guirguis. The armed men fired randomly at the building, which was being renovated. The attack caused parts of the building to collapse and damaged a crane used in construction. |
13/12/99 | Assiut | A group of Muslims attacked construction workers who were building a fence at the First Evangelical Church in Assiut. The workers were forced to leave and were threatened with death if they resumed their work. |
2/1/2000 | El-Kosheh | 21 Christians were mudered in cold blood "Wikipedia link" in the worst sectarian violence to hit Egypt in two decades. Christians were hunted down and murdered in their own homes and their fields by Muslims fundamentalists during heavy police presence and a curfew started 2 days earlier. The pretext of the violence was a financial dispute between a Muslim customer and a Christian shopkeeper in El-Kosheh. The Muslim and his brothers later attacked the Christian’s shop and incited the muslim mobs which looted and burned Christian homes, stores, and factories. At least 44 people were injured in addition to those who were killed during the 3 days of violence. The murdered Christians were killed in their homes or hunted down in the fields. 96 people were arrested and charged with looting and arson. After a trial and Retrial four Muslims were given jail terms of up to ten years by a court in southern Egypt; non of the sentence was relatedto the murder of Christians. The Murder of the innocent went unpunished, this case was a typical example of the collusion of the Egyptian government agencies (The police who failed to provide evedince to court) and the Muslim Fundamentalists, it high lights the persecution and discrimination of some of the government agancies against Copts. Pope Shenouda slammed the not guilty verdict |
7/2/00 | Cairo | Egypt’s state security prosecutors filed attempted murder charges against a Coptic village priest, accusing him of provoking the violence which killed 21 Christians in El-Kosheh village over New Year’s weekend. Father Gabriel Abdul Masih, 35, was booked in a Cairo court February 7 on charges of attempted murder, conspiracy to commit murder, leading a mob attack, looting and damaging property, and possession of unlicensed weapons and ammunition. After 10 hours of interrogations, the priest was released on bail and allowed to return to his parish at the Angel Michael Church in El-Kosheh. The priest denied the allegations and noted he was not even in El-Kosheh that Sunday morning, when witnesses accused him of leading rioters. In fact, he was meeting with the two heads of security for Sohag governate, requesting their intervention in the mob violence that occurred in the village after a dispute between a Christian merchant and his Muslim customer |
28/2/00 | El-Tor Sinai | Egyptian security forces from the State Security Intelligence (SSI) raided a church service at the St. Mark Coptic Orthodox Church in Al Tor, southern Sinai. The worshippers were forced outside and the doors were welded shut. The security forces also damaged the marble Sacrament table and stole the Holy Altar vessels. Several Christians sent telegraphs to the President, complaining about the incident. They later found out that none of their telegraphs had been sent as the post office officials were forbidden from doing so by the SSI. |
5/6/00 | Sohag | Shaiboub William Arsal was convicted of the double murder of his cousin and friend in the El-Kosheh incident of August 1998. It is reported that Arsal was hung from a window by his arms and legs for 34 days in order to get him to testify against another suspect. When he refused, Arsal himself was accused of the crime, even though he had two alibis. He was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor |
7/6/00 | Cairo | State Security Intelligence officers arrested Christian Aziz Tawfik Rezkalah on the charge of preaching the gospel to a Muslim. This was Mr. Rezkalah fourth arrest in four years. During each arrest Mr. Rezkalah was stripped naked and taken to interrogation where he was beaten and tortured with electric shock. Mr. Rezkalah is the head of a Coptic Orthodox organization which teaches Coptic Christians about their faith. |
6/7/00 | Sohag | Sourial Gayed Isshak was sentenced to three years of hard labor in prison. The Coptic Christian man was found guilty of “insulting one of the heavenly religions” because of statements he uttered on December 30 in El-Kosheh. Mr. Isshak was the only person sentenced in relation to the El-Kosheh incident ,. The other 4 Muslims charged, their charge were in relation to the killing of a Muslim by another Muslim accidentally and cases of arson outside El-Kosheh. |
26/7/00 | El-Ayat | Coptic Christian Fakhri Ayyad Mus’ad was shot to death when local Muslims discovered he was building a church in a nearby field. Three other men were also injured. |
28/8/00 | Kaser Rashwan El Fayoum | Five hundred Moslems attacked and destroyed a small church at the village of Kaser Rashwan, in the city of Tamyah, El Fayoum province. The rioters also destroyed 7 homes owned by Christians and injured 4 Christians with serious injuries in the village. The incident started when a 13 years old young Moslem boy got in an argument with a Christian young boy who is 12 year old. |
6/2/01 | The release of the murderers of El-Kosheh Sohag | 57 Muslims and 32 Christians stood trial on charges ranging from murder to looting during the violence in El-Kosheh in early January 2000. Twenty-one Christians and one Muslim were killed in El-Kosheh after a dispute between Muslims and Christians escalated. Of thirty-eight Muslims being tried for murder, only four of them received a sentence. The harshest sentence, 10 years imprisonment, was handed down to Mayez Amin Abdel Rahim for “accidental” homicide of a Muslim and possessing an illegal weapon. Three other Muslims were sentenced to less than 3 years each for setting a tractor-trailer on fire. The judge justified the lack of convictions by saying there was not sufficient evidence and it was unclear which suspects had committed which crimes. Instead he laid the responsibility for the violence on three Coptic priests, Fr. Gabriel, Fr. Bessada and Fr. Isaac, for failing to break up the original quarrel. Coptic Christians are outraged by the court’s decision and say this verdict paves the way for more violence against Copts. |
5/4/01 | Cairo | After 5 years a Christian widow continues to battle for custody of her children. The children of Fayza Abd El-Shaheed Tawfiq are considered Muslims because their father had converted to Islam for a period between 1990 and 1995. In 1995 Emad Ayad Bishay returned to the Christian faith and died shortly thereafter. However, because his official identity card listed him as Muslim, his children are also considered Muslims and as such, under law, should be put in the custody of Muslim guardians. |
16/12/01 | Al-Ubor | The mayor of Al-Ubor City ordered a newly built church to be destroyed by the police force. The mayor claimed the church had been illegally constructed even though the church had official permission to build. No investigation of the mayor was ever carried out |
10/2/02 | Bani Wellmes, El-Minya | A newly built church was attacked by armed Muslims who were angered by the ringing of the church bells. The Church of the Virgin Mary in Bani Wellmes, El-Minya, as well as the 35 homes, were burned during the incident. Several people were also injured as fighting broke out between the Muslim attackers and Christians trying to defend the church. |
11/2/02 | Bani Wellmes, El-Minya | Father Luka Ibrahim Sargious was arrested on the charge of firing a hunting rifle during the incident at Bani Wellmes on February 10, 2002 (see below). However, none of the Muslim attackers were arrested. |
19/2/02 | Patmos Centre | Patmos Christian center 30 kilometers east of Cairo was partially razed by the Egyptian army and several people were beaten, including a teacher whose arm was broken. The Patmos Centre, which serves mentally and handicapped children and orphans, is a legally registered organization that has been functioning for the last 14 years. The Center was also attacked in 1996, 1997 and 2001. |
7/5/02 | Cairo | Hisham Samir Abdel Latif Ibrahim, a Muslim background believer, was arrested in Cairo for falsifying his identity documents and “reviling Islam.” He reportedly changed his religious affiliation from Muslim to Christian by obtaining a new birth certificate under a Christian name. Ibrahim was interrogated for 52 days by the State Security Investigation. |
17/2/03 | Cairo | A female Christian convert and her husband were arrested at the airport as they tried to leave the country. Naglaa Hassan Ibrahim became a Christian in 1996 and later married Malak Gawargios, a Christian. According to authorities they are being imprisoned because of a forged passport and ID card. Naglaa’s passport identifies her a Christian while the ID could not be changed and still lists her as a Muslim. Under Egyptian law Christian men may not marry Muslim women. Thus, Naglaa is being pressured to return to Islam and raise her two children as Muslims. |
27/2/03 | Cairo acquittal of El-Kosheh suspect at the court of cassation | The re-trial of 96 suspects charged with murder and other atrocities stemming from rioting in El-Kosheh in January 2000 mirrored an earlier verdict in which all but four people were acquitted. One of those found guilty had his sentence increased from 10 to 15 years for killing a Muslim (the only one who died in the clashes). Three others were found guilty of setting a truck on fire. Capturing the sentiments of the entire Christian community, Coptic Bishop Wissa stated: “If those accused are really innocent, where are the real killers? The 21 Christians who were so brutally murdered in January 2000 did not kill themselves.” |
5/4/03 | Patmos Center | The Christian-run Patmos Center, a center for physically and mentally handicapped children, was again targeted by Egyptian troops who came in armored vehicles with tear gas and a bulldozer (see February 19, 2002). Workers parked cars in front of the vehicles and laid down in their path to prevent destruction to the center. Patmos Center leaders believe they are being targeted in retaliation for the US war in Iraq. |
19/8/03 | Red Sea St. Antonious Monastery | the Governor of Red Sea Province ordered Central Security Guards units to remove a fence around St. Antonious Coptic Monastery, perhaps the oldest in the world. The wall had been built to protect the monks from Islamic extremists after a previous attack on another Christian monastery and the murder of some monks. Several dozen members of the Security Forces and paramilitary police were involved, using 11 bulldozers and over 20 trucks. |
19/9/03 | Assiut | Central Security Forces in Assiut surrounded the historic St. George’s Church during morning service, stopped people entering and ordered them to leave. Some Coptic groups say that some Guards threw the sacrament on the ground and stepped on it, and several deacons were arrested. |
27/9/03 | Giza | 19 year-old Ingy Nagy Edwar, from Giza, disappeared. When the family complained to the police, they were told that she had converted to Islam and was staying in the house of a Muslim, and the police refused to return her to the family, despite the fact that Egyptian law does not allow a daughter under the age of 21 to marry or convert without the permission of her father. |
7/11/03 | Gerza, El-Ayat | a Muslim mob several thousand strong attacked a number of Christians in the town of Gerza, south of Cairo. Homes, crops and businesses were destroyed and several people were injured, with at least five hospitalized. Islamic militants were protesting proposals to converting a Christian library into a church |
18/10/03 | Alexandria | Egypt’s state security police arrested and tortured a Christian couple of Muslim background, along with 11 other Egyptian citizens accused of forging Christian identity papers for former Muslims. The police action apparently came after the wife was implicated in a complaint extorted under police torture that she had helped another Egyptian woman secure false identity papers. At least 10 more Christians have since been detained and subjected to torture in the sweep |
2/12/03 | Alexandria | The Christian husband of a Muslim convert to Christianity has been apprehended trying to leave Egypt. He was then held in the custody of a notoriously cruel and vindictive security official. On Friday 28 November Egyptian Christian Bolis Rezek-Allah was arrested trying to leave the country. This was a desperate attempt to escape the mounting persecution he is suffering at the hands of the Egyptian authorities because of his marriage to Enas Badawi |
18/11/03 | Patmos Center | An Egyptian army unit attacked the Patmos Center for handicapped children. Using a bulldozer and firing tear gas, they destroyed portions of the outer wall.(see 19/2/02 and 5/4/03) |
4/1//04 | Mahala el Kobra | An18-year-old Ingy Helmy Georgy Labib was abducted while shopping in Mahala el Kobra. The police refused to file a report, and later said that she would officially convert to Islam |
5/1/04 | Patmos Center | The army attacked the Patmos Center again and one Copt was killed and two wounded. In addition, a Coptic nun was beaten and injured by soldiers.(see 19/2/02, 5/4/03, 18/11/03) |
26/1/04 | Saini | Four Coptic students, ages 19-20, who had in their possession a number of Bibles and other Christian material were arrested for “disturbing national unity and threatening social peace”. They were detained without trial for over two months before the charges against them were dropped finally and were only freed on 3 April. |
3/12/04 | Mankateen, Samalout | The attack on Christians and their properties followed a rumour perpetrated by the local mayor that the local Christians will convert the building they for funerals and weddings as a place for prayers to become a church (The building of the only church the 5000 Christians were going to have was stopped 1977 by the local police for security reasons) |
2/5/04 | Taha El Amodeen, El Minya | Five Christians were arrested in the early hours of Sunday 2 May in the village of Taha El Amodeen, El Minya. Sixty-four year old Father Ibrahim Mikhael and four others were charged with the unlawful construction of a church. Part of the fence had collapsed during a storm. The officer, Ahmed Kelani, went to the church at 1 a.m. after a Muslim villager informed the police station of the efforts of the five men to repair the fence. The arrested men were bound and placed in the back of a rented vehicle. Kelani ordered the vehicle’s driver to get out and took control of the truck himself. As the vehicle approached the brink of the Ibrahimiya Canal, Kelani jumped out. Father Mikhael and two other Christians (Mahrous and Nasef) were killed, while the other two remain in a critical condition in hospital. The Officer Ahmed Kelani was sentenced to one year imprisonment for causing death by accident. |
30/12/04 | Demshaw Hashem-Minia Province | Following spread of rumours by Muslims in Demshaw Hashem village that Christians who are a minority in this village were about to turn a house into a church, Muslim fanatics attacked the Christian families in the house, injuring three, one of them died shortly following transfer to hospital. No churches has been allowed so far. |
14/5/05 | Cairo | Gaser Mohammad Mahmoud locked up in mental hospital in Cairo for converting to Christianity |
28/6/05 | Ibwan village Minya | The attack was carried out on Protestant church by local police according to the local pasture Nasser Rushdi Tawadroos report to Alkalema centre on 28/6/05 who reported the police broke the front door under the supervision of the local police chief, the police chief insulted the pasture and his family. Now the church has been allowed to be used but no official permission has been issued. |
22/10/05 | Alexandria | Some 5,000 angry Muslims protesters rioted and clashed with police in the Mediterranean city of Alexanderia several times on 22nd October 2005 attacking Christians and their properties demanding an apology from Coptic Pope Shenuda III over the release of a DVD deemed offensive to Islam. Rioters stabbed a nun destroyed tens of Christians own shops, abused and spat on Christians and intimidated Christians in the streets of Alexandria |
12/12/05 | Kafr Salama | Members of Muslim Brotherhood group , attacked the houses, shops and properties of Christians. after a fight between a Christian and a Muslim in the village, during which the father of the latter dropped dead after going into a diabetic coma when he watched the fight.After a meeting between Secretary General of the governorate, NDP and families, a verdict that a compensation of half a million Egyptian pound has to be paid the victim, the family has to leave the village. |
18/1/06 | UdaysaatLuxor | Christians in Udayasaat , heard that they can start praying at an old church which was closed several years earlier. This was followed by a deadly extremist attacks against a group of Copts worshipping at the church the day prayers were suppose to start .It was notable when the province Head of Police came to the church after the Muslim riot and burning started, he threatened and abused the local priest and told the local priest that he came to insured the church is not going to be reopened. One Copt, Kamal Shaker died from a strike of an axe on the back of the head and a child of eight died of chock with at least nineteen other people injured and hospitalized for treatment. |
20/2/06 | Ezbet Wassef Ghali Basha villageAyat. | A decision from the province’s Governor to open the old church for prayers was announced. The radicalized Muslim population started to attack the Christian homes. Police curfew was imposed on Christians only. Muslims of the village caused 14 injuries among the Christians and burned 10 Christians homes and lost several livestock which were burned alive by Muslims, curfew was imposed by police on Christians who were cut off for days. |
5/4/06 | Faw BahariDishna, sohag | 4 houses were burnt, two shops belonging to Christians were looted following a repair to the old Christian Association building which was sanctioned by the authorities. Police arrived with a small number of personnel and was unable to control the riot. |
14/4/06 | Alexandria | churches were attacked in the city of Alexandria. The churches attacked were:- 1. The church of St. George, in Al Hadra.2. The church of St. Mark and St.Peter the Seal of the Martyrs, in Sidi Beshir.3. The church of St. Mary and St. John the Beloved, in Jenaklis.worshippers in the church were surprised by a person carrying two weapons, one in each hand, at the main gate of the church. The attacker started stabbing and slashing worshippers as they were coming out of the main gate, During the attack the attacker was heard to shouting Islamic religious statements. One person was killed, when the perpetrator was arrested and taken to court, he was described him as being ‘mentally unstable’ he was put in mental asylum. |
27/6/06 | Zakazik | Fouad Fawzi Tawfik was murdered in cold blood in his shop at the hands of an ex convict Muslim fundamentalist who stabbed him several times, uttered some Islamic religious verses and left the shop. |
15/9/06 | Saft Ellaban Minya | Mamdouh Hanna Tawadros was killed by Muslim fanatics Mohammed Nazim Abulqader who changed the irrigation canal dirction to his land depriving Mamdouh. Mamdouh complained to Mohammed but Mohammed did not take notice, them Mamdouh complained to the police who questioned Mohammed, who decided to kill Mamdouh, the murder took place in the middle of the village by Mohammed and 3 of his relatives. |
9/3/07 | Cairo,Imbaba | Atta Attia and his son Magdy, were gunned down in front of their home by a group of Muslims who were waiting to murder them. The District Attorney investigating the case did not prosecute any of the Muslim attackers, but rather accused Attia's second son, Essmat, of carrying a weapon, even though no weapon was found. As usual, the Egyptian authorities sought to protect the perpetrators and punish the victims. |
04/06/07 | El-Mahala El-Kobra | Amir Abdula Andrawis (Teacher-28 years old) was killed in the city of El Mahala El Koubra by 26 fatal stabs. The killer, Mahmoud Kamal Mahmoud Elzayat (Furniture maker- 27 years old) is the son of the house owner where Amir’s family lives. This murder happened as Mahmoud Kamal Mahmoud Elzayat wanted to force Amir’s family to leave the flat in the house the Muslim Family owned. Although this attack was NOT part of a campaign but it shows how Christian life is cheap in Egypt and Christians could be easily killed for trivial reasons. |
25/2/08 | Bashteel | Moa'wad Fadl 33y the only son was slaughtered in his jewellay shop in mid day by a Muslim fundamentalist and veiled women. Police failed to find the perpitrators. |
01/05/08 | Maghagha | Nabil Zaki was murdered at the hands of large crowd of 35 Muslim fanatics because Nabil Failed to get permission to collect his crops from his own land. |
28/05/08 | Zytoun, Cairo | Four Coptic Christians have been shot dead in broad daylight at a jewellery shop in a busy district of the Egyptian capital, Cairo. The assailants "two men in wigs and sunglasses" carried out the attack killing Makram Salib "Shop owner", Amir Mikhaeel, Bolis Helmy, Makram Nosair |
05/06/08 | Dafash, Minya | Milad Farag, a 23-year-old Copt, was stabbed by a 22-year-old Muslim Khamis Eid. The murded of a Christian in Egypt is not taken seriously by the Egyptian police, most attacks goes unpunished and a false pretext given. |
09/10/08 | El-Tayaba Samallout district Minya province | Yeshua Gamal Nashed 27-year-old was killed in cold blood by a stray bullet as fighting brook out in the village. A staged fight between two Muslim families and an attempt to beak into a timber warehouse own by a Christian who prevented Muslim mobs from using his time in the fight was followed by attacks on Christian houses and shops, one chemist where some Christian houses wre set a light. |
06/03/09 | Damas, Met Ghamr, Dakahlia | Sabri Shihata 25y was burned alive by Yasser Ahmed Qasim for allegedly having a relatioship with his sister. Sabri's father 60y was later stabbed to death by a mob of Muslim fanatics. |
11/03/09 | Kafr Naiem, Benha | 28-year-old Copt Wagih Maurice Barzi body was found floating on the waters of the Nile. The male body's feet and hands were tied with rope in a squat position, and his face and head bandaged.The heinous crime was committed by a Muslim killer who posed as a police officer, deluded his partners in crime under the pretext that his sister was harassed by the Coptic victim. |
16/09/09 | Behmay, Bagor, Menofia | Mr Abdo Georgy 64y blacksmith, was hit and stabbed from the back, stabbed in his abdomen and then slautghtered in the middle of the street by an islamist called Usama Nasr Orban " his real name is Galal Nasr El-Dardiri. The murder was in cold blood and unprovoked. Video of the funeral from Free Copts Video |
27/09/09 | Dalga, Der Mowas | Hanna Amir Rezq (26) was stabbedas he and his relatives decided to change the taxi as there were going to attend engagment of a relative |
18/10/2009 | Attaleen Assuit province | Farouk Henry Attallah, 61 was shot dead while walking in the village. the murder was prompted by rumours that Attallah's son had taken intimate pictures of a muslim girl and distributed them through cellular phones and CDs, the killers fired 31 bullets to his head before beheading him, all his 4 murderers were aquitted on 22/2/10 by Dairout Criminal court. |
06/01/2010 | Nag Hamadi | As Copts were leaving church following mid night Christmas mass Three men in a car sprayed automatic gunfire into a crowd of churchgoers in southern Egypt as they left a midnight Mass for Coptic Christmas, killing at least seven people in a drive-by shooting, the names of the martyers are Abanob Kamal Nashed, Bola Atef, Rafik Refat, Ayman Zakaria, Mina Helmy, Bishoy Samuel two be followed be other two died later from their wound. |
19/02/2010 | Teta, Menoufia | Malak Saad 25 years old was shot dead by the guard used the bathroom inside the meeting hall aapparantly as he had come outside of the building when he exchanged a few words with Saad and shot him at close range. The government sources lied by saying the death was accidental as the guard was cleaning his rifle. |
24/11/2010 | Omraniya, Giza | Two demonstrators were killed and dozens injured on Wednesday as Coptic Christian protesters clashed with Egyptian police over the denial of permission for a new church, a security official said. A security official told AFP a young male protestor was killed during the protests and that a senior police officer was among the injured. The dead protester was identified as Makarios Gad Shukr, 19. A second man was killed following the al-Omraneyya church riots on Wednesday, after he was shot in the stomach. Milad Malak Soliman, who died on Friday, was hospitalized in al-Haram district, after he was shot on Wednesday. The police ordered the autopsy of the body. |
01/01/11 | Alexandria, Al-Qidiseen church. | At least 21 dead and more than 70 injured after bomb explodes outside al-Qidiseen Coptic church in Alexandria the number of killed rose to 23 the killing was intially blamed on a car bomb but later the government blamed suicide bomber to make the killing blamed on Al-Qaeda video of the burging car with nearby people shouting allahakbar.. |
11/01/2011 | Samalot-Minya | An off-duty policeman boarded a train and opened fire on Tuesday, killing a 71-year-old Christian man and wounding his wife and four others, the Interior Ministry said. The attack, less than two weeks after the suicide bombing of a church killed 21, sparked new demonstrations by enraged Christians who pelted police with stones in southern Egypt. |
24/01/2011 | Omraniya, Giza | Two demonstrators were killed and dozens injured on Wednesday as Coptic Christian protesters clashed with Egyptian police over the denial of permission for a new church, a security official said. A security official told AFP a young male protestor was killed during the protests and that a senior police officer was among the injured. The dead protester was identified as Makarios Gad Shukr, 19. A second man was killed following the al-Omraneyya church riots on Wednesday, after he was shot in the stomach. Milad Malak Soliman, who died on Friday, was hospitalized in al-Haram district, after he was shot on Wednesday. The police ordered the autopsy of the body. |
30/01/11 | Sharona Minya | 11 people from the same family were killed at the hands of a Muslim mob Two Islamists groups, aided by the Muslim neighbors, descended on the roof of houses owned by Copts, killing eleven Copts, including children, and seriously injuring four others. |
23/02/2011 | Assiut | Priest Fr Banoub Thabet was stabbed in his own home neighbours reported seeing several masked men leaving the apartment and shouting "Allahu akbar," or "God is great," suggesting the killing was motivated by the divide between Egypt's Muslims and its minority Coptic community |
07/05/11 | Imbaba
| Series of attacks took place against Coptic Christian churches in Imbaba the attacks began when the Salafis atorched the Coptic Orthodox church of Saint Mina, where they alleged a Christian woman was being held against her will because she wanted to convert to Islam.[2][3][4] 15 people were killed in the attacks, and about 232 injured.[3][5][6][7][8][9] Apartments and shops belonging to the Christians were also torched and destroyed.[8][3] Salafies went on to attach St Mary Church in the same area.
27/07/2011 | Nazlet Roman | Ramez Wadee and Nabil Ishak were killed in cold blood as they returned from a wedding in near by village 1 2 3 |
08/08/2011 | Nazlet Faragalla | Maher Nassif Tobia was killed following Muslims of the village attacked Christians and burning 6 Christian homes. The attack followed on after a Muslim man on a bicycle hit a Christian passer by. The men burst into Nassif’s house, shot him in the head and slit his throat while his teenage son watched from under a bed where he was hiding |
09/10/11 | Maspero Cairo | Most savage, horrific and brutal killing of Coptic protesters by the Egyptian police and army of peaceful Coptic demonstrator who marched peacefully to demand an end to their persecution. The staged killing started by throwing stones by individuals most likely plain cloth police and their Salafi servants followed by firing of shots . This was followed by the Egyptian army armoured vehicles ploughing into the protesters killing and badly mutilating 12 of the 28 killed |
16/11/11 | Malawi | Ayman Nabil Labib was murdered at school by classmates at Malawi Al-Tagribia secondry school because he was wearing crusifix, he refused to take off his crucifix . “The teacher nearly choked my son and some Muslim students joined in the beating,” said his mother. |
28/11/11 | ElGhorayzat village-Sohag | Angry Muslims murdered two Christian brothers, Kamel Tamer Ibrahim (55) and Kameel Tamer Ibrahim (50) as well as some Salafists torched a store and the home of a Copt. The events started on Monday, November 28, when John Hosni, a building supplier, had a quarrel with his neighbor, Mahmoud Abdel-Nazeer (48), over some steel rods and cement Mr. Hosni had left in the street to use for erecting a wall around his house. This was perceived by Mr. Abdel-Nazeer as extending the home into the street |
26/01/12 | Bahgourah | Two Copts were killed in the village of Bahgourah, a suburb of Nag Hammadi after a Muslim racketeer opened fire on them for refusing to pay him extortion money.Coptic building contractor Moawad Asaad and his son Assad both were killed instantly. |
06/04/13 | Qaliubia | Cairo (AINA) -- Clashes between Muslims and Christians erupted yesterday in the Al-Khosous district of Qaliubia province. According to reports, 4 Coptic Christians and one Muslim were killed. The violence broke out after swastikas were drawn on the side of a mosque wall. The Muslims claimed the swastikas were drawn by Christian children, but the Qaliubia security forces manager, Mohamad Yousry , said it was two Muslim children who drew the swastikas and that the mosque Imam chided them. Link |
17/05/13 | Dekheila-Alexandria | Sedky Sherif (36) died in the violence that broke out in the Dakhela district of Alexandria on 17 May. Muslims launched an attack on a church after an accusation was made against a local Christian man. |
7/7/2013 | Saini and Luxor | Horrific murder of 5 Christians in cold blood took place one of a priest in North Saini and 4 in Luxor, Emil Naseem Saroufeem, 42 was supporter of Tamarod who ousted Morsi from presidency, was chased by Muslim Brothers supporters and escaped briefly when two relatives, Mouhareb Noushy Habib, 38, and Romany Noushy, 33, hid him The rabble caught up with the three Christians in the apartment of Rasem Tawadrous Aqladios, 56. Saroufeem and Aqladios were bludgeoned to death. The other two, Habib and Noushy, died when they were beaten and repeatedly stabbed. |
4/9/13 | Qusiya- Assiut | Wahid Jacob, a young Christian deacon who used to serve in St. John the Baptist Church, part of the Qusiya diocese in Asyut, Egypt. He was kidnapped on August 21 by “unknown persons” who demanded an exorbitant ransom from his impoverished family — 1,200,000 Egyptian pounds (equivalent to $171,000 USD). Because his family could not raise the sum, he was allegedly executed |
21/09/13 | Sahel-Selim Assiut | Muslim militants fired bullets at the house of Emad Damian, 50, while he was at home with his cousin Medhat Damian, 37, in the village of Sahel Selim in Assuit Province. Both men died in the September 12 attack. Two days before the shooting, Emad reportedly received a phone call from Ashraf Ahmed Mohammed Khalajah, described by villagers as "a Muslim gang leader and registered criminal." |
21/10/13 | Waraq-Cairo | Cairo — Gunmen on a motorbike shot dead three people late Sunday, including an eight-year-old girl, as they fired on a group outside a Coptic Christian church in Cairo, Egypt's interior ministry said. The attack was the first such assault targeting Christians in the Egyptian capital since the military coup that ousted Islamist president Mohamed Morsi on July 3. The following day the numbers of dead increased to 4. |
08/01/14 | Ain Shames Cairo | “A young Coptic Christian man has died from gunshot injuries in Egypt’s capital Cairo, after three local hospitals turned him away, Christians said Tuesday, January 6. Ihab Ghattas, 23, reportedly died on New Year’s Eve from a gunshot wound to the head because of ‘negligence’ as the hospitals which refused to treat him, said Copts activist group Maspero Youth Union (MYU). |
24/02/14 | Libya, Banighazi | Killed by Muslim Brotherhood. Seven Egyptian Christians found dead near Benghazi, The bodies of seven Egyptian Christians have been found on a beach near the Libyan city of Benghazi, officials say.They died after being shot in the head and chest, security officials said |
28/03/14 | Ain-Shams Cairo | Killed by Muslim Brotherhood. During Muslim Brotherhood demo , Mary Sameh George was identified as Christian by the cross she was wearing. After Dragging Her From Car she was stabed several times in her neck and shot in the head.![]() |
08/04/14 | Minya | English teacher Ashraf Atef Hanna shot by the teenage brother of one of his students at Marzouk Prep School in the village of Marzouk in Minya Province, succumbed to injuries from the shooting on Tuesday (April 8).According to human rights activists and local media sources, the teacher caught one of his students smoking in class. When the teacher told the boy to stop smoking, the Muslim student cursed at the teacher and insulted him in front of class. |
- Details
Being involved is the duty of all citizens.
Copts suffered under Dhimmitude “Dhimmitude is defined by a famous activist as a pathological state of mind where a person accept to be treated as second class citizen”
For centuries therefore became apathetic and not involved. It is now time to reverse that. We Copts need to show power.
With our education, financial power and caring attitude we should have much more prominent place in the Egyptian political life.
Political Activism is based on 4 axes:
1-Political. 2- Legal 3-Media 4-support
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Section 1: Country Groups
TITLE | UK-Egypt All-Party Parliamentary Group | |||||
PURPOSE | To promote friendship and understanding between our countries and our parliaments. | |||||
OFFICERS | ||||||
Title | Name | Party | ||||
Chair Vice-Chair Treasurer Secretary | Nigel Evans Michael Clapham Graham Brady Ken Purchase | Con Lab Con Lab | ||||
Government Party | Main Opposition Party | Other | ||||
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | Jim Cousins Ken Purchase Ian Davidson Ian Stewart Dave Watts Michael Clapham Lord Corbett of Castle Vale Dr Phyllis Starkey Lord Evans of Parkside David Clelland | Nigel Evans David Wilshire Graham Brady Richard Ottaway Laurence Robertson Sir John Butterfill Eleanor Laing Cheryl Gillan | Sir Menzies Campbell Lord Jones of Cheltenham | LD LD | ||
Foreign Office Noth Africa Section Tel: 020 7270 2461
- Details
We are a group of the sons and daughters of the Coptic community in UK.
We are busy professional people not politicians.
We have been aggrieved by the injustice befallen on our Coptic people in our Motherland Egypt.
We vowed not to remain silent but to stand by what we feel is right for our people and good for Egypt.
Out of our concern and love we grouped ourselves to help
our people in the Motherland Egypt.
Our methods only employ legitimate and peaceful means.
Our means in achieving our targets are promotion of justice, equality, democracy values.
Exposing the injustice the Copts suffer.
Persuasion of the Egyptian government to reverse the injustice and to treat all citizins equally.
Moral and financial support to the Coptic victims.
And promotion of constructive dialogue with the Egyptian government agencies and moderate Muslims.
- Details
1-To raise the profile of the discrimination/persecution of Copts in their home land.
2-To provide moral, legal, financial support or any other form of legitimate support to the Copts who suffer discrimination, and/or persecution as deemed necessary.
3-To disseminate information to individuals, governments agencies, Human Rights organisations and any other interested legitimate parties as need arises.
4-To co operate with other Coptic, non-Coptic Human Rights and Christian and non Christian organisations to help achieve the above aims.
5-To provide moral, legal financial or otherwise support to Copts refugees in UK and asylum seekers in UK.
6-To achieve all above aims by peaceful means and the Christian moral code is the guide to our conduct.