حركة الأحداث في منطقة الشرق الأوسط، بدءا من زلزال 11 سبتمبر 2001 وتوابعه، وحتي أحداث "غزة" 2008 وتداعياتها، تشير إلي "نهاية" مرحلة تاريخية كاملة، وبداية مرحلة جديدة في الوقت نفسه، بدأت في التشكل، ومن ثم فإن رصد "السحب المتحركة" في الأفق، بين النهاية والبداية، الانفصال والاتصال، الانقطاع والاستمرار في هذه اللحظة الراهنة، يصبح أمرا حيويا.
ضربُ من السخف أن يحسم البعض الحديث والحوار عما يتعرض له الأقباط في مصر من عنتٍ وظلمٍ وعدوانٍ وتهديدٍ بأن النظام السياسي والحكومة لا يمارسان أي إضطهاد ضد الأقباط . فأنا كمراقب للشأن القبطي وكدارس للمسيحية وتاريخها في مصر ولوضعية الأقباط في المجتمع المصري خلال القرنين الأخيرين وحتى هذه اللحظة أكاد أُجزم بأن إضطهاد الأقباط ليس سياسة للنظام أو للحكومة . ولكن ذلك لا ينفي وجود المشكلة بل ولا ينفي وجود جزء على ألفٍ من حجمها المهول .
GENEVA (AP) — The U.N.'s top human-rights body approved a proposal backed by Muslims nations Thursday urging the passage of laws around the world protecting religion from criticism.
The proposal by Pakistan had drawn strong criticism from free-speech campaigners and liberal democracies.
PESHAWAR, Pakistan – A suicide bomber demolished a mosque packed with hundreds of worshippers attending Friday prayers near the Afghan border, killing at least 48 people and injuring scores more, in the bloodiest attack in Pakistan this year. The bomber struck at the climax of the service, as the mosque leader was starting the communal prayer, witnesses said.
Mark Lenihan/Associated Press Aafia Siddiqui,a neuroscientist, is accused of trying to kill American soldiers and F.B.I. agents in Afghanistan.
A federal prosecutor in Manhattan said Thursday that two government psychiatrists had concluded that a Pakistani neuroscientist charged with trying to kill American soldiers and F.B.I. agents in Afghanistan had been faking her symptoms of mental illness.
Jussi Halla-aho to stand trial for blasphemy against Allah
Believe it or not, Finland still has blasphemy laws on the books, but there have been repeated attempts to rescind Section 10 of chapter 17 of the Finnish penal code. All attempts however, at removing the anti-modern statute from the law books have proved unsuccessful, with the latest attempt failing in 1998.
The Christian faith has been and continues to be the corner stone of the identity of the Christian population of Egypt, the Copts. The Copts form the largest non-Muslim indigenous population in the Middle East, which predates the 7th century Arabs conquest with thousands of years. The Egyptian Government has been published census data for the Copts in Egypt for several decades; however the Coptic population is estimated to be about 15% of the total population of 83 million, or approximately 12.5 million and possibly more.