For the second time in a week, a Coptic Christian man has been murdered in Egypt over rumours of illicit involvement with a Muslim woman. The man’s body was found floating in the Nile. He had been abducted and tortured for nine days before being killed.
Muslim charged with setting fire to man, murdering fatherWorldNetDaily
An Egyptian Muslim is charged with setting fire to a 25-year-old Christian, murdering the victim's father and wounding his younger brother over a rumor about a romance between the young Christian and the Muslim man's sister.
London -- Nearly 600 people joined the One Law for All anti-racist rally against Sharia and religious-based laws in Britain and elsewhere and in defence of citizenship and universal rights in Trafalgar Square and marched towards Red Lion Square in London.
بعد ما نشر فى إحدى الجرائد المصرية من تكفير للأستاذة : نجلاء الإمام المحامية ، ورئيس مجلس إدارة جمعية بريق لمناهضة العنف ضد المرأة وإتهامها بالإسائه للدين الإسلامى وزوجات النبى ، وهذا لم يحدث من قريب أو ببعيد ، ونحن نؤكد على تضامنا الكامل معها من أجل ترسيخ مبادىء حقوق الإنسان والديموقراطية وإعمالاً بالماده 19 من الإعلان العالمى لحقوق الإنسان والتى تنص على :
While foreign fighters and their 'charitable' successors plant the seeds of radical Islam in Bosnia, local politicians and their followers seem bent on ensuring that the country remains a place of ethnic intolerance and division, Anes Alic and Vildana Skocajic write for ISN Security Watch.
By Vildana Skocajic and Anes Alic for ISN Security Watch
'Disgraceful' Islamist protesters plan to target more soldiers returning from Iraq
Times on line
Islamist extremists in the UK are plotting to repeat their protest of yesterday in which they held up banners labelling British troops on their homecoming parade as "cowards" and "butchers".
The Islam for the UK group, believed to be a spin-off of the extremist al-Muhajiroun, called for similar rallies against other regiments coming home following protests in Luton town centre targeting the 2nd Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment.
تسن الأقلام وتشحن الحناجر النووية للنيل من أقباط المهجر الخونة التابعين لليمين الأمريكي واليسار الإسرائيلي والوسط الأوروبي وهلما جرَّ من السباب وسيوف التخوين والتُهَم الجاهزة من الإسلاميين وجماعات التطرف والصحافة الصفراء والإخوان بمصر كما تسخر المحطات المصرية والوهابية من عقيدة الأقباط وتهلل لكل من يستهزئ بعقيدة أقباط مصر والمسلمين المخالفين أيضا "الشيعة والقرآنيين وخلافه" بإسم الدين والعلم لكسب الدهماء والغوغاء من عامة الشعب المخدر باسم الدين.